Does anyone have Wireless pet fence?

With the big move coming up fast I am wondering
if anyone has the wireless containment in their yard.
We have an underground wire right now, and we have
been very pleased with it. The system I am looking at
right now is wireless. It covers about 1/2 acre and I'm
guessing the unit sends a signal to the collar when the
dog gets so far away (it's adjustable) from the unit..

I really need something and running the underground wire
is an option, but I thought I'd ask here with all the
'pros' what you thought of the wireless. With all the other
things I need to do at the new house, setting the wireless
up would be so convenient, even if it is only temporary.
If it isn't a great idea and you all think it won't work, the
idea is out.

We are settling two weeks from tomorrow, so I am kind of
getting short on time. 700 feet of real fence is just not an
option right now, but maybe in the spring...

Thanks for any input you may have.

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I think some time ago there was a post (long ago) about fences and we got into quite a discuccion about them. I am totally anti electric fence. I think they are only effective if you are outside with your dog at all times. THEN they can be helpful in keeping your dog from straying from your property.

But a dog should never be left unattended with only the fence.

The reason is that dogs can easily be lured outside of the fence. Another dog, a cat or even a rabbit can get a dog excited enough that they will charge through the fence despite the shock. But then when they try to come home they are not all excited over the chase and will not re enter the yard.

I have heard some very sad stories about dogs that got out but couldn't get back in. Many people use them successfully but I wouldn't .
I agree with what Ginny has said, but will add that my other reason for not liking them is that they do nothing to keep other animals OUT of your yard. In some areas, like where I live, a "real" fence is as much to keep others out as it is to keep my own babies in & safe.

I know many people use them successfully, especially in areas with fencing restrictions. I just would never feel like they were really safe. Ya know? :?
VERY good point!!
Maybe I was unclear, I DO have an underground
fence right now. I am very happy with it. I don't
leave my dogs out unattended, and I did post in
that long thread we had about invisible fences before.

What I am asking is, does anyone have the kind that is
just a central unit without the underground wire?
Are they as effective?
My one concern is other animals in our yard.
A real fence may not be an option, and certainly not
right now with everything else I have to get done.

I have read several reviews of this type of fence, and
I am pleased with what I have read. I was just looking
for some input from familliar people instead of nameless

This kind of fence requires some training. It's not the kind
you just put in and let the dogs run. Once my dogs knew
the deal, they stayed within the wire. I don't think
either of them ever ran through it. But I am always
watching anyway. You never know when the lady with
the pits is about to taunt the dogs. I wish I knew what was
wrong with her.

Hey Shell,

I don't have one, but I'd guess you train exactly the same way as the underground wire type. After all, BOTH are invisible!

I'd guess you put out boundary flags (You'll just have to find the boundaries instead of knowing where the wire is buried) and train away. ;)
The wireless containment systems I've seen send out a signal that creates a circular area for your dog. As most yards are laid out in a rectangle, this seems inefficient to me. There may be better systems available since we installed ours (with the underground wire) but the ones we looked at only covered an area approximately 90' in diameter.
Thanks Nita! That is a little more info than I had
actually. It does seem sort of small now that I think
about it. I just don't know anyone who has the

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