Mr Miles Continues to pee!

i dont know what it is, or why he tends to do this always inside the house. He continues to pee inside the house all the time. Regardless if we just brought him in from outside, which he peed probably twice or three times if that. but it never fails that he has to pee inside the house, when we let him loose. and than he's always licking something. the stove, the fridge, the dishwasher, our shower, our toliet. he's constantly thirsty too. but i dont want to over feed him with water, because He'll just end up peeing, but than i feel bad and think he's de-hydrated or something. any suggestions?
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You will get lots of advice on this topic. My suggestion is that Miles is still young if I remember right. He still has a young bladder. It also sometimes takes them longer to figure out where the right place to go is. Try making a command, like go potty, even if you catch him inside going. Once he gets used to the command start going outside with him everytime he goes out and praise him with the go potty command and a treat. He will eventually figure out that the outside is the right place and not inside. He still might continue to have accidents until him bladder matures. Are you crate training? I would keep him in the crate unless you can have your eye on him constantly. When he does go in the house, it just reinforces the behavior. If you are up cleaning, try putting him on a leash and attaching him to you.
I did take up water for a few hours at night, but I wouldn't take it away any longer, because of the risk of dehydrating.
Also any place he urinates at, clean with an enzyme cleaner such as nature's miracle to get out all of the odor.
Don't worry Trinity, it does get easier with time. One day you will look up at Miles and he will be the dog you have always dreamed about and you will miss him messy puppy antics. Keep us updated, we are rooting for you. :wink:
Good luck, Stormi and co.
My oh my,

Miles is adorable! How old is he?

When Pirate was a little guy I thought something was wrong with him, because he drank so much water, but he just needed it.

Be consistant about taking Miles out when he has an accident, and try to anticipate when he will need to go, upon waking, right after eating, right after playing, about just about every 1/2 hours of waking time.

I know its really hard, and you'll feel like you don't do anything but take your dog out. I remember feeling that way. Between the time I woke and the time I went to work I took Pirate out about 10 times! But it was worth it. He's well trained now!

Good luck!
yea i will use some of your advices. we pretty much thought he has a small bladder too, cuz he's young and also he's teething that's why he likes to bite everything, especially toes. its cute, but not when his sharp teeth bites me.
i think i'll use the treat example. i mean when he goes out he clearly knows where to go, he always goes to his same area for some reason and no where else. jus wish he's remember outside not inside sometimes. he's our booger, once again thanks for your suggestions. we love that he's a part of our family. glad we traveled all the miles to get Mr. Miles.
Mr.Miles is one cute baby boy.He is still young.They will keep going back to the smell,where they have peed before.Sometimes vinegar works to get rid of the pee smell,so they do not go back to the same spot.Use a 1 word command,to train him.Such as outside,I say outside and my sheepies all head toward the back door. Persistence,patience and lots of praise with a treat pays off. They do not stay this little for long,enjoy Mr.Miles.I love his name.
HI Gumbo41,

I also use the vinager and water to clean up at times, it has worked very well with my cats especially. If I remember right, CJ used it once to remove mud off the floor and the stain was gone immediately. :wink:
Stormi and co.
well mickey doodles would do the same thing!!i thought for sure he was retarded or something he would be outside for 30mins,come inside and pee or poop!! :roll:

well after taking the advice here i crate trained him,and it worked!!so hang in there mickey is 6months old now and i can leave him out of his kennel overnight now,so it does get better!! :D

Good luck!
My puppy is having the same problems as Mr. Miles except she tends to pee in her crate more than in the house. She is also constantly looking for water. I know it is strange for her to pee in her crate. Any suggestions?
You need to ensure that you dog doesn't have a bladder infection, and/or liver issues and maybe a few more, so a talk with your vet is probably in order. In addition, make sure the space in the crate is just big enough so that she can go in and turn around and lie down.

Maybe others will chime in.

Good luck!
How old is your puppy? I had a crate peer too so I feel your pain.
This topic caught my attention because my old cat Miles, now in his declining years, has started to pee everywhere -- mostly in the kitchen, which luckily is relatively easy to clean. I have puppy pee pads placed strategically throughout my home. 8O
Olive is noe 5 1\2 months and STILL pees in th ehouse. i am cleaning the carpet all the time. I have noe backed p training and she is on a lease attached to me so i can see her when she makes a booboo. that way i can say a firm noand take he out immideatly. I aqm beginin to thin she hates me. Anyway its wghat my vet said to do for a few weeks. maybe it will help you too! :D
puddles wrote:
My puppy is having the same problems as Mr. Miles except she tends to pee in her crate more than in the house. She is also constantly looking for water. I know it is strange for her to pee in her crate. Any suggestions?

Do you have some kind of blanket or towel in there with the dog? If so removing it should fix that problem. As for peeing all the time and constantly seeking water that could be a liver or kidney problem.
I would definitely take the dog to vet to be tested.
My sister's dog Sadie had always drank excessive since being as a pup. She really never thought much about it. Then she started losing hair and weight. She was in liver or kidney failure.... Can't remember which one. Unfortunately even after changing her diet and giving her fluids at the vet every other day Sadie lost her life at 2 1/2 yrs old.
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