Sheepdog shaving 101.. sort of =P

Step 1: Spend 3 hours running around town to all pet shops. They all say they have them just not sure where they are located in the store at that time. "must be in a box in the back" .. finally find a set.

Step 2: Read instructions throughly.. Sadly one doesnt read French or Spanish

Step 3: Find sheepdog

Step 4: Attempt to hold sheepdog down. Suffer cuncussion from blow to the head in the vain attempt at holding down said sheepdog who is skittish around buzzing clippers

Step 5: Box of treats.. works wonders altho you are now outnumbered 3 sheepdogs to one and need to wait till head ache stops and all the visable sheepdogs merge back into the one real sheepdog

Step 6: start shaving.. now stop shaving cause sheepdog is once again skittish.. treat wore off

Step 7: wrestle treat box away from other dog

Step 8: resume shaving... 3 hours later.. time for a break as your back is killing you

Step 9: mostly done.. few bits unshaven or missed but overall your almost there

Step 10: look at time.. crap kids.. leave unfinished sheepdog race to school to find kids

Step 11: get home wore out and exhausted.. look at sheepdog and say.. feck it.. good enough for now..

Step 12: Hubby gets home and makes fun of your vain attempts at a puppy cut you consider stranglulation but then remember that you love the barstool even tho hes a booger at times

Step 13: realise its never gunna be as good as a pro but at least your pup isnt sweltering in triple digit weather.. you then decide to

Step 14: start a grooming fund..

twas an adventure.. but she really doesnt look too bad.. left abit around face n legs a bit longer so she doesnt look too funny.. but i can tell she enjoys being a few pounds lighter..

anyways.. thought i would share my adventure.. =)
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Sounds like an ordeal........maybe all the brushing in full coat isn't so bad!!!

Anyway, I bet your dog is happy and much cooler. Where are the pictures???
Where is the picture of the finished product?

How is your head?
heads fine.. she may be hard headed but so am i ; )

i brushed her coat every other day.. its just the heat here was really getting to her so i had no other choice.. even indoors it gets nasty.. the management never really fixed our a/c properly so when ya get triple digit heat n high humidity its not fun.. our a/c struggles badly in this weather making it about 85-90 inside.. needs must be and all that..

as for piccies.. still working on it.. the camera is acting weird now.. giving me all sorts of errors.. digital poop =/
I just looked at the pictures on your profile... Ursa is SOOOO cute!!! But I guess she's a bit bigger now, lol...

We need new pics!
its not Ursa.. must remember to remove that one.. she died a few days after we got her.. bad breeder.. our heartache..

current pup is Bell: ... y&uid=1963
Oh, I'm very sorry :oops:
Sounds about par for the course for a first attempt!!! But take heart, it does get easier. WHen I'm doing a major clip down I do it over the course of a few days 45 minutes MAX. It's much less stressful for you and for the pup. Some people can get really good and clip them down in an hour but even after all this time it takes me FOREVER!!

The beauty of it is, HAIR GROW, mistakes get corrected 8)
Excellent instructions! 8)

This is why Oscar and his groomer are on such good terms, and why I am probably paying for her children to attend college!

Laurie and Oscar
Glad you gave it a go!
Your description is exactly why my wife and I are more than willing to help pay for our groomer's kids to go o college. :D I tried to wash my springer spaniel on several occasions, never tried to groom her. Very bad idea on all attempts. I have always said that you need the right tool for the job and I did not have it.

When Rosemary and I got married she already had Sydney, she said that they came as a unit. She had tried to wash Syd once and settled on a groomer. Now we both agree that a grommer is just a part of the household budget. We brushed Syd and now brush Bella three to four times a week. We'll trim the coat down in the summer but washing and grooming, we'll leave that to the pros. I don't know if it is easier on Bella but it is sure easier on us.
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