Is it over yet???

90 days, that's how long it's been since life launched into anything other than regular. It started with having to place my mom in a full care facility, final phase of Alzhimers.
Then a dear friends husband died while away from home ( the logistics to return him to his home was a real adventure).
While working on the details for my friend, I lost my job. It's considered a wrongful discharge and the company is undergoing a full blown ethics investigation (the company is a HUGE government contractor). I didn't do anything wrong and these guys are trying thier darndest to make me look bad, so, enter a very expensive attorney. Normally, I would turn a cheek and walk on to another position, but not this time ( I keep copies of everything). These guys are WRONG and I'm going to insure this doesn't happen to any other employees (they have a history).
Meanwhile, my dearest friend in the entire world, who has been in remission for 8 years, found spots on her liver, bones, and lungs durning her 6 month cancer check up. At the same time, her son, my god son, decided to get married before leaving for Army boot camp. We got him married and off to the Army and found a top notch Oncologist at Huntsman Cancer institute.
In the midst of all of this, we had to close the business year for our groundskeeping company. Then we were surprised as Lexin Corp (if you have a barn or kennel, you should look at the agricultural soloutions) gave us a (Utah/Colorado) distributorship for their stimulated emmission heating panel, we started a new company to handle it.
Oh, I forgot, I'm doing the job search thing too. :phew:

This forum has been my escape hatch. When I can't stuff another detail in my head, I jump over to and read about all the crazy sheepies and wonderful rescues. Thanks everyone for being here and KEEP THOSE STORIES COMING!

PS, I will have time to mail my cards this week! Love, Love, Love the ones I've received so far, thanks Darcy, Paula, Mrs J.
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I am so sorry you are going through this terrible time.

Why does fate seem to give us (almost) more than we can handle??? And then, just when we think we can not take another thing, something happens to lift our may be as simple as watching a beautiful sunrise, or a cold nose , warm tongue on our arm giving us much needed unconditional love......something........ that makes us believe that all will work out. You will be in my prayers....
All I can say is WOW you have a great deal to deal with. Good Luck and happy hopes will follow you. :ghug: Not to mention lots of hugs.
WOW, what an awful lot to deal with in a short amount of time. Just goes to show the platitude "life is what happens when you have other plans" is at work in Utah. Or my other favorite, "Life is a SH&T Sandwich, everyday another bite". Then there is my Dad's favorite; "They said cheer up things could be worse, so I cheered up and sure enough things got worse".

Know that we are all here for you!!!!!! I am sorry that you have so much on your plate :ghug:
i am soo sorry for all the stuff you are going through. i just found out my biggest and only client is going under which leave my business going down with this builder!! i also am glad this site helps me forget.. you hang in there
My heart goes out to you. Such a lot to deal with in such a short time.
Sending lots of hugs and prayers your way for better, brighter days.


Sorry to hear things are not going so well right now. I hope that things turnaround, especially with your best friend.
Wow. 8O
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
I'm so sorry you are having a rough time now.
I hope things start looking up soon!
That's why I come here, too. Y'all help keep me sane. :D

I know that things will improve. They always do with time. In the meantime, I'm wishing for you strength, wisdom, and patience. :wink:
Thanks for all the good MoJo sent my way. And yes Ginny, just when you start to put that positive attitude to work, it's going to bite you in the @ss. :twisted:

The new business has really started to show some serious long term promise. I've been working with the engineering group all week and things are unbelievably great!!

Tonight, when I returned home, I found out my former company has had access to my private email through a BlackBerry account since I left. They have been monitoring it for the last two months. It's bad in many ways, but just increased my opportunity to show the world how horrible these people are. And believe me the world (and the US government) will find out!
Awwww what an awful time you are having at the moment. :(

Sending lots of these :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

Things will get better they always do, hang in there girl :wink:
WOW 8O that is amazing. But look at the bright side, I'm IMPRESSED that you are important enought that anyone would want to read your email!!!!!! Mine wouldn't be worth hacking in to !!! :roll:
Awee.. I'm so sorry to hear about all the things going on. I hope things start looking up for ya!!
I am so sorry with all that is going on for you. Keep your chin up, truely.

Lots of love,
Oh my :(
Tasker's Mom wrote:
WOWI'm IMPRESSED that you are important enought that anyone would want to read your email!!!!!! Mine wouldn't be worth hacking in to !!! :roll:

No, I'm not important, I just worked for a bunch of MORONS! :roll:
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