How old is too old to have accidents?

Twiggy is about 10-11 months old.

She goes out to the bathroom before bed around 11-midnight. My husband has picked up a 2nd job to help with Christmas so he's been getting home a bit later. The water gets picked up at this point.

We wake up at 6:00, she gets fed, and then goes for a walk around 7:00.

I tend to lounge in bed till about 6:30 or so.. :)

Well this morning, Twiggy came into my room with my husband while he was getting his shoes to go for their walk. All of a sudden, Twiggy just squats on a pile of CLEAN CLOTHES THAT I HAD FOLDED THE NIGHT BEFORE AND WAS GOING TO PUT INTO THE CLOSEST THIS MORNING! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I was in total shock! I could have handled on the carpeting but on the clothes?

She's had little accidents in the bedroom before. We have kitties and sometimes they get her a bit excited. That I understand but this was just horrible.

Now this is my first dog, I've always had cats, and I think with the reading and research I've been doing, I've become a pretty good dog owner but I'm just concerned that this little incident this morning means something might be wrong.

We've been doing the same peeing/walking/bedtime routine for close to 2 months now.

Should I be concerned or just chalk it upto, accidents happen?
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You might want to rule out the possibility of a bladder infection or struvite crystals for this behavior before addressing a behavior issue. You can often drop off a sterile sample without having to make an appointment. (Ask the vet if you can pick up a sterile specimen cups.)
Do you let her out when you get up? We always do a stop outside, then breakfast or the walk first, then breakfast. Perhaps a stop outside first thing would help...that way there is no risk of excitement peeing or anything.
Ughh... pee accidents suck. Hope you can figure it out.

If there was an age limit to accidents, many of us would really be in trouble. :lol:

Yuki definitely had an accident here and there at that age.
eehigy wrote:
I was in total shock! I could have handled on the carpeting but on the clothes?
I would feel just the opposite! Yay! Not in the rugs!

Maybe she doesn't like the smell of your detergent or fabric softener. Or maybe she was unhappy that her favorite pair of your jeans don't "smell right" anymore.

Just some thoughts.
Our routine is up at 5:45, out to get the paper (Riley pees out front) and then the three go out back (Riley also pees out back) while we gather up their breakfast.
I leave at 6:45, while hubby lets them out for a few minutes.
He lets them out one for one last bathroom break before he leaves at 7:45.

The thing we tend to forget is that it takes some time between the time you drink and the time you need to empty the bladder. In general, the two hour rule seems to work for my crew - last drink for the night, follwed 2 hours later by the last bathroom break.
I'd have her checked out for a UTI problem if it happens again soon.

Even a low grade UTI can cause problems with the controll in the wee wee department.

Monitor her water intake before bed too, take the water up well before you go to bed then last thing take her out to pee before you all settle down for the night. First thing in the morning, straight out to potty and see how the control and issue goes then.

If no improvement then off to the vets to see if it is a medical issue with her lack of holding it. :wink:
Dogs also use urine as a social commentary.......she's (sorry about this) pissed about something. My first thought is a UTI or other urinary problem. Solid Gold make a powder to help acidify urine.....I find Glacier needs this every so often. She may also have a structural defect with her plumbing..........but this is extremely rare. I'm guessing UTI or she's making a statement. You may have to train her to ring some bells hung by the door to go out if this was a case of overflowing bladder.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. We are going to monitor her some more to see if it's a health problem. On her walks, she never seems to have problems going pee or anything like that, but I will watch this very carefully.

We changed things up a bit this morning. My husband fed her, put her outside right away, took his shower and got dressed and then took her for her morning walk.

I think part of it too might be excitement. She does favor me a bit more then Andy so when she would come into the bedroom in the morning and I"m there, she's pretty excited after not seeing me all night long. (Either we have let her in the room in the morning or she busts in :P )

We will continue to watch her. Thanks for the advice!
Hello!!! :D
We have a 4 month old puppy and thankfully we have had not accidents for over a month now!
Does twiggy see you wipe up her mess???
When she has an accident try and put her out everytime, and then clean up her mess!! Worked for us??
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