Bella and "NO"

We, my wife and I, have a problem with Bella. First I need to say that she is 11 months. When we say "No" she will start barking at us. She seems to be saying, " How dare you say NO to me." Then she will do what we call he bullet routine where she runs around the family room up the stairs around the kitchen into the living room back down and around. She will do this several times, like 6 - 10 if we do not intervene, barking all the time she comes by7 us. Eventually she will stop and either go outside or go lay down. When she comes back inside she is calm and generally a good dog.

We've tried various things with limited results. If we ignore the barking and turn our back on her or walk out of he room that seems the best, but not the most efficient from our point of view.

In general she is fairly well behaved. She will sit and stay most of the time. She will walk at a heel without a lot of problems. She has been known to come" when called but not without the control of a long leash or the confines of the back yard.

The only problem that we do not have a handle on is the barking and the running around the house. I am open to ideas.
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I won't comment much on the barking BUT I can tell you our 11 month old does what we term "crazy dog" where he runs like a lunatic around the yard at about 100 mph and runs and runs and does also bark and used to jump up and nip ( that stopped thank goodness) and the after doing this several times, he would plop himself down all tired out. We all "hit the deck" when this begins so not to get knocked down!

I think there is a post about this behavior someone termed FRAPS...Anyone want to explain it again?
First the "NO"....What exactly does this mean to a dog? I don't use that word at all, It is too vague for a dog to understand...It can mean ..stop barking..stop growling...stop looking like that...stop walking towards that....stop playing....stop pulling.....don't touch that.....They need more specific direction than that. Instead when my dog is doing something I would rather he not be doing I think of something else for the dog to do, and ask him to do that, instead. Or I use "off" which is very specific and I have taught my dogs that it means "leave it alone".

So I would think when you say "no" she doesn't know what you are wanting from her, so she gets stressed and then the "zoomies"....!!!

As for the "zoomies"...we always used to laugh at Bosley as he whipped around the hosue,knocking things over, slamming on walls, etc, etc..It is like a spaz attack, a big release of energy...We would just lift our feet up out of the way and watch him go...... :lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't know of any dogs that do it past a year old or so.....Mine certainly don't do it now, at 2 years old.
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