Modern grooming technique

So, we all know what hard work it can be to make our sheepies all shiny and fluffy. Lots of time and effort. Well, I've discovered a new way to cut down on the time it takes to make them fluffy--the vaccuum! Take the hose piece and vaccuum down the length of the dog...before you know it, you'll have a nice, fluffy dog, with half the effort!

Barney LOVED being vaccumed last night :roll: Cam was vaccuuming and I guess it mad him a little silly because when he got near Barns, he decided not to go around him. Barney went from his usual sitting position to his lying down, KEEP PETTING ME position with the vaccum attachment...And honestly, he really WAS fluffy! :lol:
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i guess that would work if your dog didnt attack the vacuum cleaner 8O
I'm lucky if Barney MOVES when I get near him with the vaccum. Often I'll have a Barney-shaped spot of un-vaccumed carpet. And he gives me a dirty look if I DO actually make him move. It's like he's saying, Excuse me, I'm sitting here! :roll:
panda attacks the carpet attachment...she is okay with the wood floor one, but man, with the carpet, she snarls, bites and goes balistic
I will try that on Bosley...!

He always follows me around, making sure I do it right... :roll:

Dixie is always nowhere to be found...or hidden shaking under my desk. Often she asks to go outside, and then refuses to come back for hours after it is all finished.. .Just to make sure that evil machine is really dead.
If I tried to vaccum her she would have a heart attack, I am sure.
Norman used to love being vaccumed! If you were working on the carpets and not paying attention to him, he'd push his way under your arms and the hose until you'd do him. We used to make him a punk rock dog.
Druby well tolerates being vacuumed. I use a glove like brush (made for horses) to get the biggest mud/yuck stuff out of his hair and then vacuum him.
If the hose were long enough I might be able to use that on Bella. But how much suction do you get at a mile and a half. :lol:
Tucker is OBSESSED with the vacuum. He doesn't like to be touched with it, though, he just likes to follow it around while it's on, chase it bath and forth, try to get under it, and "play" with it by barking INCESSANTLY while in the play bow position. I now have to crate him while I vacuum!!
hmmm, would take some training. Right now they move to the other end of the house or out the nearest door. I
I would like to try it but I think Obe would freak out. When it comes on he goes to his crate and stays until it is off. His safe place you know. You should see the look I get when I vacuum the bed in his crate. Likes it washed but no vacuum.
We sometimes use a hairdryer on a dry coat. It lifts and un-tangles the coat making brushing a lot easier. give it a try.
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