Making her own snow!

We have a dog door for NAB so she has the run of the backyard, kitchen, hall and main bath in our house. We came home yesterday to see that she had 'pounced' our bedroom door open. We found a few bones buried in the bed and thought we had gotten off pretty easy until we looked out the kitchen window...The entire back yard looked like snow! White and fluffy everywhere! She had stolen a brand new box of kleenex and spread every little bit of it everywhere. She lay glaring at us as we picked up her snow, only to discover she had also found two balls of wool, which were wound around patio chairs, solar light, trees, my husbands project car and anything else she could wind them around. You could just imagine the fun she had chasing and pouncing those balls of wool.

We had a freak snow storm here in September and she played psycho puppy in the snow for hours. I think she was trying to recreate that! I wish I could have seen her day. She must have had such fun! :lol:
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Tee hee! :lol: Maybe you need a camera to record her fun days.

BTW you have the cutest avatar. I love the goggles. Is there a story behind that picture?
Thanks! We bought the Doggles because NAB loves car rides and to stick her head out the window but she rubs her eyes because they go too dry. The Vet suggested Doggles. She hates having them on unless she's in the car and it's moving. If we stop for too long she has to have them off.

We do cause quite the spectacle while driving. We've had people follow us until we stop to ask what kind of dog she is and where did we get the doggles.
Two cute stories... :lol:
It must have been quite a site. She sounds like she got most of her energy out that day. LOL
The Doggles are so cute! I have never heard of them. Jack wouldn't leave them on. Annabelle might until we weren't looking and then eat them.
Love your stories, keep them coming!
Stormi and co.
Oh puppy play time!! Yes, a shame you didn't have a camera, but then you would have been laughing so hard the camera would have bounced all around. It's amazing she had the concentration to "get the job done." Now that Kleenex has been discovered, will the toilet paper be safe?
The toilet paper will be next.Shaggy is 3 and I just caught him at 2o'clock in the morning with the roll in his mouth,getting ready to decorate the whole house.You could tell by the look on his face, as if he were thinking,can't even get away with my decorating designs at 2 in the morning. It was priceless.
I love it. Bunker went nuts when it snowed in September (I'm in Edmonton too). Her trick is if I leave the bathroom door open she unravels the roll of toilet paper, papering the entire house. Then cocks her head sideways when I catch her as if to say, ME do something wrong?

She also destroys any stuffed animal she can get her mouth on, I have come home from work to find stuffing all over the house and the skin of the bear just lying there. She chews the eyes off, then the nose and pulls out the batting. My big Goof.
Another Edmonton Sheepie! I've only seen 2 others in Edmonton, One is NABs litter mate and the other one I saw out on a walk while I was driving home. They were around 101 Street & 107 Ave.
How old is Bunker? How does she do through the winter months? I think NAB will love it because she hates the heat. I can't imagine her ever living in the southern states. Her one small taste of snow was great. She ran around the yard at full tilt until she discovered the snow balls that rolled off her feet as she ran. So then she'd pounce the snow balls, run, pounce, run, pounce...until she fell into an exausted, happy, panting bundle of wet fur!
I love all these old posts. great way to spend the night while hubby is working :-). LOVE the pic too!!
So she got the yard decorated just right and you came by and removed all of her decor! Ooooh she must have been mad!
I bet she had a ball! :lol:

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