If our dogs had their own forum...

:lmt: What would they talk about????

:idea: My Uprights go to work EVERY day! HELP!
:idea: Stubborn owner, insists on loose leash!
:idea: how to get through to them? MORE treats!

:idea: How do I get them to sit STILL for licking?
:idea: My Dad has almost no hair...is this normal?

Rescuing a Human:
:idea: URGENT! lonely woman needs sheepie love ASAP!

You guys get the idea....add on! :wink: :D
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LOL. too tired now to be that creative... but it gave me a good laugh!!
ravenmoonart wrote:
:lmt: What would they talk about????


:idea: My uprights have a bad habit. How do I get them to stop washing off their scent every day?
:idea: My uprights waste table scraps. Help!
:idea: My uprights go potty in the house in the same spot all the time.
:idea: The stupid cell thing keeps interrupting rubs, even after I've chewed it out for being so disrespectful.
:idea: My upright greets people by touching paws without sniffing first. How rude!
:idea: My uprights talk on the cell thing while driving. -- Oh wait, is this board read by the K9s?

:idea: I think there is something wrong with my upright's nose.
:idea: My upright's tongue can barely reach her lips. Is this OK?
:idea: My uprights seem to be a little on the solid side. I try to save them by eating the food myself, but more appears.
:idea: I'm so worried about my upright -- she has to have an operation. :cry:

:idea: My uprights are the best hunters EVER!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Great for a Friday...to start the day...end the week.....

:idea: My two-legged needs to be neutered, any info would be greatly appreciated!
:idea: Upright obsessed with Animal Planet...oh wait, me too....
:idea: Doesn't sniff the remains after pottying, should I be concerned?
:idea: How do I keep the upright off MY couch?
:idea: Two-legged haircut disaster...pics to follow :lol:
:idea: How often must they be washed REALLY?????
hee hee hee. Those are good. Too early for me to add my own!

The 'my owner hardly has any hair' one cracked me up :lol:
:idea: How do I get the humans to stop wiping my beard after I get a drink?
:idea: My uprights try to run away or hide when I get the rubber ring to play tug of war with them.

:idea: My mother is obsessed with my poop and always talks about the firmness and color. Does she need to have her head examined?

:idea: My mommy's voice gets really high and excited if I wiggle my butt at her.
Medical and Nutrition:
:idea: My uprights are cold, are they sick?

:idea: My Mom always picks up my poop, I guess she gives it away as gifts.
The administrator is taking care of all your requests. :)

:idea: My uprights take uo way too much room in the bed. It makes it hard to stretch out and cool my belly.

:idea: My uprights pick up this hard plastic thing when a bell rings and start talking into it. They won't let me talk to whoever is in the plastic thing. How rude!
these are funnyyyy.
OMG! You guys are so clever! That's great stuff!!!

:idea: Help! I can't figure out how to upload a little picture of my upright.

Ron wrote:
:idea: Help! I can't figure out how to upload a little picture of my upright.


Did anyone notice the sheepie adminstrator isn't as MEAN as the upright administrator? :sidestep:
Too funny!!
:idea: My uprights are interrupting my bark training - how do I control this?

:idea: Session 1 Puppy Dog Eyes: Mon evening
:idea: Session 2 Puppy Dog Eyes: Tues evening
:idea: Session 3 Puppy Dog Eyes: Wed Evening
:idea: Puppy Dog Eye Final Exam: Succesfully use your new-found skill to aquire rare food items from your upright. Pass/Fail

:idea: Understanding the upright idea of "clothing"
:idea: IMPORTANT!! Newly discovered cat-catching techniques!

:idea: Why do they think I need a coat? Have they seen the fur?
General Chit Chat:
:idea: Why do the uprights always pin the blame on me for bad gassy smells.

:idea: My upright is obessessed with checking my butt after I potty. Is this normal behaviour or is she just nuts.


:idea: Why can't we have a thermometer in our mouths like our uprights can when checking our temperature if we aren't feeling well.
:idea: Ceasar Milan...friend or foe?
:idea: Who else is addicted to "Mearcat Manor"?

:idea: Poop...fresh vs. frozen

Advanced Behaviors and Tricks for Beginners:
:idea: Bells on the door...how to train your upright to open the door on command!
You are all way more creative than I am!! Very funny

The next Upright Fest will be held in China. The committee has already dug through their ways to China to preview the venue. If your upright have been naughty and covering up the tunnel you have started digging. Please find a more secure spot to dig. One wise committee member has suggested to dig a few different holes to divert your upright's attention.

Remember, the big day is getting close. Find your favorite spot and start digging.

See you there!
Advanced Behaviors and Tricks for Beginners:

:idea: Pepsi: I can teach you how to unlock and open doors

:idea: Rags: Learn how to make the other dogs in your house worship the ground you walk on, even if you are mean to them! :twisted:

:idea: How to prepare a cat 8O
Help!! My female upright has been diagnosed with a chronic illness called "PMS". It seems she will go for a few days feeling really well, then one day she wakes up in a bad mood and turns really aggressive, and all she does is growl at everyone. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Usually in a few days she is back to her old, mellow self, until the next time. I'm thinking about taking her to the emergency Dr. the next time this happens. Maybe they can give her a vaccination or something to help calm her nerves. I have even tried giving her a belly rub, but when she gets in one of her moods, it's best to just ignore her and put her in the kitchen or somewhere where there is a baby gate so she cannot hurt anyone. If there is not a vaccination available for this illness, I am going to check into some training classes to help "me" learn to cope with this issue. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Help needed to teach my upright to sleep right. she's a stubborn old b... and refuses to sleep on her back with legs leaning up against the wall :evil:
My uprights brought us two little brothers :evil: , are all uprights so mean?

If the uprights don't want us to have snacks why do they put snack food in something called a garbage can?

Why don't uprights trim their feet?

How come uprights sit in seats and we sit in crates when we go somewhere?

Why don't uprights bark at the doorbell, don't they know it could be something exciting

GREAT thread raven :)
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