Wilbur likes to pee!

Is this normal of any dog i guess... we had got wilbur a nice big blanket and super large cushion to sleep on which (See other post) he doesnt bother with.... but we now have a game of pee on the blanket... clean it, wash it, put it in the dryer, put it out again... 2 minutes later wilbur has peed on it again??? do we just not bother putting it out again? he doesnt actually pee at all in the house - this is the only thing he pees on in the house when its out???

thanks again...
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Nah, just get rid of the blanket. A lot of times if you put something soft in the crate with them or where they sleep, they'll pee on it. You'll be fighting a losing battle!
And the stain probably didn't come out properly in the washing machine so he can smell his pee on it. This is why he always goes back there.
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