Chewing bricks/cement?

Hey there forum,

My puppy, Dodger has a strange habit of chewing on bricks and the occasional crack in the cement. (We have bricks in our house around our wood stove). Obviously we stop him when he does it, and always supervise him around places that have theses things.

I mentioned this strange choice of things to chew to my trainer tonight, and she suggested that after we change his food to a more premium brand (which we're starting slowly tomorrow) to see if the behavior continues. If it continued she suggested taking Dodger to a holistic vet. I guess she once worked with a dog that had the same behavior and it turned out to be some kind of deficiency in the dog's diet that had something to do with the well water that the dog drank. (We are also on a well.)

Has anyone else experienced this? Did you take your dog to the vet about it and what did they say?
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Yes, my dog did this as a puppy [chewed on our brick house/extra bricks on the patio]. I didn't think for a second it was what she was eating rather she needed more chew toys/things to do. I'm no vet though, just telling you what I did. She grew out of it. We just kept telling her no. She understood quickly [which is surprising]. :lol:
My Bert did this too. I pretty much think he just liked the "crunchy" texture :wink:

He grew out of it too! :)
Ok, thank you! After she said that I began to get a little worried. I'm a teacher you see, and while I do have the money to take care of my dog, I want to make sure that I'm not spending it if I don't need to. Maybe I'll revisit the vet idea if he doesn't manage to grow out of it.
He'll grow out of it. When Beaureguard was a puppy I would've sworn he was part goat because he would try to eat anything. I had to watch him like a hawk.

It could be due to his age that he is chewing that but I would imagine it is due to his diet. Alot of dogs lick cement, lime stone and bricks if they are lacking vitamins and minerals in their diet. I am guessing this is the problem as it sounds a little odd for him to be choosing those particular objects to lick and chew.
Hope it helps
Right now he's in the process of switching to Chicken Soup for the Puppy's Soul, the Large Breed version from Iam's Smart Puppy. From all of the reaserch I'd done, the Chicken Soup seemed like a good food, and certianly better than the Iams that he was eating. Any feelings about this food one way or the other?

He's also taking vitamins from the vet to get him ready to be neutered in a few months. They said lately they were seeing dogs who's blood work indicated that they were not ready for surgery, so they started us on the vitamins just to be sure.

He's got a vet check-up on Tuesday. I'll be sure to mention it, but it's sounding like I shouldn't worry yet If he gets out of the chewing phase and is still trying to get at these things, then I'll have to take further steps to figure it out.
I used Chicken Soup - adult dog version for awhile as part of my rotation - it seemed to do well. Better than some others I tried with similar ingredients and price. I know the canned Chicken Soup for Puppies is well rated too.
Sorry I'm new to this forum even though Winston is 6 years old. Who knew you guys were all out here!

For those of you who's dogs grew out of the brick chewing your so lucky! At 6 if I leave him out too long without checking he will literally dig up all my brings in the patio!!!! Last time I put it back together he pulled up over 20 and that was this summer! I was out front doing the flowers bed and Morris my other OES was suddenly barking like mad (that's his way of snitching on his brother) so I knew he was pulling another Shawshenk! Trying to dig his way out of the backyard by digging down and out.
Mine never had the brick eating problem but she had the electronics eating problem. It was a disaster. I had to wall off everything but she finally outgrew it. I just wanted to mention to just watch your pups, like you all know this already, but we have had several cases of dogs at our clinic needing surgery from pieces, small and large, that caused a lot of problems.
Another Harrisburg person!!!!
First would like to say welcome Lizzie great place and people here.

Obe grew out of his chewing bricks, concrete, rocks, etc. He did this within the last 2 months. At least I haven't seen him doing it lately. I used to have to watch him like a hawk (still do) as he would grab a small rock and hold it until I wasn't looking, then chew. We learned "drop it" real quick.

I wonder what will be next for my 15 month old????????
I have a Jack Russell and Feist mix. He is about 6 years old. I noticed when he was a puppy that if you picked up a rock in the driveway and showed it to Buddy, then tossed it back into the driveway that he would go and find it and bring it back to you, like it was a game. But now he will either go and dig a rock up or walk around in the yard and find one. I have caught him laying down in the grass licking on half of a cement block. I have taken rocks, bricks, and cement block pieces away from him. My flower garden is turning into a rock garden. Sometimes I can get him to dig a hole and hide it, just for him to come back and dig it up later to lick on it. I am afraid that if he swallows a rock that he might choke on it or will not be able to digest it. I have tried different dog foods and dog bones. He has lots of play toys. What can I do?
George was a cement fiend when he was small. Nowadays he rarely chews it, but he does like to crunch stones... oral fixation maybe?? ;) he started to stop eating it as a pastime and started doing it when he got bored when we were locked outside for peeing :)

He doesn't do it much these days. Well, I say that, but twice I've found MASSIVE lumps of concrete in his bed :eek: He's gonna bring the house down at this rate.

ETA: he is and always has been on James Wellbeloved.
Lily carried around rocks as a puppy. Never chewed on them, just carried them around....she out grew it.
I also have a puppy that chews/licks our fireplace hearth. I thought it might be diet and started vitamins but she still chews it. I hope she grows out of it :cheer:
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