Scott and I got our Permenant Fund Dividend Checks direct deposited today :banana:

...Sorry Mrs. J.....I think that as a "1st timer" you have to wait for the physical checks to get mailed out :( :wink:

Most of ours will go to bill-paying-off....but we always allow a bit for each of us to spend frivolously...and for me, that means: Bookstores, here I come! :excited: All the hardbacks I want! :D

Dont be getting between me, and the doors to Barnes & Noble! :sidestep:
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I want to live in Alaska... for several reasons!!

Have a GREAT time shopping for books. Let us know what good reads you pick up.
Fun fun fun fun! I love reading books. There is an used book store not to far from my house that I go to a lot. And all the books that I read and don't want I just sell back to them and use for buying more books :oops: . Have fun with the book shopping! 8)
I don't mind waiting!!! PFDs and there's sticky snow all around Anchorage (at least there was yesterday when I was in town)!!!!!

I actually get 20% of mine deducted b/c I couldn't change my last name from maiden name in time despite plenty of other documents that prove you are who you say. Mr J and lil J get 100% of theres though!
Have fun shopping Laurel. :D
Please excuse my naivety. Why do you get this in Alaska? Is it like a tax return?
Stacy wrote:
Please excuse my naivety. Why do you get this in Alaska? Is it like a tax return?

Its like a yearly shareholder's dividend. All Alaska state residents are automatically part of the program. The money comes from investments on oil company tax and lease revenues. The amount varies each year, depending on oil prices, how the fund's various investments did, how many people its divided between, etc. Usually around $1000 per person....but can vary from as little as $300 to as much as $2000. This year...$1654.00! :go:
You're welcome from the chilly Northeast where the primary heating fuel is heating oil... :D
Some of us do have to spend ours on utilities. Many people spend theirs on fun stuff, but many use the money to pay for important stuff. I have never had been able to use it for fun. For years mine went to the dentist, then the lab tech for my doctor. Then there was the year I bought snow tires. This year I get to use it to pay for a waterheater, dryer and stove. :roll: It is going have to be a cheap stove. Maybe next year I can use it to help buy a car.
I'm moving to Alaska :P :lol: I was going to ask what the heck is a PFD's, but someone already did. Now I know WOO HOO, shopping spree happening, happy shopping you alaskans 8) :cheer: :yay:
Happy Shopping!! I'm with you, Laurel, on heading to B&N!! :D
Ah, thanks for the explanation! Very interesting
Woohoo! I'll be expecting book reports once a week...
When's the party????? :rimshot:

Whooo hoooo !!!

barney1 wrote:
Woohoo! I'll be expecting book reports once a week...

Hmmm.....I dunno about guys DO realize I'm a Sci/Fi nut, right? :wink:
ravenmoonart wrote:
barney1 wrote:
Woohoo! I'll be expecting book reports once a week...

Hmmm.....I dunno about guys DO realize I'm a Sci/Fi nut, right? :wink:

Okay, make them short, then... :twisted:
barney1 wrote:
ravenmoonart wrote:
barney1 wrote:
Woohoo! I'll be expecting book reports once a week...

Hmmm.....I dunno about guys DO realize I'm a Sci/Fi nut, right? :wink:

Okay, make them short, then... :twisted:

HA! :twisted:

Actually, I love S-F, fantasy, mysterys, and perhaps most of all, science non-fiction. Most of the books I'm really drooling to get at the moment are science books....they tend to be only available in hardcover, and are pricey :?
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