Bob moved to his new home

After living at the same barn for 19 years, Bob moved to a new barn last Wednesday. He hadn't been on a trailer for at least 10 years but got on and trailered like a champ. He was a little nervous, and still is wary of all the new "stuff" but he's settling in a lot better than me! His first day in pasture he came in with a lot of owies (icky looking but not severe) and I started crying and didn't stop for at least 24 hours! He likes his pasture mates--yesterday I brought him in to get groomed and have treats and when I put him back out, he trotted away from me to his friends. Usually he stands there and mugs me for extra treats.

A few of the new people are friends of friends and one lady used to work at the same place I work. The horse world is pretty small around here. I wish I had a camera to take pics. Maybe this is the prodding I need to buy a digital camera!
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Yea!! for Bob :high5: Congrats and hugs to you on Bob's move. We need pics :D :D
Yay Bob!! :D
Yes, this is DEFINITELY the nudge you need to get the new digital camera. There are many out there at a reasonable price these days.

We need pictures, and I want to see Bob, the former MN horse!!
Happy Housewarming Bob!!!

You definately need a camera!
Wow!!! Bob!!!

New lucky are YOU!!!!! :yay: :yay: :yay:

Give him a :kiss: from everyone in our "pasture"...... :wink:
AWww. Good for Bob! I'm glad he trailered like a champ, too! That phrase cracked me up for some reason.
I'm glad things are shaping up well. What caused the owies in the pasture?
New kid on the block - settling pecking order issues. Bob had to find his spot in the herd and it can get a bit rough.
got sheep wrote:
New kid on the block - settling pecking order issues. Bob had to find his spot in the herd and it can get a bit rough.

Ah, that makes sense. Now that you mention it, I recall watching a show on AP that featured a horse that got a nasty wound from a similar situation. AT first I thought she meant there were things in the pasture injuring him!
I'm not sure if the owies were caused by a who or a what. They look more like a what prompted by a who. Like a horse pushed him into something. I was pretty annoyed that the owner/manager saw them but didn't call me. Bob was second in command at the old barn so it's weird that he is low man at the new place. He's assertive but not aggressive--I can see he's already jocking for position. He will defend himself but not start anything. He's pretty smart, but of course, he's a Quarter Horse.

So what's a good camera for $200 or under???????
Bob is such a cute name for a horse! :)

I'm glad he is all situated in his new home and doing well. I hope you still get to see him lots.

We got a digital camera for about $200, and it's great! We've had it for 2 years and haven't had any problems. I think the more pixels your camera has, the better. That way, you can zoom into a picture you took and create a new picture from it, and it will be still be clear. Don't forget though, that even if the camera cost $200, you'll still have to buy a memory card, and those are expensive. I would recommend getting one that holds a lot of pictures, so you only have to buy one. Good luck!
Glad to hear Bob is settling in and making new friends. :D
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