Best shampoo to control matting?

What is the best shampoo for an OES. I used to go to Petco every month but the $80 fee was crazy. I bought a grooming table on e-bay from China for $180...(lead free...LOL) and am ready just to do all of it myself. When he was a pup I took him to a small grooming place that used a shampoo that was just awesome and it was alot easier to brush him. Is there any thing I can do to make more play time than grooming time?
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I know the fee is outragous. I wish it didn't have to be, the work involved in grooming an OES is so time consuming. Hopefully you can save money doing it yourself and you get to do some extra bonding while your at it!

My absolute favorite shampoo and conditioner is made by Fresh n' Clean. It's called Oatmeal and Baking soda. It has the best long lasting smell I have ever used. It's conditioner is fantastic to. I prefer to use conditioner on these guys because it does help with the brushing. Although, it's contraversial because it tends to weigh the hair down. You'll have to decide for yourself.

The conditioner can be watered down in a spray bottle and be used inbetween baths to help dematt specific areas or just a freshing up.

A couple other good products to keep an eye out for are Cowboy Majic and The stuff. I also like something called Pro Groom it's in a large black and green arosal can. It looks like some genaric back shelf product, but it's a great all around product. Spray on condioner/detangler/ and colonge.
The reason why he was so much easier to deal with when he was a pup is because his coat was much different then-- the shampoo wasn't the culprit of the soft, manageable hair! As they start approaching a year (some earlier some later), the coat begins to change into a matting machine and there's pretty much nothing you can do about it except constant maintenance and taking care of the mats as they start. If someone was charging you $80 a month for a puppy grooming though, you were getting seriously ripped off! Puppies aren't that much work to bathe and groom-- definitely not $80 worth!

I'd suggest bathing as little as possible-- do only the whites when they're dirty and the whole body when absolutely necessary. If you want a more manageable coat and don't care if you make it soft, line groom using a spray conditioner, like The Stuff or a similar product. Cowboy Magic is okay for working mats out but it's an oily goo that you can't use as a daily conditioner. Plus, if you use too much, you wind up with an oil slick on the floor where the dog lays, lol!
Oats fur coat shampoo and ulter silk conditioner off ebay is great. 12 oz bottles $9.00-12.00 shampoo mixs into 3 gallons and conditioner makes 6 gallons, shipping ok. This stuff works great on mattes low suds but cleans great washes out easy.
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