Scare on my bike

I ride my bike to work and school everyday in the Chicago loop. It's very busy and can be kind of scary, but it's also really fun.

Today I was riding from work to school (about 6 blocks down a one way) in the bus lane because there was not a bike lane (bikes are allowed in bus lanes too). Anyway a cab did not see me and pulled right in front of me to drop people off. I didn't have room to go around or time to stop so I squeezed between the car and the curb while yelling for the passengers to look out and not open the door (I did NOT want to get doored!) then I looked back and called the cabbie an a-hole. I rode on thinking everything was fine....

I passed over the Chicago river and the cab pulls up right next to me, rolls down his window, and spits on me!!!! I was in total shock and then he swerved in front of me so close I almost went down in the middle of a very busy Chicago street. He followed me for another block swerving in front of me and giving me the craziest looks.

I filed a report with the city and left a message with the cab company. I want to do everything possible to get this dude fired, he was obviously insane and a huge danger to cyclists. Any advice on how to get him fired/get his taxi license taken away?
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Actually, should have called the cops. Definitely wreckless driving ticket worthy.
The fact that he spit on you is also a biohazard and you, being the law dog that you are, should figure out a way to stick the cab company with a huge medical bill since you are "so afraid of communicable diseases"!!! Hit them in the wallet and that guy will definitely get fired.
........Actually cops do arrest people for spitting on them because of the biohazard. It is considered an assault upon a police officer. Wonder if it applies to us peons? Might want to talk to someone to see if a cab company can be held liable if you decide on an HIV test. Business' are more interested in their bottom line and if chunks are going out in HIV testing, they are more likely to crack down on their drivers........or is the driver liable?

Seriously, do find out if this is an assault and if not, work to have it become one.
OMG, How scary Heather!
I hope he gets in trouble. That is just insane behavior. :cow:
Spitting = Assault. Go get him! Did you get the license plate? It's not too late to file police report.
How awful!!! I felt myself getting angry when reading your post and ewww to spit on you...that's one of the worst forms on insult or assault as most members have said. Lets hope something comes of your complaints.

spit is gross & I hope you get him!!!!! I am just happy it wasn't a gun! There are crazy people out there!

I would definately press charges witht he police. If you know the time and the cab number they should be able to figure the who!!!!
WOW! 8O What a moron! :twisted: Not only is the spitting on your assault, but since he followed you for a few blocks and kept swerving in and out in front of you, that's a terroristic threat. Go get him, lawyer girl!

Keep us posted please.
What an idiot but happy you are ok :D
Ugkkk - Spitting on people is just disgusting! :evil: There is no excuse for it and I don't blame you for being shook up especially as he followed you. Thats harassment!

I would file a complaint with the police and hit the cab company where it hurts! In the wallet!

Good Luck!
Ugh. Gross. Definitely do anything you can to get him in trouble.
OMG!! 8O

You should definitely file a police report and let the cab company know you will be filing charges against that driver for asault. :twisted:

He could've gotten you killed, the idiot. :twisted:
Gross! And scary! I hate when people even tailgate me on the freeway--I can't imagine being chased while on a bike...
I'm glad you're OK. The cab drivers in Chicago (and I'm sure elsewhere) have become huge hazards. Most of them are not from the area and since they don't know where they're going they have a tendency to drive badly. Plus they're always on the cell phone - I can't wait until that gets outlawed. I relied on cabs to get around for a long time but now I feel safer on the bus or El than I do in a cab.
Hi so did you file a report? He was also using his cab as a weapon he was trying to move you off the road right surving at you after he spit at you, he is definatly trying to harm you. this guy is making me so mad. let us know what happens - glad your alright.
i filed a report with the city, but not at a police department. from what im told, the city does take these kind of reports seriously... so well see what happens with that.

in the mean time i have been calling the cab company and leaving messages with the manager. Everyone there is so incredibly rude, I have a feeling that I will be getting nowhere with them. I will be writing up a very professional letter citing all the laws he broke. It's times like these I wish I had a media connectin!

Also- just to clarify, barely any spit got on me... so its not like i had to go to school with a big loogie on my shirt (eww)
That's horrible. I'm so glad you are OK. Sounds like a near miss!

Can you file a report with some kind of transit authority or better business bureau? Our tourist authority? Also you need a media connection to call the tv stations.

I was spit on one time by a shoplifter. It was incredibly gross and I had to throw the clothes away. It just makes you feel violated. I'm sorry that happened to you that is just so wrong!
do any of the Chicago tV stations have a "In Your Corner" guy? They love stories like this.
Glad you're OK...But I feel as the rest of the posts. Very angry, scared and shocked. Here are a few other suggestions......
File a complaint with the BBB.
Call a news station and maybe they will do a consumer report on this cab company.
Write a letter to the owner of the cab company.

I agree ----hit them in the pocket book..

Another consideration: Since this jerk thinks he got away with what he did to you, maybe next time he will go further and do something worse to someone else. GET HIM FIRED!!!!! HE'S A MENACE!!!!
OMG, Heather! How awful and scary! I'm terribly sorry this happened.
I feel your pain, Heather. I ride my bike in Chicago almost daily and have had several run-ins with cab drivers. I'm never in my right mind to get their license plate number, but I think I will start doing it and calling the cab companies for each incident. Although it's doubtful, maybe if they get enough complaints the cab companies as a whole will begin to address cyclist safety.

The bike lanes in Chicago are a joke. While they were a great thought to make cycling safer, the lanes are usually used by cab drivers to double park in, which forces cyclists to enter traffic to get around them.

On the bright side, all my swearing at rude drivers serves as a great catharsis!
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