I'm three!!!!

Hi...Keira here...

I know I'm not a sheepie, but my brother is, so I'm sorta sheepie by association.

But Pirate told me it would be ok for me to write this.

You see...I turned 3 yesterday!!!! I'm not really sure if that was my birthday, cuz I was a rescue dog. But my upright brother's birthday is Oct. 14, and he said I could share his with him.

So we did! He had chocolate cake, I had liversausage cake. He shared his with mommy and daddy, and his girlfriend, Meg. I shared mine with Pirate, Khobi the cat, and Leo the cat.

I got a couple really cool toys. One of them, I distroyed in record time! It was so much fun! And my neighbor Missy gave me a rawhide bone, which was really fun, cuz mommy doesn't let me have those usually.

So...it was a really cool birthday, and I know what a lucky girl I am having a great family, cuz I lived in "shelter" for awhile and it really sucked. But! I landed in a warm and loving home, and I always am dry and safe and have good things to eat...and people to kiss.

I'm one lucky little girl...!!!!
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Happy Birthday!!

Hope you had a great day!
:hearts: HAPPY :bdcake: 3RD :bdcake: BIRTHDAY :bdcake: KIERA :hearts:
Happy birthday Kiera! It sounds like your day was really special!!!!!!

The liversausage cake sounds dee-lish-ous!

Hugs and Kisses, Auntie Paula :hearts:

Get spoiled LOTS today :yay:
I will get to see you Saturday, Auntie Paula!!!!
And now that I'm three, I'm really 21, so I can have scotch with you!!!

You are a lucky girl and your family is lucky to have found you! Happy Birthday Kiera!! :D
Happy Birthday, Pretty Girl! Where can our Mom purchase a liversausage cake?
Happy Birthday Kiera :D
Stacy wrote:
Happy Birthday, Pretty Girl! Where can our Mom purchase a liversausage cake?

My mommy made it! She took a tube of liversausage and formed it into a cake and put three candles on it. But :cry: she wouldn't let me eat the candles.

But the cake was delious!!! All of us 4 leggers loved it!

(Ut oh...now I'm hungry!)
Glad you had a super 3rd birthday. You are one lucky girl!

The liverwurst cake - :roll: - glad you liked it!
none of your people wanted liversausage cake????? I LOVE liversausage cake and would have loved to share it with you...add some mustard and a cracker and youre good to go!!

Happy Birthday dear Kiera!!!
Happy Birthday Keira! :bdcake:

Mmmmm.... liversausage! :lol:
My mommy loves liversausage on white bread with onions and a little salt.

But she has really stinky breath afterwards!!!!!!
Happy Birthday ........... :banana:
Happy Birthday Kiera!!!
Thanks everyone! You've really made me feel like a Princess today!

Big kisses to all of you, and I hope all of your birthdays are as wonderful as mine was.

Happy birthday Keira, hugs from all of us for your special day. :D
Happy Belated 3rd birthday Keira, Ollie & Mr Jack say wooof woooof woof wooooooooof !!!!!!! I think that means Happy Birthday :lol:
Happy Birthday! I could have sworn I already said that, but I guess not!

I'm glad it was a good one! :D
Happy Belated Birthday! :bdcake:
Wishing you a very happy Birthday!!!! :clappurple: :cheer: :bdcake:
HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY KIERA! :bdcake: :bdcake: :bdcake: :kiss: :ghug:
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