
Six weeks ago, I reached my goal weight. I've kept it off, and lost a bit more. So, today I reached the status of Lifetime.

What this means, is that I don't have to go to meetings everyweek. But I will (its huge support for me). I only weight in once a month, and as long as I'm within 2 pounds of goal, I retain Lifetime status.

The two most exciting things about this is:

1. I don't have to pay anymore!
2. Today I bought a pair of size 10 jeans!

I am not a disciplined person, but I am stubborn. So, if I was able to achieve this, so can anyone who really puts their mind to it.

This is the start of probably the most difficult phase...keeping it off, FOREVER! But day by day, I'll do it!
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:yay: Congrats Deb, that's awesome! :clappurple:
:banana: :banana: :banana: :yay: :yay: :yay: :banana: :banana: :banana:

No longer paying is more than enough to make one dance!
That has to be such a great feeling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go.
So proud of you, Beautiful Deborah! :D
Oh, Deb, that's so great!
Congratulations, Deb!! I'm really proud of you. I know how hard this is to do and I am in awe of your accomplishment. :D
Wow, that's a little achievement!

Well, I couldn't say a BIG achievement, could I?

Ron wrote:
Wow, that's a little achievement!
Well, I couldn't say a BIG achievement, could I?

:wink: Thanks!
Nice job Deb!!

Im really proud of you!!
Congratulations my friend! My leader says once you reach lifetime, weigh yourself every day. That way (weigh) you can halt any gain before it reaches the dreaded 2 pound mark.
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