OES and small dog

Does your OES try to herd your small dogs?? And does this annoy them? :twisted: I'm curious, I have a Havanese and a Cockapoo -no OES yet, maybe some day.
Jill Norsworthy
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Oh yes, we all get herded - people, dogs, the cat. :lol:

Most find it merely annoying, I'm guessing. The older dogs act kind of grumpy, but nothing too much happens.
No, in my house the small dog is the boss and tells the big what to do :roll:
Well in my house I have two dogs with a herding nature, Violet my OES and China my Aussie Shepherd. There are times when they both try to herd the other, which usually leads to a fight, which I stop before it starts. They both try to herd Pearl the cat who is 12 yrs old. Pearl will have no part of that. She runs the house and lets them know in no uncertain terms who the boss is.
My dog herds everyone in the house BUT my maltese like Tasker's mom said. My submissive maltese will grab a mouthful of hair if she is annoyed by Yuki following her or getting near her food.

The OES does guard a unopened bag of dog food. My maltese is smart enough to know it's not open and that's not where her food comes from though, so it's all in my OES' head. She thinks everyone is always after her food. :roll:

My OES does herd any OTHER dog that comes into the house. ...just not the one living here.
My poodle is the boss no herding, but kids yup yup yup
I have Pearl, my OES and Cos, my Beardie...BOTH herding dogs...and when they play, they try to herd each other, so most of their actions consists of tight circles ---

We have actually named Pearl's backward spiral as the
"Pearl Twirl" :lol: :lol: :lol: ---
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