please look at my responce to my last post on my trees

just read it.
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That sucks. I hope someone made a mistake or you can find an alternative.
If the rate increase is due to the escrow acct and taxes, I would ask if it is going to drop back down after the first of the year. Meaning, if they screwed up the calculations on how much money is needed in the escrow acct for this year, they might be trying to recoup it all before the end of the year.

If that is the case, I would try to find out what the legal limit is on how much they can raise it or how long they have to recoup it.

Good luck.
Really sucks. :( Sorry to hear the news :(
Definitely sounds like you need to look into it more. Did they think you were paying your taxes separately? Sounds like things are aligning to push you into the direction of making the big move.

You should make sure you call the mortgage company so you have a clear understanding of what's occurring and also to make sure that their accounting is correct. And have them explain everything to you so you will know what to expect in the future. Mortgages get sold all of the time and that alone should not be reason for your payment to change.

If it's to correct an escrow account deficit then that should be righted at some point and then your payment should return to an amount closer to what you were paying with the added adjustment to fund the account correctly.

Or maybe you have one of those very confusing loans and it adjusted on you or had hidden fees that weren't explained to you (It should all be disclosed though on your loan documents). Or is it possible they have reassessed your taxes and maybe made a mistake?

Whatever it is you should be able to get answers from the mortgage company or whoever you are receiving the bill from. Good luck!
your right on. they paid this yrs taxes plus want escrow for next yr. we pay our own insurance. it is already paid for this yr. we have to find away to this payment
I am so sick of NYS. They are pushing people out of here. NC is looking better all the time!!!!
I don't understand how the state has anything to do with it. Did they raise the taxes a lot this year? If it's the escrow and taxes, it shouldn't be changing the amount, just the way you were paying it. Thank goodness you have the money that you came into recently to help you along.
If you already paid your own taxes last year, you will need to go to the town to get a refund; then you can put that in the bank and pay the monthly increase with it.

If you didn't pay last year's taxes, well.... taxes always get ya one way or another.

Sounds like NC is in your future anyway! Sell!
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