how do i get a big oes in the bath?!

This may sound stupid but this is the 1st bath i am trying to give him. We got him a few days ago and he's really smelly and needs a wash. He just won't go in, even when the tub has biscuits in it...i can't pick him up as 1. he hates it and goes mad and 2. he got castrated last week and i don't want to risk hurting him.

please help, the dog odour is knocking me out!!!
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you are supposed to wait 2 weeks after neutering to bathe, the stitches they use biodegrade, thus not having to be removed, and warm bath water will dissolve them possibly prolonging the healing process.

but afterwards, try hoppin in with him thats what i do with jack.
I thought we were supposed to wait longer than a few days but the Abandoned Dogs Centre said it was okay...I'm with you on that one though and will wait longer.

I'm just having quite a few problems with him but he's not been with us long so it's understandable. I htink he was hit before as any sudden movements or loud voices scare him. Gentle coaxing doesn't appear to have much effect though.

Should I wait until he 'knows' me or trusts me before trying to bathe him. He looked at me in the bathroom with panic, and clearly didn't understand what was going on.

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly - I really appreciate it
also, he seems to physically be having problems getting in. I tried to put a box in front of the bath to make it easier but he didn't look too impressed with it!

Thinking of a professional dog groomer! :(
does he get bitey? try muzzling him, muzzles, while not popular with super dog lovers will take your pup down a notch. at the groomer we had to muzzle jack but once we did there was no fight in him, and he wasnt bitey afterwards.

maybe you could try letting him bathe on his own terms? leave the tub full and just hang out with him in the bathroom until he feels like hopping in
As mentioned, I would wait longer because of him being neutered. Using one arm in front of the chest and one arm carefully under the buttocks, watching out for the sore spot, you should be able to lift him in. He may be upset because he is a new home, has had a lot of changes and was neutered on top of all that.
true, if someone made me move, adopt a whole new set of rules then cut off my jewels, i'd be bitter when you tried to throw me into a tub of water too :-P
Hmm, also, do you have a tub full of water? I learned the hard way that Mopsey was scared out of her witts when we put her in a tub with water. Then, our breeder suggested using a detachable showerhead, and she is doing great with baths. Oh, also, put in a rubber bath mat so that he has some grip. I would wait with the bath if at all possible. He is scared of the new setting, plus if he was abused, not a good idea to get this close to a dog you don't really know. A muzzle is a good idea for the beginning. Until you get to know him better. Goodluck and keep us posted!
Detachable shower head, a bath mat, and lots of praise and treats. Take it slowly and have patience. Also have the very best treats for him. You may not get him fully bathed the first couple of times. He may need to get used to the experience, he may never have had a bath. Make it fun, it is a good time to massage him a bit, and to get him used to being touched all over. I talk baby talk the whole time . . . .

Also I get in with Henry and since I take a shower right after him, I (un)dress :oops: so no wet clothes. I do get goosed occasionally. 8O Even though I don't get wet clothes, the bathroom gets a pretty good soaking. We are working on the command "shake" to try to get some of the water off before he leaves the tub.

Professional grooming is a nice treat when I want to splurge. I keep him in a puppy cut year-round so we don't get huge grooming bills along with the bath. But with the frequency of Henry's dingleberries, he is in the bath at least once a week and sometimes every day for a few days in a row.
Henry's Mom wrote:
I do get goosed occasionally. 8O

haha! i love it!

i put my bathing suit on and get in with walter as well. i noticed that the walk in shower my parents have works much better (i just have to be strategic and give him a shower when they wont be home for a while...)
as far as the treats try something irresistable- walter wont budge for a regular dog snack but if i put cream cheese or peanut butter on the side of the tub he'll sit and lick long enough for me to clean a leg or two.

also you can try hosing him down outside, maybe have someone hold a lead and treats long enough for you to get the stink off him!
as for drying, grab him/her in a big towel and carry them outside for a good shake and run dry.

they get dry and don't mat.
ed wrote:
true, if someone made me move, adopt a whole new set of rules then cut off my jewels, i'd be bitter when you tried to throw me into a tub of water too :-P

LOL!! :lol:

you might try a dry shampoo or spray-on to take care of the odor before you can actually bathe him, too
I would wait on the bath and work on building a relationship. His whole world has been changed and you are a stranger to him. You need to move slowly and build a relationship and after being neutered he has to be sore. Call your vet if you really want to bathe him. Remember you want to have a trusting relationship with your dog.
Thank you all for replying - not only are you all really helpful, you made me laugh too! :D

I am going to wait before giving him a bath - the walk in shower idea is ingenious - my inlaws have one, so I may have to convince them that a weekend trip in a couple of weeks would be a great idea for them...hopefully I'd be able to get their carpets clean by the time they come back!!

He is so much better today than yesterday behaviour-wise. They really are gorgeous dogs with so much character. And with one eye blue and the other brown, with his floppy hair, he looks like a Fraggle! Very cute!

Thank you all again - this really is the most helpful site I've ever been on.
For the person who is working on getting their dog to shake before getting out of the tub, rub their ears and say shake. If you fool with their ears they have a tendency to shake afterwards.

We adopted a very smelly dog. We just hosed him down outside and let him run dry the first time. I know people in colder climes or apartments may not be as lucky, but it sure worked for us.
We used bubble bath instead of shampoo, because it washes out faster and leaves little residue. If you do bath outside have the shampoo/soap already diluted in a bucket of warm water. Soak the dog (EXCEPT about the face), then sponge on the soapy water, then lather up. It goes much faster. The first bath should be a fast one. Be strict, but calm. And get some help holding his head up so water doesn't run into his eyes and nose the first time. Use a cloth or sponge for the face, no dowsing.

Sounds like you already have plenty of advice though. I know after my surgery I couldn't take any baths for 2 weeks because of the stiches too. But I could take showers.
Hosing Big Ben worked pretty well for us, too. It actually cooled him down and he was a little distracted by the birds, cars, etc. while I did the shampooing. I just kept his leash on and looped it over my foot to give me both hands to work with. I think I remember people on the site buying kiddie pools. That might work if you are still having warm weather where you are.
There are also bath wipes that you could buy. They are expensive but work pretty well. I usually use them on the muzzle or the rear if I don't feel like doing a whole soaking wet wash. Also I agree with everyone else that you should probably wait until he gets used to you. You didn't say how old he was but I'm assuming he is an adult dog which would need a little more time trusting you than a puppy.
I bought a hose that attaches to shower head. Only twenty dollars and it beats using a pitcher of water. Cuts down on bathing time tremendously.
If you end up going to a groomers, maybe ask if you see what things they have, and watch them and his reaction to the process.
I saw this product at PetSmart. It holds the dog in the bathtub with a harness that attaches by suction cup to the sides of the tub.
It was $19.99. Pretty neat idea. I tried to find it online but it's not coming up under any searches. I have one of those handicapped rails on the side. I usually tie Pepsi's leash to that as it's the perfect height...same as his neck.
I had the same issue with an Dobermen I rescued who had been chained to a gas station to starve. I traded the guy an old boom box in my trunk and twenty dollars. The nasty things I wished on him as I pulled away with the pitiful dog were free. After a stop at my wonderful local vet I had to get him clean to find out what was going on with his coat. I was really worried that the yuckies that were making him stink were also making him sick. I found that he was very fearful of the bathroom, I think he had been locked in one a some point. I used a kitchen floor and looped his leash thru a heavy piece of furniture. I sat on a short stool and put one of his feet in a big plastic tub of warm soapy water. It took three sessions in one very long day but seeing him nice and clean made my heart skip a beat. You might need anouther pair of hands to refresh the water as you go. Just work thru small sections at a time starting where he is comfortable having you work so he trusts you it's when it's time to work in his more private areas. It seems like a lot of work but few things will make you feel better then seeing him one big step closer to being the dog you will help him to be.
Zoe likes the shower. Unfortunately now she tries to get in with us in the morning!
I use the walk-in shower also with a hose that I rigged up it's about 8 feet long. I remove the shower head and attach it. In the summer I use one of those garden sprayers, the gentle ones. I put the soap in it and spray Roger down, it really makes short work of the bath. I would put him in a dry tub then turn on the water, use a pitcher or something to rinse him. I make it a point to kiss Roger on the nose alot and hug him, even though I get wet, very, very wet. I have taught Roger to shake on command but I have to shake when I ask him to do it. I'm sure it would look funny to someone watching.
We bought a kiddie pool for when we bathe the dogs outside in the summer. We also put water in it for them to lay in when it gets really hot.
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