He hates the vacuum

All right, I've had it. Dodger hates it when I vacuum. He barks, jumps and and generally attacks the vacuum while I'm running it. It's out all the time so he can get used to seeing it, but as soon as I get it out from the corner, he beings circling like a shark. When I turn I on, he starts barking and lunging.

I tried putting him in his crate while I cleaned, he just barked like mad. Every other dog I've ever had has just stayed away from the vacuum, he seems compelled to get it. Any help out there?
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Oue Sami is the different, she loves the vacumm she lets us vacumm her, even her tongue. :roll:
China, my Aussie Shephard, used to be like that and with the broom, mop ect. So I would make a game of it with her. I would tell her "here it comes here it comes" and she would attack it. Eventually she stopped...she will soon be 4 yrs old and I don't remember the last time we played that game. Now mind you I sweep, vacuum, mop everyday, so she probably got tired of it. lol On the other hand Violet, OES, loves the vacuum. She usually lays in my way as I try to vacuum around her. lol!

Good luck, I'm sorry I was of no help.
Put Dodger on a leash, have someone turn on the vacuum, you stay with him (away from the machine) and correct his temper tantrum as soon as it starts. Once Dodger is calm and submissive, have that person start moving the machine, Dodger must remain submissive (not charging or barking). If you were Cesar Milan it would take 15 minutes, for us mortals it takes longer. You are the pack leader, you must let him know is acting out is not permitted. No feeling sorry, no anger, you are the one large-and-in-charge.

He may never love the machine but he learns he can't attack it or bark at it. MO still hates the lawn mower and will be on the other side of the yard when it's operating but she no longer tries to attack it. We finally got tired of her noise and charges at it and spent about 30 minutes working with her to stop her annoying actions.

As for the vacuum.........quickest way for me to empty the house of dogs! :lol: :lol: I turn it on and they head out the door.
My German Shepherd was the same way. He would pounce from around the corners and I would have to wrestle the vacuum away from him. He also stalked the vacuum when it was off. :lol:
The only thing that worked for us was putting him outside while I vacuumed.
Both Mony and Laci attack the vacumn cleaner. While it slows me down, I don't mind. They seem to be having fun. My Mini Schnauzer attacks the lawn mower (dangerous) :D
We just discovered this recently too! Nanny haaates the vacuum! Even when it was off she barked at it like mad until I put it away. The evil, sucking, vacuum monster was banished to the closet. :P Oh well, gives me an excuse not to clean. :twisted:
Bella will attack the vacuum too when it's running. If I turn it off as she is attacking she'll look at it bark once more turn and walk out the doggie door acting like "My work here is done." If she comes back in and it is still running she just turns and goes back out. If you don't turn it off early in the game she'll bark at it as long as its on.

Bella doesn't get as excited about the lawn mower. Sydney would bark at it like crazy and then go lay down across the line of the cut grass and wait until I got close then start the whole game over.
Oscar does not like the vacuum at all, so we basically trained him to go lay down in a particular spot when I am vacuuming. As a puppy, I put him in a "down-stay" (on leash), and each time he got up, I corrected him and returned him to his spot. It took alot of time in the beginning, but we haven't had an issue with the vacuum since he was 5 or 6 months old.

Laurie and Oscar
i have to shut einy in another room while i vacuum he can bark the roof off i've tried lots of things but he will lay down on the other side of the door and just snort at it rather than bark

zoe and einy
george hayes the vacuum but he doesn't attack it or anything. he just peers round the door looking scared until I stop.

I try to do it when he out now as it is less stressful!
Nigel is scared of it...he literally pees himself!!! What a baby!!!
When Dino (my son's min pin) still lived with us, he peed ON the vacuum. He hated it so much, he would go pee on it when it was done and "parked'. I guess he was trying to show it who was boss. :roll: :lol:
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