the worst news today....

if you read my last message you would see that wilbur our 5month old that wev'e not had more than a week was being treated for Giardia and Whipworm - well i took him again to the vets today as he was looking really out of it... my heart completey sank when they told me he was diagnosed Wilbur with the Parvo Virus :( :( :(

he really is not well and we have just transferred him to the emergency animal hospital - kinda lost for words right now :(
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I am very sorry to hear your news.
Have you spoke to your breeder yet? The incubation period for Parvo illness is 4 to 14 days.. So it's more than likely that he picked it up there.
Sending big hugs for you and lots of prayers for Wilbur!!!
We are really sorry to hear about Wilbur, we hope he pulls through and gets well soon. Get in touch with the breeder as soon as possible as it sounds like they have neglected having him vacinated properly. Keep us posted of his progress.

Hugs from all at Tikki-ti-boo :ghug:
Im so sorry to hear this :( Please keep us updated, I'll be thinking of Wilbur and hoping for the best. :ghug:
So sorry to hear the news, you and wilbur are in our thoughts, you can do it wilbur get well soon. Hugs to you all at this time, please keep us posted on how he is progressing.

Did you tell the breeder of the diagnosis or where he came from, they should be told? I feel so sad for you guys that this has happened to your 5 month old fur baby.

Thinking of you all and praying for better news that all is going to be well with wilbur. :plead:
Ooooh... :(
I'm so sorry. Hugs and prayers going out to your sweet baby. Don't
give up hope. Some pups do pull through this with supportive care.
A big :ghug: to your family.
I am so sorry to hear about your baby Wilbur being so sick - 1st the giardia and worms, now this. Best wishes from our house to yours that he is strong and can make it through this. :hearts:
This is the saddest news. Please stay strong and have faith that your boy will pull through.
hi folks thank you for all your support - i cant really explain what we are feeling right now, although we have just got some positive news from the hospital and that hes stopped vomitting and his diarrhea appears to have been surpressed... its going to be a long night...
He is just the cutest little guy! Keep the faith he will pull through! Our prayers are with you!
We're here all night with you. Hang in there.
:cry: Poor Wilbur. If our thoughts and prayers can help he will be fine. You need to keep strong as well. Hope he gets better soon. xx
I wish Wilbur a speedy recovery.

Keep us posted on his progress
I am sorry to hear Wilbur is so ill. I am sending positive thoughts and prayers Wilbur and your way. Plz keep us posted on this sweet sheepie boys progress.

We will be praying for Wilbur. Take care.
I'm so sorry!! We are pulling for him. Keep us posted.
Sorry to hear baout your baby. Stay positive because he will get through this. Sheepies are strong and they will get through anything. He will be just fine after several days in the hospital. Best wishes!!
So sorry to here about wilbur Sending loads of (((((hugs)))) xx
Oh, I'm so sorry. :cry:

Tell him to hang in there and fight this and keep us posted.

Oh no! Poor Wilbur!

I'm hoping for a quick recovery...
Oh dear. :( Please keep us posted on that sweet boy.
Oh :( Wilbur
Sweet boy keep up the fight
Hoping you feel better soon
Diane...Darn parvo :evil:
Come on Wilbur!
You've gotten your forever home, they'd like to have you around for a while.

Sorry to hear about the diagnosis but good luck!!! And don't forget to keep us posted!
Poor sweetie---and poor you...Hopefully, the good news will keep coming and Wilbur will be back home real soon............Prayers coming your way and please keep us posted......
So sorry to hear about Wilbur. Lots of hugs to you and him. We hope that you have a good Thanksgiving with a puppy under foot were it belongs.
Get better fast Wilbur!
Oh, poor Wilbur :(
Keep fighting as hard as you can, little guy.
Hoping for some good news, keep us posted.
My heart goes out to you. Lots of hugs and prayers coming your way.
I am so sorry to hear this! Keep positive. Oliver and I will be thinking about you.
Again thanks for your tremendous support guys - Wilbur made it through the night without Vomitting or Diarrhea, he had all kinds of injections as well as continued IV treatment. He looked so miserable this morning when we transferred him from the Emergency hospital back to his regular vet this morning.

Hes currently still on IV treatment and having various antibiotics, its still going to be a few days before we know if hes going to make it or not.

But everyone seems pretty positive - we are missing him terribly! :(

On top of that you dont even want to know how much our vet bills are thats enough to make you cry... and his treatment is far from over right now! :(
wouldn't the breeder have some responsibility for the bills due to the incubation period?
wouldn't the breeder have some responsibility for the bills due to the incubation period?

My thoughts exactly...................[/quote]
will be thinking of wilbur and sending best wishes for his speedy recovery :(
sheepieshake wrote:
wouldn't the breeder have some responsibility for the bills due to the incubation period?

My thoughts exactly...................

i didnt get wilbur directly from the breeder, its kinda long story and not sure where i stand right now.

i bought Wilbur in Ohio, yes i drove from San Antonio, Texas all the way to Piqua, Ohio and back again - the lady i bought him from is extremely genuine and am under the impression she got him from her sister who had a litter of 9, of all which where given to her family members, so i dont think he is from a "proper" breeder. i am under the impression that his Giardi and Whipworm was almost certainly present when we got him, he started his diarrhea the day before we picked him up - if that was the first symtoms of Parvo from what ive read Wilbur wouldnt be with us right now. Since the incubation period of Parvo is 4 - 14 days it is difficult to say if he got it here in SA or from Ohio.

Since we only got him back to San Antonio a week last monday (8 days ago) ive tried to trace our steps and the only place he could have come into a lot of contact with other dogs is probably Pet Smart and at the Vets we originally took him too. What concerns me is that he had diarhea when we took him to the vet last wednesday, he wasnt that bad and no one suspected him with Parvo

The first real additional symptoms started this sunday - if he was infectious then wouldnt that mean wherever hes been he would be leaving the virus? What about any dogs who where examined after Wilbur? I feel sick to the stomach about the whole thing right now :(

If i knew half of what i knew now i would certainly not take him to Petsmart for risk of infection, i would also insist that anyone buying a new pup must insist on having a fecal exam prior to purchasing the pup - had we know he had giardia or whipworm i certainly would not have paid what we did - I dont think his Giardia helped his Parvo at all...

Next update in 4hrs when i take him back to emergency hospital for his overnight stay :(
Ill be watching for that update, and hoping, hoping, hoping for good news! :plead:

If you haven't already, please contact the lady you got Wilbur from and make sure that the owners of the rest of the litter are warned of the danger that their pups could be sick too. :( It sounds like, even if they were not infected, that they were probably not vaccinated against parvo, and they should have been, by now.
Kiddo - why are you beating yourself up?

Parvo is out there. Go to a dogshow and you risk bringing it home. A dog park. Who knows? It's not intentional. It just is.

Puppies/young dogs are at most risk. That's why we vaccinate. Older dogs typically have resistance. That's why you don't take young puppies out in public - or only carefully so - and breeders with puppies basically make you take a bleach bath before you visit :wink:

At his age I presume he has had some vaccinations - did you by chance get his records? He's not young enough that I would have been panicked about taking him out in public. He was obviously feeling fine and running around like a maniac. How are you supposed to know everything? You could have run a fecal and nothing showed up on that day. Parasites can be sneaky that way.

New home, travel, pre-existing intestinal issues etc, his immune system was clearly stressed, so that's a good time for something opportunistic like parvo to strike. You just focus on getting him better and enough with the stressing about everything else.

Vets are used to suddenly realizing they have something contagious on their hands. They're not going to put a poster board with a picture of your face in the middle of a bulls eye... :wink:

It sounds encouraging so far. Fingers and paws crossed for the little guy.


thanks christine! :)

when i spoke to the previous owner they said that wilburs mother was fine, she was the only dog that has been around him, so they are fully aware of his condition right now, the owner of wilburs mum sounds as upset as the previous owner too... i dont for a minute suspect they tried to palm off a sick pup, i get the impression that the previous owner isnt in a financial position to help out...
I know this is very distressing. He may have age on his side... being 5 months old, maybe his immune system is a stronger and more developed than say an 8 week old pup.

On top of that you dont even want to know how much our vet bills are thats enough to make you cry... and his treatment is far from over right now!

If you have any problems with the bill, please consider checking into CreditCare... you may be able to make payments so it's not such a burden.

Have you called the person you purchased him from? Maybe other pups have also developed symptoms...
Oops... disregard... I see you have.

Please keep us posted. Know that we're all pulling for him to make a full recovery!
Oh no. That sure wasn't news I wanted to hear. Kristine's right, though. Don't beat yourself up worrying about how he got it, just worry about getting him better. We're all pulling for you guys!
Poor Wilbur!!!

I am sure his age will give him a fighting chance...he's not a teeny pup anymore. I wish I was wealthy and could pay his vet bills, alas, I always have to use the Visa when vet emergencies arise. That is why I always have a big balance...but they are worth it. Keep us posted...we are praying for him and you. :ghug:
Poor wilbur....My heart goes out to you. You are in my thoughts. Try IMOM too they help with vet bills but there is a lot of paperwork. Hang in there. He has such a sweet face.
Nelson and I are pulling for Wilbur! Hoping he makes a fast and full recovery.

If you hit any rest areas on the way home, they are the absolute worst for picking up any kind of disease. The stuff is just out there so like Kristine said, don't beat yourself up. Just focus on getting little Wilbur healthy.

Poor Wilbur and mom :( . At his age he stands a good chance of full recovery and you absolutely cannot blame yourself. Sometimes bad things just happen but he has you to love him and help him get better. :ghug:
This is so sad.

Vet said i can take wilbur home for tonight and that he did not need to goto the Emergency Pet Hospital for now... apparently hes been doing really really well today.

He has to go back first thing in the morning - providing his vomitting doesnt come back.

Ive been sat with him the past hour - hes flopped out right now on the sofa... hopefully the next few days are as encouraging and that he gets the all clear!

thanks again for all your support! I will be sure to keep you posted!

he does appear to be breathing a little faster than normal... should i be concerned, the vet didnt mention anything about that - thanks for all your hand holding during this time! :)
:banana: WOO HOO!!!!! :banana:

** doing the happy feet dance! **

thanks ron - updated profile pic as well! :)

at what level would you need to be concerned at with a sheepies breathing - im kinda paranoid right now?? it seems kinda fast? :?
First of all: great news that he's good enough to come home overnight! :clappurple:

As to your breathing question, even a vet would have a hard time diagnosing a dog via the web :wink:

OES will pant a bit if they have a fair amount of hair and they're hot, but...?

If he's been at a vet hospital (strange environment), being podded and poked by unfamiliar people, feeling not great, and now - is he home wearing a cone on his head??? the increased breathing could just be stress related. You sort of have to read his entire body. Is it labored? Does he respond to you being there? Does he relax at all? Did they tell you what signs to look out for?

If I bring one of my guys home with a "look out for this" admonition, they suddenly develop every symptom known to dogdom, and a few that aren't. I'm not saying you shouldn't be concerned, but if you notice that he starts to relax a little as you relax a little, or he starts to get sleepy (he should be exhausted), and his breathing slows to somewhat more normal, then that's probably a good thing. (Though, if you're like me, you'll then decide he's breathing too slowly, and try to take his pulse every five minutes... :roll: )

Try breathing deeply a few times yourself and see if he can follow suit.

If you're still worried, did they give you a number you can call if you have any question as to whether or not what you're seeing is normal?

Glad to hear that Wilbur is doing well enough to come home.
I don't really have a lot to add to what Kristine said about the panting. OES do pant easily, but only you (or a vet who can see him) could decide if it is outside of normal.
Chewie sometimes seems to get in a cycle of panting (not related to exercise) and if I distract him, he breathes"normal" again. :)
i took of his collar for a little bit and hes completely flaked out and is sleeping right now - his breathing has gone back to normal it seems too *phew*

Shauna is watching him right now whilst i type this and actually have a little rest for the first time in 48hrs :)
Way to go WILBUR!!!!!

I just viewed your pictures of that sweet boy. He is so cute....I am so glad you have him home and you can just be there and watch him. He sounds like a fighter!!!!

Sheepie hugs to Wilbur and you..................
YAY!!!!!!! :yay:

Im so happy to read that Wilbur is home, and doing better! :phew:

Get some deserve it! :wink: :ghug:
:cheer: :clappurple: :clappurple: Keep getting stronger Wilbur, we know you can!
:banana: Glad he is doing so well! :D
What a relief!! :phew:
That is fabulous news!!
We've all been so worried.
Thanks for the updates :D
I am so sorry you and Wilbur have had to go through this nightmare. I am so close to tears when I read this post. It is so good to hear Wilbur is doing better. I am sending big hugs from all of us here.
day 3 - morning update

Got up this morning and wilbur was playing with his NEW chew toys and trotting around the house, appetite still surpressed and hardly drank anything last night - but just dropped him at the vet for another day of IV treatment his little nub was doing ten to the dozen! :)

your support guys has really helped us through - a few more days now and we should know for sure if Wilburs beat this killer virus!
Absolutely wonderful news!!!!!!!! You Go Wilbur!!!!!
YEAH WILBUR! That is so great to hear! Sound like you have quite a trooper on your hands!

Your new pic is cute, looks like he doesn't mind the cone.
How wonderful to wake up to such great news! Keep it up wilbur!!!!
Yeah, another prayer answered!!!!
:phew: Glad to check-in & get such good news
Keep that nub a goin' Wiburrrrr :D
Diane & the Southern Shaggy Crew
Great stuff Wilbur, we are still by your side to see you through.

Hugs from Misty. :ghug:
Glad to hear that Wilbur is on his way to a full recovery. We will continue to think of him and you. Keep us up to date. :D :banana: :banana:
YAY great news. :banana:


i just got off the phone and wilbur has had no signs of diarrhea or vomiting and has actually eaten three meals today! and appears to be alert and playful!

We have to keep with the I/D puppy food but even our doc is so over joyed at wilburs recovery - we pick him up at 6.30 and cant wait!

Although we are going to have a very minimal thanksgiving cos of the vet expense i couldnt have asked for better news than to have our pup come home healthy! :)

Be assured there will be some extra sheepie cuddles flying around this evening!!! :D :D

Seriously though guys, your support, prayers and encouragement really have helped these past few days - thank you so much, as a newcomers to the sheepie world myself, Shuana my fiancee and our little boy Chance feel really fortunate to be part of your community - sincerely we thank you and wish all of you, your families and your sheepies the very best of thanksgiving wishes!

Thankyou! :D
Yay, Wilbur's coming home! Keep up your strength, Little Guy! We love you!
YAY! :yay: I am so glad to hear he's coming home.
Funny how these things only make us love them more.
Great news! Congratulations to you and Wilbur for hanging in there.

It sounds like your Vets did a great job managing Wilbur too. It's not every puppy that has access to good veterinary care, and a caring family.
Yeah Wilbur!!! We knew you could do it. Well, I know another thing we are all thankfull for this Thanksgiving. Wilbur is at home with his family and out of the woods. Great News!!!!
Wilbur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We knew you could do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAAAAA!!!!!!!

:yay: :yay: :yay: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :excited: :excited: :excited:

This is my favorite kind of Thanksgiving story - happy.
We will join in celebrating his return to health!
Just got caught up on this thread -- what an ordeal! I am so glad that Wilbur is on the mend, home with family, and basking in all your love. That is wonderful news. . .
I get all teary eyed just reading this.
I am so very happy for Wilbur, you and your family.
It's a Thanksgiving blessing for sure.
Come on Wilbur you can beat this awful disease. Thought and prayers to your family and Wilbur during this time. Please contact the breeder if you haven't already.
Jumped ahead and posted before reading all the posts. Congrats and way to go Wilbur. This is wonderful news, glad to hear he is home and doing well.
Yeah!!!!! Hugs to Wilbur!
I too had to jump ahead and read the latest! Couldn't go thru the days of worrying. So happy the little guy is back home!!! :banana:

Hope he continues to improve and his spunk is back real soon. It's an awful disease, I'm surprised he's over it so quickly. Hooray!
I've good news for you!! We have Bailey 4 yr. OES & Taco, Chiuaua, we rescued/found. Taco was as you said, out of it & vomiting, diarreah, fever, etc. I'd never experienced Parvo. Saturday I took him to Vet. at large retail chain that was free 9-1pm thinking maybe vitamins would do. He said Taco wouldn't make it to Monday in his condition. Just like you & Wilbur we had Taco 4 months just long enough to fall in love with him. I called our reg. Dr.Vet. in tears & he met us at his office & told us the process, treatment, no-guruantees, 50/50 chance to survive, but if I took him home he didn't have any chance. I wasn't sure if I should stay & hold him for the END, Taco was clinging to me like velcro. Or have faith & allow my Vet to do his thing, work his mo-jo. I decided after looking into those doggie eyes that my Vet had to do everything possible to help him. And seeing an 11 pound dog on ivy drip, fadding out of consciousness wasn't easy. I also knew our Sheepie Bailey wanted her little toy Taco at home. They're buddies. Taco came home after a weeks stay with around the clock care. I'm on my 4th month of payment to my Vet. that bill should be paid by summer.
******** It's only money right?!! He gives us so much more back in love & laughs.
I feel confident Wilbur will make it too. He's lucky to have good parents!!

wilbursa wrote:
Again thanks for your tremendous support guys - Wilbur made it through the night without Vomitting or Diarrhea, he had all kinds of injections as well as continued IV treatment. He looked so miserable this morning when we transferred him from the Emergency hospital back to his regular vet this morning.

Hes currently still on IV treatment and having various antibiotics, its still going to be a few days before we know if hes going to make it or not.

But everyone seems pretty positive - we are missing him terribly! :(

On top of that you dont even want to know how much our vet bills are thats enough to make you cry... and his treatment is far from over right now! :(
Way to go , Little Dude.

That's a lot to be thankful for :D

i keep saying it guys thanks again for your tremendous support!

to guest - your story is really wow... from all the stories ive read Taco sounds like a very very lucky dog, not only was he lucky to survive but it seems he was lucky to have such caring parents and good vets - it seems that most small dogs dont survive once they get parvo! I think anyone experiencing something like this and being able to bring there beloved home with there tail or nubs wagging you gain an even stronger bond with them, i just appreciate seeing wilbur today running around and being his mischevious self it means so much to see him happy again.

just so you know Wilburs doing great, also lets put it this way wilbur certainly has his appetite back - we just got back from my parents and it seems like he really likes turkey too! 8O 8O 8O

lets just say we have no left overs for tomorrow now!!!

and we found out that hard way that wilbur can open doors and get to food at the back of the counter!!!!

we must still be feeling sorry for him cos we actually laughed about it!!! 8O

it was our first thanksgiving turkey as we only moved into our house three weeks ago - and what with wilburs vet bills we only just managed to get a thanksgiving dinner together - this is one thanksgiving we wont be forgetting in a long time!!!! :D :D :D

we hope everyone had a great day today! :)
:phew: :cheer: :phew: GREAT NEWS!
Hows WILBUR??????
UPDATE: Wilbur is doing great other than still taking his meds and still on his bland diet hes his usual naughty self! :)
YAY, WILBUR!! :cheer:

I had a good feeling about that boy :D

Thanks for continuing to keep us posted.

wilbursa wrote:
UPDATE: Wilbur is doing great other than still taking his meds and still on his bland diet hes his usual naughty self! :)

That's great! I'm really glad he's doing better. :)
Yay!! Glad to hear the good news. :D
Blue, Merlin and Panda want to welcome little Wilbur and his uprights to the forum and are sending big sloppy kisses to their little buddy.

Yeah Wilbur!!! I'm so glad you're well and want to plant a big kiss on that big nose of yours. Sigh love the pink strip - which he'll eventually outgrow.

Thanks for being such a good parent to Wilbur as you were there when he needed you the most.

Marianne and the boys
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