protective dog

We usually walk around on the sidewalks (housing areas) and the woods if daylight. The other day we went uptown to video store, beside the store is the legion. Well when I was inside Dave waiting outside with the dogs. And of course people stop and pat them no problems, well this one fellow came out of the legion a little to happy, got into the happy sauce. And Sami would not let him near them at all, and of course wanted to lick him to death. This fellow saying oh I am a dog person , let her sniff me, And Sami woud not sit just that watch dog bark they can get. Dave trying to get her to sit the fellow going no,no no she can do it on her own and he was try to pat her :roll: almost forcing himself on her to like him. I came one and took her away then she stopped. The funny thing is last Feb my son and I had her up there and she did the same thing to the SAME guy. She does not like him, I am wondering if it the booze smell or him? No need for her to dislike someone. I know if anyone is new to the house (not often) she really checkes them out. Any one else come across this?
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Hi there, I think this is normal for a sheepie when she feels something is wrong, they are very protective to their families.

Lots of hugs for Sami from all at Tikki-ti-boo :ghug:
I know it sounds hokey and it certainly doesn't apply to all dogs, but I'm a believer that many good dogs have a sense about people and their natures, good or bad. When our old Chow-mix dog was younger and out and about quite a bit, she sometimes did this, and we typically listened to her opinions.
hmmm, it does make you wonder. 6th sense I guess
Definately 6th sense kicking in. Trust the dog, they really do pick up on things we are not aware of.

I had that years ago with a man that knocked on the door. Before I could get to the door a sheepie girl flew up the stairs and sat there growling. Amazed me as never before had she shown that behaviour. Well opened the door, not the security door and her lips curled and she beared her teeth and was growling. 8O The man behind the door asked if she would bite, I said probably and closed the door. I trusted her instinct and she has never done it to anyone again. Wether she sensed danger or something I am still mystified about what happened that day.

Sami definately sensed something to be like that, she definately does not trust or like the guy and is on her guard for you all. :wink:
I would definatly go by Sami's clue. I never answer my door without one of the dogs accompanying me. I live in a good neighborhood, but I don't know who some of these people are who stop by. I have watched both of my dogs react differently to different people. The most recent "dog alert" that had me thinking was we where out on our daily walk and there was a lawn fertilizer truck parked at the side of the road, not an unusual accurance and the man in the truck was very friendly, but the dogs pulled and made me walk way away from his truck. Now this man fit the profile of Violet's favorite people to love...middle age man...but she and China BOTH made a wide berth of his truck. (no it was not the product in the truck because we have walked by those types of trucks many times.) Anyway, If they are alarmed I become more alarmed. If someone ask me if the dogs will bite, I always tell them "You never know."
Good luck!
I've told this story but I truly believe dogs know good people from bad.
One Thanksgiving when Stella was a pup, we had a relative who was telling a story about shooting stray dogs near his barn that morning.
My son brought Stella over and she absolutely loved everyone until she saw the dog killer...she stopped, looked at him and started growling.
She sensed he was a jerk and would cut a wide berth around him while being her normal loving self around EVERYONE else in the house.
I agree with what's been said. Dogs sense bad people.
My old oes mix Barkley never really liked my ex-husband either. I should of listened to her she was right - she was always right :wink:
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