Loss of a sheepie

My Sheila died on Friday. She was only two. Thursday night, she threw up, but she otherwise seemed okay. Friday morning when I got up she wouldn't move. We had a whirlwind of a morning Friday morning, first at the emergency vet, where they determined that she was bleeding internally, then at a specialist preparing for surgery. They couldn't stabilize her enough, and she died before going into surgery. My house is not the same. It is so quiet, and even the kitties wonder where she is.

She loved to bounce. She would bounce outside the window when she wanted to come inside. You would just see her head pop up with her ears flying out, up and down, up and down. She loved the kitties, but was a little rough for them. She smiled. She grunted when you hugged her. She was stubborn and a real drama queen. She would bark any time my husband and I hugged each other. She would get between us and jump up and down if it continued. She had many nicknames, Sheeps, Sheepie, Wigs (Wiggles), and even Frito (this one came when she hadn't had a bath in awhile, and I insisted that she smelled like a frito chip, or more specifically, a dirty frito). She panted constantly. I would think that she was never still, but at night when it was time to go to bed, she would be completely asleep in a matter of moments.

She was my first dog as an adult. I got her when she was just six weeks old. In trying to teach her how to be a obedient dog, she taught me so much about dogs. I had always been a cat person, until I got her. I thought I would have her a lot longer. I am very sad.
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How sad. Shelia sounds like a wonderful puppy. I am so sorry for your loss.
I am so, so sorry about your loss. My heart hurts so bad when I see posts under the Rainbow Bridge. I hope in time you and your family will be able to heal all open wounds.
I am so sorry for your loss. Even though she was here such a short time it sounds like Sheila gave you wonderful memories to last a lifetime.
I am so sorry. You certainly never expect to lose your dog so young. Sheila sounds like she was a sweet sheepie girl and will leave a big hole in your heart. :hearts:
I am sorry for your loss. Although she went to rainbow bridge at a very young age, it sounds like you have a lifetime of memories of your sweet girl.
Sorry to hear of your loss of Sheila, always hard when they have to go, so young too makes it even harder.

When the sadness fades a bit sheila will always be there in your heart and memories forever.

Thinking of you at this very sad time.

Sheepie hugs to you and your family :ghug:
II'm so sorry for your loss. 'm glad you had two good years with Sheila, but I am very sad that she was taken from you far too soon.

Hold onto those memories of flopping ears and prancing when you hugged; she wanted to protect and be a part of your family so very much.

I trust that she is at peace and still watching over you.
I am very sorry for your loss. :(
I am so sorry for your loss. To lose your precious baby so young hurts. My Max, Jazz and Ben will greet her at the bridge and help her. My prayers are with you

My sympathies to you. Such a loss, I'm sorry you had to lose your special girl!
That is so sad, only 2 years old. My heart goes out to you. At least we had our Katy for almost 6 years when she died unexpectedly. Keep remembering what a beautiful girl she was, now she is your little angel. :cry:
I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful sheepie girl Sheila. She was so young. Thank you for sharing a few moments of Sheila's life time with us. Strength to you while you go through this time of grief.

I'm so sorry about Sheila. They are never with us long enough. I hope you can smile through your tears, and that your heart heals soon.
My heart breaks for you. We lost our first OES, Cupcake, when he was only 3. Its still feels so unfair.

I understand how empty you feel. She sounds like such an adorable girl. Always remember, she loved, and still loves you.

I'm so sorry.
I am so sorry for your loss.
I'm very very sorry for your loss of your wonderful Sheila! I'm also sad that you had her only 2 years, that is too early for a Sheepie to die! :cry: :cry:

Did the Vet said why she got the internal bleeding? What was the cause? It's just so sad when they have to die so early! It brings tears in my eyes too!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:

Sending you loads of Sheepie Hugs!!! :ghug: :ghug:
I am so sorry to hear about your Sheila. My thought and prayers are with you.
way to young so so sorry for your loss
That is way too young to lose a sweet pup like Sheila. We are so sorry for your loss, and our sympathies are with you.

Laurie and Oscar
Sheila, I am so sorry for your loss, I know how that feels to loose such a young one, what was wrong with her, sounds like hermanciarcoma.It will take a long time to accept the fact that she is no longetr with you, but mind you she is up there with the others playing and waiting for us to join them.

There are no words to comfort your pain, but remember, we all are morning with you.Our tears are ours.

Edy , who is still crying after loosing 3 year old Spice 1 year ago
I so very sorry to hear of the loss of your special girl Sheila. :cry:
I want to thank everyone for their kind words and support. I could have never anticipated this magnitude of a response. Thank you all.
Please accept my condolances at the loss of your beloved Sheila. :( It is always so sad to lose a loved one, but it seems so unfair when they are so young. :(
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
Please accept my condolances at the loss of your beloved Sheila. :( It is always so sad to lose a loved one, but it seems so unfair when they are so young. :(

:cry: It IS unfair as they would have a whole life ahead of them with love and caring and bringing so much pleasure in our lives.
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. It's sad that she passed so young, my thoughts are with you.
Im so sorry, so young too.

sending you lots of ((((((Hugs)))))))
We are so sorry for your loss. How sudden. Not that it matters, but have you found out why? :cry:
Sorry to hear of your loss of such a young sheepie. Prayers and thoughts go out to your family.
This is what I know about her problems. She was bleeding internally, and we moved her to a specialist for surgery. They were leaning toward it being a perforatation in her intestines, but when they did the ultrasound and bloodwork, the internist said that her liver was abnormal. He said that they wouldn't know what they were dealing with until surgery, but they couldn't stabilize her enough for surgery. Her blood pressure dropped, her heart rate drop, and she just stopped breathing. We didn't have an autopsy or anything. Once it was all over I just wanted to get her home. We were going to try to bury her, but we live in the Rockies, and needless to say, it was too rocky, so we took her to be cremated.

Again, I can't tell you how much it means to have all of your support. I am beginning to be able to think about how happy she was and to just be happy with that without breaking down completely. She was truly a happy happy dog. I learned a lot from her.
I'm so sorry about your girl, it's obvious how much you loved her. Hang on to all your happy memories, they will get you through the rough times. :ghug:
That is so horrible she was so young. I'm sorry :cry:
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