Giving up my OES

I am sad to say that I am giving my dog Winston to another family. This was not a hasty decision and after many weeks of thinking I finally decided that it is better for him. Things have recently changed in our life my two year old son is, lets just say a handfull and we have moved to a much smaller house without a yard. Winston likes to go outside but not in this new house. I just don't have the time to give him now that he needs. I am very very sad about this. I feel that I am making the right decsion for him. The selfish thing to do would be to keep him and not give him the walks that he needs and the attention he needs. On a happier note I found a family who really wants him. They live on an acre plus lot and the lady (who is a friend of a friend)used to have a OES but he died at age 6 of cancer. :cry: She is so happy to take Winston and said she will walk him everyday take him to be groomed every week and spoil him rotten. My question is this: I am giving her Winston the day after Thanksgiving. Now she is going to see him a couple of times before that to get to know him and so forth. On the day after Thanksgiving she and her family will be taking him about 4 hours away from were I live :cry: How do I make this transition easier for him? How should I let him go. I thought about having my husband do it because I think I will loose it. I just don't want him to be nervous. Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated. I just want to make this transition easier for him. Now, the lady that is taking him assured me that she would do all she could on her end to make him comfortable and realizes that he will probably be home sick for a few days. :cry:
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I have no advice, but want to say thank you for finding a new home for Winston. I'm sure it was a hard decision, but it is the right one. And if you know his new family, you can keep tabs on him and visit! Someday the time will be right for you to have another OES.
Thank you. I know it is the right decision. I have gotten to know the lady over the past couple of weeks and we are definetly going to keep in touch. I want to know how he is doing. I just want to make this as smooth as possible for him.
I'm so sad for you :( . Even though you're doing the best thing I know how heartbroken you must be. It sounds like you are doing everything possible for a smooth transition but maybe some rescue people will jump in and reassure you. :ghug:
Wish I knew about him...we are still calling Nigel Winston half the time. We lost our Winston in March. Would have made an easy name transition we are also in Calif. I am sure you are doing the right thing...hard to deal with a wild sheepie and a 2 yr old at the same time. If they had a sheepie before...they will love him to bits.
Bless are very brave and I am positive you are doing the right thing. When the lady having him comes to visit can you get her to bring a blanket or something that smells of her house, so Winston gets used to her smell. Make sure he takes all his toys, his bowls and bedding. It will be heart wrenching for you but if Winston has met her a couple of times he will probably be less upset than you are..he will see her as a friend. You just got to be brave. At least you know where he is going and you can keep in touch and find out how he is. Your little boy has to come first, I have a 2 year old grand daughter and we know we have her she is a right live wire. I am sure everything will go OK - keep us posted.. :lol:
I am so sorry that you are going through this gut wrenching period. Thank you so much for finding Winston a good home.

Please don't worry too much about Winston's transitions. As much as we like to think that they are permanently and uniquely bonded to us, after watching many adoptions and fostering a few I can say that they adjust well after about 3 days.

The transition won't be complete that quickly, of course and he'll never forget you, but he will be enjoying the company of their new family pretty soon.

I'm more worried about how you are feeling! We still miss the Winston that we fostered for four months -- 4 years ago!

Come back and let us know how you're doing, and if you get updates about Winston.
My daughters' Clay is 6 and she got him in March. His breeder got him back from the home he had been in. They had gone through a hard time and a death of one of the owners.

Clay has done wonderful in my daughters home and is very happy. His previous owner has kept in close email contact and they have shared stories and pictures.

This year at the OES nationals in September, they all (Clay too) had a chance to meet in person. He still remembered his old owner and climbed right in his lap. It was a real happy time for all and great that people worked together for the best possible outcome for the dog who's life they have shared. :D
This must have been the hardest decision in the world to make for you but you have thought about Winston first and that shows how much you care for him.

I have no real advice except to echo what others have said about the new family bringing something to you for him to get used to their smell and taking all of his things to them when he moves so he has familiar things around him.

I am sure he will be fine and it is good that you know the family and will be able to find out how he is doing, but I know that it will still be hard for you.

I hope it all goes well for Winston and he is happy in his new home and I hope that you can find happiness knowing that you have made the right choice for him.

I agree with the others. This will definitely be more difficult for you than for Winston. When I've picked up owner-surrendered dogs, they look back at the people who are letting them go and wonder what's going on. For about a minute. Then they're off on a new adventure and they're very flexible to the change. They settle in quickly in totally new environments.

As Ron said, you and your family will be the ones needing help with the transition. It sounds like Winston is going to a great home and there is no reason you can't be updated occasionally with photos and stories if this is agreeable to both families.

My heart really goes out to you and your family. It's so sad to see dogs surrendered but knowing that he will be given a much better life will help ease the pain. You're to be commended for finding an experienced family for Winston and doing what is in his best interest.
:ghug: I am so sorry you are having to go through this very difficult decison. Kudos to you for making sure that you pup is going to a good and loving home. As everyone has said, I think it will be harder on you than on Winston. So you need to accept that he will be fine and take care of yourself.

I agree that it may be best to let your husband take him, but then it may be comforting to you to see how loved and well received he is by his new family. Only you know that.

You need to give YOURSELF all the credit for doing the right thing and try very hard not to feel badly about it.

My heart hearts for you :ghug:
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