OES severe aggression...help

My parents have a 4 year old male sheepie. He was neutered a couple of months ago due to his aggression with my dad, he bit both my dads arms. The humane society had him quarantined at home for 10 days as is the standard and I finally convinced my parents to have him neutered. The aggression has subsided towards my dogs but has done nothing towards my dad. Last night I got a call from my mom saying that he had biten my dad again on the arms. My mom said that dad was sitting in the couch and sammy wanted attention and was giving my dad paws to say he wanted something. My dad took his paw and pushed it off his knee and sammy went after his arm. We are at our wits end as what to do with him.
He is the type that you cant predict when he will strike which makes him very dangerous. The way I see it there are 2 options: work with a trainer who specializes with aggressive animals or have him put down.
Does anyone else have any suggestions as to what to do. Sammy and my dad do not get along at all. Sammy also doesnt like other dogs except for mine, he nips at people who walk by when him and my mom are on a walk and he is very protective of my mom. I just dont know what else can be done because he is so unpredictable.
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OES4ever wrote:
He is the type that you cant predict when he will strike which makes him very dangerous. The way I see it there are 2 options: work with a trainer who specializes with aggressive animals or have him put down.

I think you already hit on the only two viable options.

A good behavioralist (this goes way beyond what most trainers would want to or be able to deal with) can design a program to hopefully make him managable - and that is probably the best they can hope for, he will most likely need to be managed carefully the rest of his life - and a big part of that will be getting him to accept your Dad as a rank above him in the pack. Right now it sounds like he accepts your Mom as his leader and he has no respect whatsoever for your Dad and that's not healthy (obviously!).

Dad will probably end up being the on to feed him and all that for a good long time. Most likely he will be put on a "nothing in life is free" program to bring his view of himself in the pack a little more in line with what it should be. But when you're dealing with that level of aggression, all of this needs to be overseen by a qualified behavioralist and your parents both need to be committed to the program.

It probably wouldn't hurt to run a full thyroid panel on him just to be safe.

A qualified behaviroist will first assess him, then get a full history, do some standard tests, then suggest a program.

It is important to first identify the triggers, then work on those triggers.

A true behaviriost should be abel to tell you why the dog is behaving in a certain way, and then design a behavior modification program that needs to be treaked and adjusted as time goes on.

This is probably something that could takes months, if not years.

If is it the relationship between the dog and your father that is not working then both the dog and your father need to work on how to get that better. Patience and management will go a long way, but the dog needs to change his whole demeanor around your father. That can not be forced, but can be changed very subtlely, by working with the dog's temperament, triggers and wants.

I would suspect that any kind of strong, hardhanded approach will end up in making things worse.

This dog is acting in a fearful fashion, not trying to take over the hosuehold. What makes me concerned is that the behavior extends beyond your father, to strangers. A see a long road to change, and the end might not be what you would like to see.

Good luck.
Thank you all for your helpful hints. I am trying to convince my mother to at least give sammy a try with the trainer and I have told her that it will mostly need my dads commitment and that things will take a long time. I think that if I can convince her and we get a trainer, then at least the smallest improvements will give them hope and they will continue on. I just hate to have to put him to sleep without even giving him the chance. Thank you all again.

I feel for you and the situation you're in. I have a previous rescue (now mine forever) in my home that had several issues and with time, patience and desensitization to situations, he's now the best dog.

My situation is a bit different as my dog was from an abusive place and had to learn to trust humans again. Still, I'm confident that a good behaviourist can help you and it's worth giving him a chance.

Please keep us posted and good luck. We're all here to help.

Good news, my parents have decided after a weekend of discussion that they are going to give sammy another chance. I immediately suggested a trainer/behaviourist and my mom agrees but my dad doesnt want one. I ofcourse argued that that wouldnt solve anything and it would happen again and then his chance would be gone without even having really given him a chance since nothing would have changed. My mom and I decided to get the trainer to the house when my dad is there. MY dad is the type of person who wont believe someone, mainly his family, until a stranger tells him the exact same thing.... it is a really wierd thing but whatever works right..... Hopefully things will work out slowly but surely. Ill keep posted.
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