REALLY exciting news-EMT AWARD

I just found out yesterday that my Ambulance Squad has been chosen by EMT Magazine to receive the 2007 Gold award. We were chosen by a nationwide nomination process to receive the award.

The squad will be featured in the October issue of the magazine and two members get to go to a convention in Orlando to receive the award (not me!!). There are all kinds of prizes for the squad as well. An OF COURSE THE OBLIGATORY PLAQUE 8)

What is really neat is that we are a VERY small all volunteer squad, we have 8 Ambulance Drivers, 2 Paramedics, 3 Critical Cares, and 3 Basic EMT's that provide 24/7/365 care to a 55 square mile rural area, we have about 300 calls a year. Our average response time is 5 minutes (because so many of us sleep at the station during our shift). In years past the award had been give to HUGE paid services, so it's really impressive to be chosen.

I have only been a member for two years but from the very begining I have been majorly impressed by the skill and dedication of everyone here. They are an amazing group and I am so lucky to be working with them.

You can BET I'll be posting a link to the article when it appears ( the magazine has a digital issue as well as print) :wink:
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:clappurple: :go:CONGRATULATIONS :go: :clappurple:
OMG! That is WAY COOL!

Congratulations Ginny!!!!
:cheer: :clappurple: :excited: :yay: WAY TO GO!


Pop the champers and celebrate. WOO HOO GIRL :clappurple: :banana:
Great work, Ginny! Thanks for being available to those who need you most!
Woo Hoo Ginny!!!!! Great Job!!!
Phenomenal!! Congratulations!!

CONGRATS!!!!!! 8)
Well I'm not suprised as they have you on the team!!!!

That's fantastic news Ginny and so happy you guys got the recognition you obviously deserve..reminds me of the Little Engine That Could. :D

Can't wait to see the article!

Tomorrow at 1830 (that'[s EMT talk for 6:30 PM :wink: ) We are having our picture taken by a prooooooooooooofessinal photographer for the magazine!! Thank GOODNESSS I still have some TAN :lol:
Congrats! What a wonderful honor!
Congrats! :clappurple:
That's really awesome. Congrats!!! It's nice to know that all of your effort is not going unnoticed. I'm sure the people in your area that you run calls to appreciate you even more than that magazine! You should contact your local paper too and let them know about your award for a nice human interest story.
That's very impressive, Ginny! Congrats to you and your whole team. :D
Congratulations, Ginny!!!
See, all that studying was worth it!

And, what do you do when you drop the baby?
Thanks everybody. Wish I could take the credit for the great job they do but as the newest squad memeber I think I'm resting on THEIR laurels. They are an amazing group!

Many, I don't DO BABIES REMEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted:
Wow, what a terrific honor, Ginny!! Can't wait to see the picture and article! Taking absolutely nothing away from paid squads, but for an all volunteer group to get this award is just phenomenal!

:cheer:Congratulations!! :cheer:
wow....more pictures of still my heart.....

Where is the emoticon blowing a RASBERRY when you need it :twisted:
That is wonderful news Ginny!! :D
I can't wait to see the article - with pictures.
Congrats! :)
Wow... congratulations, that's really an honor, Ginny :D
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