Lump under chin

HELP !!!

Just groming paris and I have noticed a sack like lump under her mouth on her chin. I have not noticed it before. Its about the size of a bean and is hanging down. Her fur is around it and her skin pigment is normal on it.
Im not sure if it is hurting her - she has such a good nature if her leg were handing off she would not complain.
As you know she is a resue and she sleeps an awful lot for a dog of 2.Of late all she does is eat and sleep she does not have the energy for much else.
Please tell me this is a breed standard peice of skin.
I cant get a vet appointment until later in the week and Im going out of my mind.
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Sorry that Paris has this issue and Sorry you're so worried!!!

First off are you sure it is not a tick? Is there any "dirt" around it? Hold your breath and check this out: How to identify ticks

Can you take a picture?
Hope it is only a tick though looking at the tick thread they are horrible. Let us know how you get on! :o
Though my dog is not an OES, she has a bump under her chin and developed one on her back last month. She's six and a maltese. They're both benign cysts. Maybe you're referring to the same thing? I can't tell by your description.
My dog has a few bumps on him--they look like regular skin (not red or anything) and are about the size of a pea. I'm not worrying about his, but if you are worried that your girl isn't active enough, maybe at least call your vet and see what they say.
Its about the size of a bean and is hanging down.

Could it be a skin tag?

I agree that you should discuss this with her vet. If all else checks out okay, you might also consider a thyroid test. Low thyroid can cause low energy level and a desire to sleep a lot.
http://www.canine-epilepsy-guardian-ang ... isease.htm

Then too, being a rescue and not knowing her history, she may be in sheepie-bliss finally having a full belly, a warm bed and the comfort of being part of a family.

Please keep us posted on how she's doing.

Jeez Ron... I never knew ticks could be so BIG.
Ya gave me the heebie jeebies.
If your worried about the lump, get the vet to do a needle aspirant to check what it is. They just put a needle into it, take a sample and check it under the microscope to see what it is.

Hopefully just a cyst or an ingrown hair or something along those lines.

Have her thyroid checked with a blood test as well to see that is all normal too. :wink:
This thing is under the skin... its more like a small cyst I think. Its like a little lump and its hard.

Its definitely not a tick .One of our greyhounds had a tick last year and we brought her to the vet to get it taken off....... (he had a good laugh at us over that. we didnt know what it was... they are horrible things (yuk)..

She is going in on saturday morning so Ill know more then. Ive calmed down since yesterday. It was panic stations when I found it. My other half has pointed out some flaws in her sysptoms.
Her sleeping all the time - she likes her bed as all dogs do.
She eats as much as she can get and then some more ... as all dogs will do if you let them.
Her not being up for that much exercise - its warm here during the summer and she has lot of fur and she is a bit chubby!!!
So im probably just freaking out of nothing but still ill get it checked out.

Ill up date you guys as to the prognosis.
im just heading off to check myself for ticks.... a hyper condriact is born :lol:
Keep us posted and hopefully it is just a cyst. Always good to get the needle aspirant done to make sure. Simple procedure and you know exactly what it is then.

Have the blood test done for the thyroid, to make sure you can rule out a problem there and then you will know it is just the hot weather etc. She then needs to be encouraged to have more exercise to get the tubby off her and it will make her more active and fitter. :wink:

Best for their long term health not to have them tubby, otherwise it catches up real fast in there older years with problems. :wink:

In summer we get real hot temps here, mine are in full coat, so I walk them early in the morning or early evening when it has cooled down a bit. :D
thanks for that.

Ill defintely get the thyroid checked. My own mum suffers with that so I know how debiliating it can be for humans - in dog it would be equally as bad. I have it checked myself every year just to be on the safe side as it can be genetic.

I do take her for walks every evening we do on average 2 miles. Since she arrived Ive lost over 2 stone so maybe my fat is transferring on to her thru osmosis or something !!!!! :lol: everyone is saying im fading away and she is blooming.

I have been spoiling her but Im now going to become tough on her with regard to treats and scraps. I have difficultly saying no to the big brown eyes !!!! Its a far cry from the way her life was at the start of this year.
I really think she is enjoying her new home. She now has the life.
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