Is Drake nuts or what?

Just recently Drake has started to go poo in the strangest places! I trained Drake to go in the side yard before or after we went for walks. Now when we go for a walk Drake wants to go in the middle of the road or side walk or driveway. He basically will not go in the grass anymore. He used to sniff around in the grass until he found the perfect spot in the grass to go. Now he just goes wherever. Yes I do bring bags with me to clean it up, I just though it was reeally strange. Does make the clean up easier. 8)
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I'm trying to get Pooh Bear to do that now---but the only place he'll go is on the front lawn.....we have a bi-monthly street cleaning here so I'd like to get him going in the street.
We got Jack and Annabelle trained to go in the back corner of our yard. Poo Corner....LOL They are usually really good at going just there. Annabelle sometimes forgets, but not often.
BUT....on a walk they like to go in the middle of the road! Sometimes I don't even know because they can keep walking like normal only dropping poo out the backside. Yes, I clean it up, but there was a time I didn't realize until the 2nd time around and the neighbors are all looking around for the horse that did that. :oops: I guess I should of had a saddle on Jack. They were doing it to me everyday. It has gotten better though. It is more fun when they both do it and there is like a 20 foot poo trail to follow after, because they just keep walking. I have talented pooches don't I? :D
I would try going out with Drake and getting him retrained to use the spot you want him too. It is worth a shot and keeps the sidewalks smelling fresh.

Stormi and co.
Sorry, that's very common in sheepies. All of mine have been walkers. Sure makes it easy to know who's is who's. Piles vs. trails.

Along the same line, my girl squats for pee......normal.....but lists her left leg like the boys. Very strange balancing act :lol:
:D LOL!! :D

I always thought Penelope's "walking" was an individual thing. There were always 'trails' of poop in the back yard instead of piles - and in her older years she started lifting her leg like a a boy, but only on walks, I assumed it was a possible 'marking' behavior. Never knew it was a common sheepie characterisitic.
LOL :lol: I didn't know it was a sheepie trait either. We also have the trails of poo, instead of the piles. Or my favorite the circle poo. Jack can almost make a perfect circle as he turns and goes. Annabelle usually duck walks forward. Mine have never hiked a leg. I am not complaining though. Jack sometimes finds 10-15 spots in the yard to mark, but he squats for all of it.
How funny that we all have a lot of the same quirks. I love it! LOL
Stormi and co.
What does it say about us that we have a forum dedicated to this behavior?!? LOL. Henry squats and lifts his leg at the same time which results in his peeing on his front legs. :oops: No wonder we're in the bath so often.
Nice to know that the trailing, circling and pooing at the same time is not just my crazy nut. I have had several dogs and he is the first one that has to leave a "cookie crumb" trail. Guess if you ever need to find your way home.... :wink: .

What does it say about us that we have a forum dedicated to this behavior?!?.

Guess we know now why someone else posted, "do you people not have anything else better to do?" I can't think of a thing I had rather do than talk about my sheepie, even if it is his poo.
LOL what a great topic!!! LOL Mopsey does the same thing! She poops and walks at the same time. I thought it was just her, but see now that many OES do it! Ha! How funny is that! LOL
LMAO :!: :!: Bella does the walk too leaving a trail behind. I just thought she was a dork :oops:
Ha ha ha! Belle does this too . . . I started calling her Flicka because of it.

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