Not acting housebroken when not at home

Bella has been housebroken since she was about 5 months old. However, I have a doggie door and she has never been trained to let me know when she needs to go out.

Today, we were visiting a friend and as soon as we got there she pooped and then peed in their house! I was soooooo embarrassed.

Any suggestions about how I can train/retrain her at 14 months old to let me know she needs to go out in different situations? Also, I don't have carpet at home. When she was first here, I did and she liked to go on carpet. Now, it seems that the only time she goes inside is when someone has carpet......strange doggie?
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You could bell train her and just bring bells with you if you're visiting and hang them on the doorknob. It sounds a little annoying, I know, but it beats peeing in the house!
Bellalover wrote:
Bella has been housebroken since she was about 5 months old. However, I have a doggie door and she has never been trained to let me know when she needs to go out.

Today, we were visiting a friend and as soon as we got there she pooped and then peed in their house! I was soooooo embarrassed.

Any suggestions about how I can train/retrain her at 14 months old to let me know she needs to go out in different situations? Also, I don't have carpet at home. When she was first here, I did and she liked to go on carpet. Now, it seems that the only time she goes inside is when someone has carpet......strange doggie?

Do they have a dog? It may be 'territorial' which means their house didn't smell like yours so she just had to make it smell "nice".
Before you go into their house make sure she eliminates herself, she also be too excited when she sees them.

There can be a lot of reasons for doing that. What exactly happened? Does she gets very excited? I suppose she didn't/doesn't have any medical issues.
Good questions. They have a dog, one of her favorites from the dog park and so she is very excited to be there. It may be somewhat of a territorial thing as their dog, who has also been housebroken for some time, also pees in the house when we are there. But I also think that some of the problem is that she has never been trained to let me know when she needs to go out because of the dog door. I'm wondering if I should block off the door and retrain both my dogs to let me know. JoJo, my deaf OES, also does not know how to let me know. Once, when the old door was broken and I had to block it off she had accidents in the house for the first time. (She is a rescue and learned the dog door the first day) Since I want to continue training Bella to eventually be a therapy dog, I think it will be important we get this problem solved!
I think dog doors are good ideas sometimes but I also like my boys to let me know when they need to go outside. It's good that you want to train them to tell you when it's time. You can still use the door later when you know they will let you know.

Don't think your dog or your friends dog is 'aggressive' or that they are doing something bad. It's totally normal for a dog to do pee and poop somewhere else.

Let me know if you need any help with training. :D
Both of my dogs use the doggy door on a regular basis. If for some reason the door is closed or we aren't at home, they do come up to me and let me know they have to go out. There is a look they give me and Violet is very yaky and uses a certain sound to let me know. You just have to be aware of what your dog is doing, like checking them periodically and taking them out.
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