Potty signals

Kia is 7 months and we have trained her to ring a bell on the door when she needs to go out :D - however, we've recently been allowing her into the entire house (she is so well behaved) and now, I am not sure how to get the 'potty' signal! Obviously, we can't hear her ring this bell if we are in other areas of the house and she will just all of a sudden pee right near us! She doesn't seem to have a signal - I just have to keep watching my clock and asking her but I would rather get her to somehow communicate this to me! Any ideas??
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Well, it seems you have trained her to communicate to you with the "potty bell". Perhaps you could use the same methods to get her to associate a single bark (generally much louder) while standing at the door with "It's that time". I don't have a pupper right now, so maybe some of the other members can help you out. I do know that this is how all of my past dogs let me know that they had to go! Hope this helps!

Karen :)
Pooh bear walks over to the front door, sits and waits. No barking, nothing else. When he does this I've been trying to "pump" him up and get him excited, including jumping and barking, then I say to him "Let's Go" and we go outside.

This is what I've read in my training manuals and seems to work a bit. So far, he gets only happy when I see him at the door. As soon as he gets riled up, I start working on it from a different room.
That was me on the last post.

By the way, while getting the dog to ring a bell is amazing...and I'd love to do it....a danger is ringing the bell to 1) get your attention and 2) ring it to go out even if no potty visit is needed!
There is a specific drill to the bell - ringing. Every potty trip begins with the nose ringing the bell, the leash, and a walk directly to the potty area of the yard - followed by praise and walk directly back into the house. I have caught her once or twice ringing the bell when she hears us in the garage but very rarely - we use go play when we are just going out to play or 'take a walk' when we are going on a walk (a different door, too)

I think I am going to try getting her to also Bark one loud bark along with the bell and see if she catches on with that element and then uses it in other areas!

How neat that you were able to teach the bell, I tried that with my 2 a few months back with no success. They do just like Pooh and go sit and wait, however if I don't listen they will walk to the other door and sit and wait, THEN they will come a few feet in front of me or my husband and stare and wait. We usually get the idea quickly now that we understand now. LOL
Could you put a bell in other parts of the house with the same effect, she rings when it is time to go potty?
Good luck to you! :wink:
Stormi and co.
My dogs will usually "come and get me" when they have to go out but your pup is still pretty young to expect perfection - so this may just take some time. If she's smart enough to ring the bell - it will be only a matter of time before she realizes she needs to come and get you if you're not in the room.

You will also get the "schedule" down better as time goes on - and she'll be able to hold it longer and wait for her scheduled break.

Is Kia spayed yet? She's at THAT age - and as she starts her first heat - housebreaking can become more difficult.
Kristen wrote
Is Kia spayed yet? She's at THAT age - and as she starts her first heat - housebreaking can become more difficult

I have read that a lot, so I consider myself very lucky. Annabelle wasn't difficult to potty train, but would have accidents from time to time, maybe the equivalent of twice a week. She went into her first heat cycle in the last week of her 7th month. We got her some pants to wear during the 3 weeks of her cycle. She went through those 3 weeks with no accidents because when she needed to go to the bathroom the pants would come off and when she came back in the pants went right back on. I was worried what would happen after her heat was over, but she has never had an accident since then.
She just went into her 2nd heat cycle yesterday evening. It was almost 7 months to the day since the last one. She seems really tired today and has been content to lay beside me or at my feet. Her last cycle was 3 weeks to the day, so I would expect the same this time.
Anyway, that is just been what I have went through with potty training and heat cycles.
Stormi and co.
Well, we had Kia spayed a few weeks ago so I don't think that's it...
Perhaps it is just still some 'puppyhood' and the fact that she is now in more areas of the house... she drinks a TON, too! Incidentally, do you guys feed once or more per day? We've been feeding twice and I was going to investigate if and when to cut back to one feeding per day.

thanks for all the help!
roofus scratches the door to go out... i'm not sure how it started. he probably scratched once and i let him out and he's done it ever since. the back door is smack in the middle of the house so i can hear him from any room.

anybody else have the experience of telling their oes to do something once and they always do it? i swear i told him to shake when he was waving his paw around and he does it every time now... it's amazing, only takes one time to teach him anything (except come when he's outside LOL)!
Marie wrote:
Well, we had Kia spayed a few weeks ago so I don't think that's it...
Perhaps it is just still some 'puppyhood' and the fact that she is now in more areas of the house... she drinks a TON, too! Incidentally, do you guys feed once or more per day? We've been feeding twice and I was going to investigate if and when to cut back to one feeding per day.

thanks for all the help!

You may want to consider having her checked for a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection).
anybody else have the experience of telling their oes to do something once and they always do it?

I am pretty sure Henry learned "Cookie" the first time I said it, I just wish it were that easy with "Come." :D
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