Not a Sheepie, but the king of our house

I was in my second to last day in Ethiopia when I got a call from my husband, before I went to work that morning, that our 18 year old Himalaynan, "Bonkers" was in very bad shape. He was no longer able to walk and was incontinent. My husband said he didn't appear to be in any pain, but was clearly in trouble. It was midnight my husband's time and 7am my time. We decided he would call the vet first thing in the morning and make his decisions then. That night (my time) my husband called me and told me that the vet had said he was in kidney failure and had helped "Bonkers" across the rainbow bridge. We both cried through the enitre conversation. I never wanted to be home more than I did then. Bonkers was a special cat. He was a triple Grand Champion and had sired over 25 other Grand champions in his lifetime. He was also the biggest love of a cat anyone had ever seen. He never scratched or growled at anything, man or beast. He was the top animal in our house, even in his old age and our sheepies and other cats respected that. He is missed by everyone. I really wish that I could have been here when he crossed the bridge, but it was not to be. I am crying as I write this almost two weeks later.
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:cry: I'm so sorry for your loss, Kathie. :cry: He sounds like he was a truly special boy.
How rough on both you and your husband to not be together at this time.
Bonkers sounds like a very special guy, and after 18 years he will be missed. His name is interesting - is there a story that goes with it?
I'm so sorry about Bonkers, but it sounds like he had a very blessed life.

I have two elderly, gentlemen cats, and I know they only have a couple good years left. you...I know my heart will break when their time comes.

I'm truly sorry....
Awwwww......I'm sorry for your loss of Bonkers!! :cry:

No matter how old they are.....seems like we never have enough time with our beloved pets.

Hugs to you..... :ghug:
I am sorry to hear about the passing of your boy kitty Bonkers. My prayers are with you at this terrible time.
I'm so sorry!
Bonkers -- not a name you think of when you hear triple Grand Champion and siring 25 Grand Champions!!!

Congratulations on a great life, Bonkers, and my deep condolences to you Kathie. It must be so very hard to be away at this time, and while you always have us just a click away it is just not the same.

I am very sorry for your loss of Bonkers. Though it sounds like he lived a great life.
Big :ghug: 's to you and family.
Aw, I'm so sorry! Hugs and kisses
I'm sorry. :(

I am so saddened by your loss. Bonkers sounds like a remarkable being.

I am so sorry.... Many years ago, I had a himalalyn, Blossom... She lived to be 11...I was heartbroken when she "left" ----so I feel your pain.

Sounds like Bonkers had a very full and loving life.

I see him playing with Blossom at rainbow bridge. :cry: :cry:
I'm very sorry for your loss
:cry: :ghug: :cry:
Im so sorry for your loss. Bonkers sounded like a cool cat! :ghug:
What a wonderful age bonkers reached, it is never easy when any of our fur babies have to go. Hugs to you at this sad time. :ghug:
I'm sorry for your loss Kathie. I know how you feel not to have not been there when the time came, we too were away when our beloved Daisy went to the bridge and I soooo wish I could have been with her. At least your husband was able to let Bonkers know that he was there and doing what was best for Bonkers.

Time is a great healer and eventually you will be able to remember the happy times you shared with Bonkers without crying. (I'm not quite there myself yet but people assure me that the time will come!)

Thinking of you,
:ghug: :ghug: I am so sorry.
so sorry for you loss :(
So sorry for your sad loss but what a fab age! Really good that at least your hubby was there. It would have been more upsetting if someone else had to make the decision for you. :lol:
My sympathies for your loss!
Oh I'm soo sad for your loss of Bonkers! 18 years is such a long time you shared with him and I can very much imagine how you feel because you werent there, but be glad your husband was with Bonkers and Bonkers knew that you would be with him in your thoughts!

Please accept our condolence to you and your family! :cry
Hi Everyone,
Thank you for all you kind expressions of sympathy. It means a lot. Bonkers, as I said, was a special cat. He was also the most misnamed animal I have every had! "Bonkers" was his call name and Bonkers he was not. He was the most mellow, laid back animal you would ever meet. Nothing ever bothered him. He would get excited over very little in life, just turkey! He had a judge once, who excused herself for waking him up to judge him. He just slept away in the excitement of finals. He took "Best Cat" and the judge she wished she could approach life like he did!. His registered name was Gr. Ch. T Renn's Rock'n Roll of Katagiri. He also didn't rock'n roll!! He is most missed, but he now out the bridge getting respect from all the rowdy sheepies and other cats.
Oh Kathie,

I'm so sorry for my late condolences for Bonkers. What a special cat this was and so lucky to have shared 18 years with you as his mom and his dad too. It's so heartbreaking to say goodbye to one that has shared such a long life with you. I'm truly sorry for your loss. Hugs to you.

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