derby is home

derby is home thanks to all how do i stop him from licking his stiches

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Poor puppy!!!

You need an E-Collar, the Vet should be able to provide you with one. I am suppriased they did not send you home with one!!! If it isn't too late I'd call about getting one.

Maybe you could cut the toes out of a pair of socks and pull them on over the joint, but Derby might not leave them alone.

I hope Derby is better fast!!!!!!
Poor guy! :( Heal up fast Derby! :hearts:
kisses derby!!!
Aww, naked arms. :(
How about a Man's Tshirt. Should cover below the elbows.
he is finally sleeping i tryed the tee no way i will try the socks i think he is just having problems with the raw shaved legs.. i put my bed on the floor just for him so he is happy right now zzzz out
Nighty nite, Derby. :hearts:
We've gone to long sleeve or 3/4 sleeve shirts because of Darby's allergies
(ignore the toe pictures... I had to get Lisa's opinion :oops: )

They really seem to help in protecting the skin.
I bought her 6 new ones this morning :lol:
Make sure the sleeves are loose so they
don't rub too much on his incisions.

I'm so glad he's home... I bet he's happy too.
Glad to hear Derby is home and the surgery is behind you. Will be remembering you during the recuperation period. Lots of hugs for Derby :ghug:
ah poor Derby, hoping he will soon be all better :ghug:
Not knowing what the surgery was for, to help with some of the raw shaved spots, here's a tip a doctor once gave me for my Mom who would get raw skin from an illness she had...Doctor said to wipe the itchy, raw area with alittle Malox ( the stuff for upset tummy). the liquid is like a cream and soothes the area and if they lick it off, its not harnful. Messy maybe. But not harmful. use the regular flavor, not mint which might then burn.

Now I don't know about using it over stitches. Just over the areas of the raw shaved skin.
Hope Derby gets better soon!
Hugs derby boy, get better and bouncy again real soon.

Hugs for your wonderful mom too for giving you a good chance to have a happy active life. :D
Aweee... poor thing. Get better fast Derby!
Oh poor Derby, he looks embarrassed by the pictures!

If he won't leave it , then an E-collar or something similar will be needed. If he scratches at them with his back legs, then the t-shirts will work. Chewie wore his like a champ! I used kids size long sleeve t-shirts and snipped off the arms to the right length.

Here's a picture of Chewie in one - when he was carting last fall:
Poor Derby. He's been through so much. I'm glad he is home with you now and sleeping. I hope both of you have a restful night.zzzzzzz
we had a ruff nite he was in pain and licking about 1 when I went to put my hand over him to stop the licking he growled at me so had to give him a pain pill.

I am going to try the tee shirt this morning. Someone told me Arrid X Dry spray??? Has anyone heard of that one??
Sorry you both had such a rough night. Probably the pain pill helped. I would definitely try the tee shirts or socks. I'd be leary of the deodorant. :? Ask your vet for an e-collar and some hydrocortizone cream to stop the itching.
I hope the pain meds worked. Hugs to Derby, hope you both have a better day today. :D
Please don't dry the deodorant. If you have never put strong deodorant spray on over razor burn, I can vouch that it burns horribly!
Sorry to hear you and Derby had a bad night, I hope the pain med and some napping make it a better day for you both.
:ghug: from Finney and me!
ok he is wearing one of my pink long sleeve shirts for the last 3 hours he is leaving it alone .yaaaaaaaaaaaaa thanks guys !!!!!
got sheep wrote:
Oh poor Derby, he looks embarrassed by the pictures!

If he won't leave it , then an E-collar or something similar will be needed. If he scratches at them with his back legs, then the t-shirts will work. Chewie wore his like a champ! I used kids size long sleeve t-shirts and snipped off the arms to the right length.

Dawn, with his black back end, it looks like a giant doggy leotard! Cute!

I'm glad Derby made it through ok and he's on the mend. I hope he keeps doing well!
I'm glad he is tolerating the t-shirt! Pink, hmmmmm :lol:
ok so it is victoria secret but the tee says i love you
OOOOOOH! And he's standing up. What a sweet boy...

Dogs communicate displeasure by growling. Don't take it as an insult... he's just telling you something is wrong and to leave him alone. You did good by recognizing it as pain.

I too would not put anything on the incision site without the vet's approval. You don't want him to develop an infection.

Darby said to tell Derby he looks handsome in his pink shirt. :hearts:
To keep the shirt from sliding up his body, try putting a ponytail holder at the hem by his spine to hold up the loose material. That worked pretty good with Chewie.

Pink is definitely his color :D
Poor guy I hope he gets better soon He wanted me to tell you you are a good mommy :D
well it has been 8 weeks and derby was doing great after his double elbow surgery. all of a sudden his right elbow is bad and causing him to limp now remember he never limped on his right elbow but they said surgery was needed for both
and also a piece of tool chipped off and never found well it is in his right elbow so i am taking him back asap to the surgeon tomorrow, needless to say i am so upset,i guess he will always limp but so young!!14 months to go through this ........
Oh, my heart is just sad for you! I'm sorry I missed the original post. I feel bad for what all he's gone through not to mention you too the worry. We are hoping for a good outcome today at the vets!
So sorry to hear about the continued problems. We were hoping you would get through the first elbow and have some time before having to do the next one. It is possible Derby has been compensating for the surgery by putting more stress on the other side and is just sore. Anyway, we will be hoping for a good report.
I am sorry to hear that Derby has to endure the pain again. Good luck at the Vet's and let us know how Derby is doing.
Best wishes to Derby. :D I hope he is OK, and nothing bad is happening with that elbow.
Oh Derby! Hopefully he just overdid it a little bit. Sometimes that can happen during the healing process.

We'll be thinking good thought for Derby..........

Laurie and Oscar
Oh, you poor thing! I'm sorry I missed the original post and I hope Derby is going to get better soon! Hugs and kisses! :ghug: :kiss:
Hope Derby gets better soon. Sending sheepie kisses and prayers Derby's way.
well the vet took xrays saw nothing ..told me to take him home and rest up for 10 days .. i am really thinking he will always limp after walks or playing.. what a shame.. i feel so bad for him the weather turn cool here in fla. and the doors are open and he just wants to be a crazy young pup
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