Presidental election Quiz

Did you align up where you thought you would? Just for fun:

By all means, don't post your results if you don't want to...

I aligned where I thought I would as a conservative republican.

first ones (in order) were:

duncan hunter
sam brownback

last ones (in order) were:

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My Mom had sent me this quiz and I scored exactly where I thought I was,

My sister on the other hand was shocked to find out her views were more on the republican side. :lol: Which is funny because she proclaims to be a die hard democrat.

My canidates score went like this:
The highest scores went to:
Mitt Romney 44
Duncan Hunter 43
Jim Gilmore 41
Joe Biden 39
Fred Thompson 38
Sam Brownback 36
Rudy Giuliani 34

Mainly democrats in the middle... Clinton, Obama, Edwards

The lowest scores went to:
John McCain 26
Tom Tancredo 24
Dennis Kucinich 20
Mike Gravel 15
Ron Paul 14
My score came out exactly as I expected. :lol:
Interesting survey. Mine came out opposite than I expected. I guess I'm more conservative than I think I am... :evil:
Turned out EXACTLY as I thought.......My top two candidates received the same scores (49), and those are the two I am trying to decide between. :lmt:

Laurie and Oscar
It turned out the opposite of what my husband would have thought too. :lol:

...but made him learn more about a candidate who he now really likes (Huckabee), although he's not big enough to make it into the White House.
Right where we expected...

My Sister on the other hand was suprised that she is a republican also :)
I knew I'd get Kucinich... he doesn't eat meat and hes a little nuts just like me!
8O Fred Thompson and Duncan Hunter 8O I figured on Duncan but I guess I haven't been listening to Fred much.
Just a fyi: Fox News (hannity&holmes) broadcasted a LIVE debate (You Decide 2008) against Republican candidates tonight. Then there was a poll of who won the debate, most likely would get your vote:

The results of who won (but viewers still had a little longer to call in, so it could have changed by a percent or two):
1. ron paul 35%
2. huckabee 25%
3. giuliani 12%

I'm not really a Ron Paul fan. ...just the Ron on this board ;)
Exactly right for me too, which was very surprising since I didn't necessarily think I picked answers that were aligned with the candidates I favor.
Mine was a mixed bag. It's because there are a few things about my party that I don't blindly follow and that I'm against (or for) that they aren't, which apparently turns it into a mixed bag. I have to admit, I haven't really paid much attention to this yet. It's like Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving...way too early...

Mine came out a little wierd too!

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