When adding another sheepie...

Just curious from posts on another thread, but does it matter what sex the new dog is that has to fit into an already made family? In other words, we have Sadie - female. If we were to add another sheepie, would it be better to add another female, better to add a male, or does it matter?
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Generally I think it's recommended you add a dog of the opposite gender. Yeah, this is coming from someone with 6 girls. :roll: A lot depends on the individual dogs and the family itself.

When adding a new dog it's important that you have the option to return the dog if he/she does not fit in. This way you won't feel pressured or guilty if it just doesn't work. It's really best for everyone involved because everyone has to be a match in order for you to have peace in the home. Even with a great match it can take some time for everyone to settle in.
6Girls wrote:
Generally I think it's recommended you add a dog of the opposite gender. Yeah, this is coming from someone with 6 girls. :roll: A lot depends on the individual dogs and the family itself.

I'll second that. I also think whether the dogs are intact makes a big difference, too. Both of my boys are neutered and Clyde was about a 1 1/2 when Bear came (he was 5 months when we got him). We still went through a tough time with the boys for awhile when Bear started growing up, just after he turned one. But, we worked through it and I'm happy to report that we haven't had a fight in almost a year now. Clyde and Bear are super best friends-- pretty much joined at the hip, and then to mine!

Someday I want another boy and he'll stay intact so I hope things don't get interesting. Fighting sucks. It's stressful on everybody, dogs and people.
In the house I have 4 males, and 2 females. One of the females is Honey, our foster basset. Chewie is the only intact one of the bunch. Ours all get along just fine, with no real differences that are attributable to them being male or female. Ours rarely fight or squabble, but when they do it more age related. Rowdy young ones and grumpy old ones!

Good luck.
Also, males tend to fight until they are bored or one gives up. I have heard of people having two girls fight until they are both ripped to shreds, almost til the death. (And people wonder why I don't like girls!!) Of course, they are usually intact females and you know about PMSing girls!!!
After seeing my girl rule with an iron paw, I think one girl is enough!! God bless those people who can deal with more than one! I believe that makes Jaci eligible for sainthood!
I have Violet OES and China Aussie Shepherd and they get along just fine. Violet is older and so thinks she is in charge, but all in all they do fine together. Violet like to pull her tricks on China like lay in front of the doggy door so China can't get in or out, and thing such as that. The only time they ever fought was years ago and it was food related. After Violet eats, her dish is picked up and put away immediatly or she will lay and protect it, yes, even empty. Violet is now four years old and China is three. Good luck with your decision.
After seeing my girl rule with an iron paw, I think one girl is enough!! God bless those people who can deal with more than one! I believe that makes Jaci eligible for sainthood!

Most think it makes us eligible for the funny farm :o

I think it really depends a lot on the individual dogs, good observation and quick intervention to put a stop to any unacceptable behavior BEFORE a fight can break out. Kinda sounds like a referee doesn't it?

Violet like to pull her tricks on China like lay in front of the doggy door so China can't get in or out, and thing such as that.

That's VERY interesting . There are a couple in the pack that can be stinkers. Meesha is the one we have to watch closely. A lot of posturing with Panda... road blocks so she can't get through. Meesha is a growly little thing weighing 38 pounds but she's a little scrapper. The other day we had a brief encounter and Panda had Meesha on the floor. No blood or anything but THAT was a first... hopefully Meesha will come to realize she can't get aways with it. We always intercede immediately if there's a fight... we just won't tolerate it. At least Meesha knows my status far out weighs hers :roll: The thing is she can be such a funny and sweet little girl.

So a new dog has to be a "match" for current dogs/humans for an easy transition.
6Girls wrote:
After seeing my girl rule with an iron paw, I think one girl is enough!! God bless those people who can deal with more than one! I believe that makes Jaci eligible for sainthood!

Most think it makes us eligible for the funny farm :o

I think it really depends a lot on the individual dogs, good observation and quick intervention to put a stop to any unacceptable behavior BEFORE a fight can break out. Kinda sounds like a referee doesn't it?

Violet like to pull her tricks on China like lay in front of the doggy door so China can't get in or out, and thing such as that.

That's VERY interesting . There are a couple in the pack that can be stinkers. Meesha is the one we have to watch closely. A lot of posturing with Panda... road blocks so she can't get through. Meesha is a growly little thing weighing 38 pounds but she's a little scrapper. The other day we had a brief encounter and Panda had Meesha on the floor. No blood or anything but THAT was a first... hopefully Meesha will come to realize she can't get aways with it. We always intercede immediately if there's a fight... we just won't tolerate it. At least Meesha knows my status far out weighs hers :roll: The thing is she can be such a funny and sweet little girl.

So a new dog has to be a "match" for current dogs/humans for an easy transition.

I agree with you regarding keeping a close eye. As soon as I see Violet pulling any of her stunts, I put a stop to it. When I do see Violet laying in front of the doggy door, I push her far enough away so I know China can get by. Violet is a very smart dog, but so is China and I've watched China jump in, over top of Violet before. You are right though, you have to stay on top of their behavior.
i have 2 older girls who get along when they were young they had maybe 2 fights over food.. so i bought in a male i never had a male before .. he respects the queens in the house but of course has to taunt them till they growl.. i found he is a big lover and a real sissy, i guess it depends on the dog.. i know i could never have more then 2 queens at a time..
Thanks everyone!

I didn't share this because I really wanted your unbiased advice. My goal is to have another sheepie...in time. :) Currently, we have Sadie and an assortment of small dogs; two girls and two boys, The 7 lb. girl chihuahua is definitely boss, though there are no problems between them! They sleep and play together and generally act like best buddies looking out for each other.

They have made me wonder though if adding another female sheepie could create problems between two dogs of great size???? It looks like careful watching and finding the "right" sheepie is going to be the key to it working well. I hesitate a bit though because what we have works very well and it might not be best to upset the pack.

I do appreciate everyone's input.
Maxmm wrote:
. (And people wonder why I don't like girls!!) Of course, they are usually intact females and you know about PMSing girls!!!
After seeing my girl rule with an iron paw, I think one girl is enough!! God bless those people who can deal with more than one! I believe that makes Jaci eligible for sainthood!

Wow! I would have alll girls if I could! I love my boys (foster and temp), but, no, give me the girls any day - intact or not. I don't care.

Mine never fight. There's a clear hierarchy. There's only one alpha bitch. ME! No need to get uppity. I am the only one permitted to PMS. :lol:

Now the boys will try to test me, little shits. Not smart.

But I know enough people who agree with you to know that's not always the case.

I started with a Male now all girls and never had any problems all the girls together and all intact at one time. Never any PMS issues there. 8)

Mine have never fought either. The older ones always turned out to be the matriachs, the younger ones learnt from them so made life easy when another girl joined the family, they had there pack order.

I don't think which sex of another sheepie really matters, I think it is picking the personality that best suits your other fur kids is important in multiple dog homes, wether that personality is going to blend in with the others in perfect harmony in the house. :wink: Wether there large or small breed all together does not matter either, I had OES and a Newfoundland at the same time, they got along great due to all having nice natures. :wink:

Must admit I do prefer the girls, no dingle dangles to groom around, they seem to be cleaner in the peeing department and for some reason (boy this is going to cause a stir :P MANDY 8) ) Brainier. :lol:

My boy sheepie I absolutely adored, but boy whiffie with the pee & miss aims, and always goopy on the beard. And a major remedial personality DAAAAH, absolutely loveable but missed out in the brain department!! Must of been last in line when they were handing out smartness/clever genes :wink: :lol:
lisaoes wrote:
Mine have never fought either. The older ones always turned out to be the matriachs, the younger ones learnt from them so made life easy when another girl joined the family, they had there pack order.

Exactly what I see with mine as well.

Must admit I do prefer the girls, no dingle dangles to groom around,

I thought I was the only one who was bothered my this... :lol:

they seem to be cleaner in the peeing department and for some reason (boy this is going to cause a stir :P MANDY 8) ) Brainier. :lol:

Sure. Lisa! Say it out loud. I kept editing my last post to skirt that issue :)

There are always exceptions to the rules. And some girls are so bitchy that no amount of outdoing the boys in the brain department could make up for the havoc they can create in your house - I housesat for some friends when their two OES bitches exploded on each other. That was fun. In that case I would have taken their boy, but boy was he ever last in line when when everything was handed out :lol: :lol:

To be fair, there are exceptions to every rule and a good friend of mine has one of them. I don't think you want to live with a super-smart OES boy. They not only run your life, they're very loud and demanding about it :wink:

It really does come down to the individual dog's personality. But also your own and what you like living with.

Kristine & The Girls and the two dingle-dangle additions

My boy sheepie I absolutely adored, but boy whiffie with the pee & miss aims, and always goopy on the beard. And a major remedial personality DAAAAH, absolutely loveable but missed out in the brain department!! Must of been last in line when they were handing out smartness/clever genes :wink: :lol:
I have 2 girls (OES).........and Cosmo (BEARDIE)..........

I totally agree with Maddog...

My girls seem to stay cleaner a lot longer. Esp.in the tusch area...Cosmo still doesn't lift his leg at 4 years and he is constently peeing on himself :oops: :oops: .... I can groom Cos and an hour later he looks like an unmade bed. Sweetest boy, but WOW he can't stay clean and odor free!!!

Pearl is much more tolerent of Heart :hearts: she was spaded years ago, she is 9, she will allow Heart :hearts: to mouth her up to a point, then she will "descipline" (sp?) her---- Cos will growl horribly but run away..all bark no bite. :lol: :lol:

I love Cos dearly, but my girls are nicer and more settled...

HOWEVER, since I may not spay Heart :hearts: , and I have heard once girls come into heat, they become totally different dogs :twisted: :twisted: :evil: ....

I am afraid....I am VERY afraid. :twitch:
sheepieshake wrote:
HOWEVER, since I may not spay Heart :hearts: , and I have heard once girls come into heat, they become totally different dogs :twisted: :twisted: :evil: ....

I am afraid....I am VERY afraid. :twitch:

Naw - they remain the same idiots they were :lol: Or not.

Some get a little touchier right around when the come into season. Mine just get a bit subdued and maybe mope a bit. Oh, woe is poor me. Except Belle. She would lose her mind three weeks before she came into season. Oh, happy! But couldn't remember her own name. Then she'd come in and become SuperBelle, capable of solving complex mathematical equations, able to leap tall buildings in a single...well. you get the picture.

I spayed her when she was maybe four or five. No change to her personality except I do miss SuperBelle. What-Was-My-Name-Again Belle, not so much.

Kristine :wink:
Wow! That is a LOT MORE information. 8) :lol: :D Even though Lizzie is boss, Sadie is definitely the matriarch. And having a mix of sex/breed doesn't seem to be any problem at this time. The boys we have now are short haired, so didn't think about grooming issues with large hairy boys. :roll: I have always leaned more to having girls anyway, so I will probably follow thru with a girl. You guys/gals are great! Always lots of information! What did I do before this forum??? :?
Mad Dog wrote:

Must admit I do prefer the girls, no dingle dangles to groom around,

I thought I was the only one who was bothered by this... :lol:

Kristine & The Girls and the two dingle-dangle additions

Your not on your own there Kristine :wink: :lol:

Girls are SOOOOOO much easier in that department a lot neater underneath, not so many obstacles to worry about when grooming :lol:

Mophead just make sure the personality blends with the others and I am sure sadie will take to another sheepie girl wonderfully. I think you will find she will become quite the Mother Hen. :wink:
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