husband and stones....

On Monday, we had to rush my husband Dino to the emergency room with kidney stones.. I spent 9 hours watching him in excruciating pain, then on heavy narcs (morphine) for relief. Finally, they sent us home with Percocete ....he could not pass it!!!!!

On Tuesday, back to the hospital, again he was rating his pain 15 out of 10. (This is a man who hobbled around for 2 days with a broken (in 2 places) ankle, before he had "time" to go get it casted--so he handles pain very well!!!! :lol: ). Spent another 9 hours, same a Monday--but after a CAT scan, found out there was 1 stone on its way out...and 4 stones still in the kidney....

They wanted to keep him...but noooooooooooo...he wanted to come home. Sent him home with more powerful drugs, Deluded (msp). He finally passed one on Wednesday morning..... and we are waiting for the other four....

In the past 10 years he has had about 4 different episodes each one seems worse than the last....

Doctors weren't sure why..He doesn't drink coffe, wine, dairy..drinks tons of water all the time......any thoughts????

I sure hate to watch him in pain, not being able to help him except to make sure they don't confuse him with another patient.... :lol: :lol:

I'm sure my poor furkids felt like orphans while all this was happening...I had so many people coming in to take care of them...Heart seemed very confused....and kept whining when we came home........... :cry: :cry:
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Can they not blast them with a laser or something and get rid of them that way? Bless his heart. That sounds just awful. :twisted:
Isn't there some kind of medication that would help dissolve the stones so they could be passed easier? Poor Dino!! Hope the rest pass soon.
I'm surprised the doctors haven't suggested ultrasound. The patient sits in a tub of water and the kidneys are blasted with ultrasound to break up the stones. I cannot remember the official technical name (lithotripsy???). There is also, as a last resort, surgery to remove the stones.

I had a kidney stone once and thought I was going to die from the pain. I've had a ruptured appendix and other operations that were nowhere near as horrible as a kidney stone. I feel sorry for Dino and hope he's out of his misery ASAP.

It seems there is little they can do when people have kidney stones. Both of my parents have had them on more than one occasion ( I hope they are not genetic). The one common theme among the people I know who have had them: the pain is EXCRUCIATING. My co-worker's son was supposed to use a very fine strainer to help determine if he passed his kidney stone - which after several days of pain he finally did - and the stone is smaller than a grain of sand. 8O

Hang in there Val. We will keep Dino in our prayers.
They did suggest ultrasound...but of course my dear husband's reply....

"If I have pain with ONE stone....why would I want to pass 4 or 5 littler stones instead?????"

Of course the male doctor agreed...since he had to go though the "blasting" and that is exactly what happened to him. :lol: :lol:

At this time there is no medicine that can be taken.............

They cannot do anything with the stones in the kidney...they must wait for it to begin the long passage down and out...............

I think most males relate to kidney stones as us women relate to 12 hours of labor...whoooooooooooooooo....... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Anyway, at this point he is happy and painfree......were just waiting for the other shoe (stones) to drop.....
:( Poor thing!!

Kidney stones are supposed to be more painful than child birth and unfortunately folks who have a tendency to get them get them over and over.

The advantage to blasting them is that they do pass easier, but it is not pain free.
Some people are stone makers and some are not.
It does run in families though, so those who have
a parent or sibling that makes them, watch for it.
My Dad had stones so very often from his late 20s
till he died, that he routinely used a strainer. You
really wouldn't believe the size of some of those
buggers he had! They looked kinda like cereal :wink:

I am so sorry to hear that your husband has to go through this..boy kidney stones. My ex-son in law used to have them and they are so painful. I hope your husband gets back on his feet soon.
We get kidney stone patients on our floor pratically every day. I'm sorry Dino is suffering, they are very painful.
Lithotripsy is definintely an option, the stone is blasted and people usually pass fragments that are more the size of a grain of salt, it is much more comfortable. The people don't have to even have the symptoms at the time (ie. pain) when they do the litho, it can be scheduled later on if there are known stones lurking.
The urologist can also do a cystoscopy to try and retrieve the stone, it is actually a procedure with general anesthesia, at least that's how it's done here, and sometimes the MD will place a stent in the ureter to keep the tube from the kidney open wide enough for the stone to go through.
I hope the dilaudid is working and Heart gets both her parents back to HER routine soon :wink:
Thanks Sheepie in Vt...I will relay all the valuable info to Dino tonight...for future........................ :lol:
Poor guy :( . My husband had one and they are awful, hard to believe something so tiny could cause so much pain.
I'm so sorry for your husband's pain.

I'm afraid to ask but just so I can understand it better... where/how does it hurt?
Poor Guy, I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry for your husband's pain.

I'm afraid to ask but just so I can understand it better... where/how does it hurt?


Dino has always described the pain as a very sharp, burning hot dagger going from middle of this back, by his kidney to the middle of his front.

At times the pain is so intense he gets sick to his stomach. The pain is so bad he paces, doubles over, wants to punch a wall.

At times, peeing is very difficult due to the stone blocking, but it always seems to "float" ------ very weak stream after a lot of straining..............imagine 12 to 24 hours of this ..................very exhausting.........the only relief is pain management (as quick as possible) to the point of unconsciousness and eventually, passing the stone.........

sorry to be so graphic......but you asked.............
Dino, accept my sympathy. Been there, done that. Ain't no fun. :twisted:

What do you think Dino's reaction will be when we arrive at the Christmas Party next week and everyone is looking at him, crossing their legs.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

(maybe I shouldn't have posted this.................)
Val, I just hope he doesn't get another "attack" that would make for a loooooong drive back to St. Louis. :twisted: Maybe bring along some "Dego Red" just in case.
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