Poor Max- we need help while we wait on vet to call!

As some of you know- Max was neutered last Monday. He was getting along fine- if he had pain or misery we never knew it. Didn't bother the insision- you know- a great patient all around.

Well..... this morning when we got up he is VERY swollen. His scrotum is full of (? )something and hard as a rock. As well, the penis area is very swollen. We had to carry him out to the yard to pee- and I am happy to report that he is urinating ok. He wont' get up because I am certain it has to hurt like the devil back there. Put a call in immediately to the Vet- and am waiting for a call back. In the meantime- if anyone catches this thread and has any words of wisdom or comfort-it would be greatly appreciated.
"What next" seems to be in our vocabulary a lot lately :(

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Yikes - good luck and hopefully it isn't anything bad. :?
Poor Max! I saw something like that on Emergency Vets (Animal Planet). Do you have a 24 hour vet you could bring him to today? I am not sure I would want to wait on that one. . .
One of our rescues had a similar experience-- he was neutered older as well. He had a hematoma and his scrotum filled up with blood the size of a baseball. Try some warm compresses on the area. Unfortunately, it'll take a week or two for it to start going down but perhaps if he's in pain, the vet may give you something for that or perhaps an anti-inflammatory.
Poor Max has been through a lot!!
I was thinking ice compress, not heat.
Max Update- Our vet is on his way out to our house to look at him- stay tuned for the results- and- if you could please keep your fingers crossed for something small that we can easily fix :cry:
On the way to your house?! Wow :o great vet! :D

Paws and fingers all crossed for a MINOR, simple diagnosis! :plead:
Ear rubs to Max. Cross fingers for a simple solution. Poor baby. I hope Max feels better soon.

Aussie and Sheepie hugs,
kisses to poor max hope all is ok
Anxiously waiting on the diagnosis from the vet. I'm amazed he's making a house call, too! He's a keeper!!

Big hugs to Max, hoping he feels better very soon! :ghug:
Hi sorry to hear about Max. How's he doing?
SheepieBoss wrote:
I was thinking ice compress, not heat.

Our vet had us do moist heat and it worked well. I really don't know exactly why the warm compress works. I had surgery once and got a similar hematoma under my skin and I did the warm compress, too. It worked as well but I found it more annoying to do on myself and waited for the lump to just go away!
The idea is that ice (cold) prevents the swelling and helps clotting. Once there is swelling and bruising, you use heat to increase the blood flow to the area to carry away the extra fluid and bruise.
I hope he recovers quickly. Poor Max :(
How is MAX????
I hope Max is feeling better. :)
A similar thing happened to my friends Great Dane pup a couple weeks ago when he got neutered. He had some swelling when I saw him at class - which was about 5 days after his surgery. Then later in the week it swelled up just as you describe Max's. He even had blood leaking out. Poor Triton had to go back to surgery and get it cleaned out. After that he healed perfectly. Last Monday at class there was no swelling and he was a happy camper!

:hearts: to Max
Drezzie's Mom wrote:
Anxiously waiting on the diagnosis from the vet. I'm amazed he's making a house call, too! He's a keeper!!

Big hugs to Max, hoping he feels better very soon! :ghug:

Yes- He IS a keeper! He was interupted at church with a beep from his service- and stepped out of the sermon to call us!! Then- he said instead of disturbing Max he would come to our house to look at him. He has an edema- ( excess fluid in the tissue) and a bit of an infection. Doc thinks it happened because Max still kinds of drags himself across the floor as he gets up- and that has been putting additonal stress on his genital area. I guess we should have been watching more closely as he got up, and helped the poor guy more :cry: . The Vet administered a shot of B-12 to help with appetite and a steroid / antibiotic to help with the swelling and infection. THEN he went back to the clinic and got together his meds for the week ( another antibiotic) and left it for us to pick up when we went in town later today.
I'll tell you- if anyone is near the Marysville Oh area and needs a WONDERFUL vet- PM me and I'll give you his info. Down to earth country Vets are the BEST!
So- Max is resting now. He doesn't seem in pain- but we are using warm compresses to help the swelling.
John and I are taking turns sleeping with him tonight- just in case he needs us. I have the 11- 3 shift and John has the 3-6 shift...then I am on again until 7. My Mom will come over around 9 a.m. tomorrow and she and my niece Skyler are going to "baby" sit.
May seem like overkill- but - this poor puppy has been through a lot... Skyler is so good when Max isn't feeling well. She will just sit with him for hours- petting him - she always wants to "tuddle" (cuddle).
We are hoping for a quick recovery, and will keep you updated!

Thanks for the well wishes- so much appreciated :)
What a team! Max has an incredible support network!! I am so glad your Vet was able to come see him at home and I am very sure your sweet boy is going to get well soon! Go Max Go!!!
Awww Max you are the best and so is your family/support team.

Hugs sweetie and we are keeping fingers crossed not too much pain now and all heals up well with no more problems :kiss:

Your Vet rocks, wow housecall 8O
What a terrific vet to come to your house. That's marvelous! I am glad to hear that Max is feeling somewhat better now. I had this happen to a male that I was fostering once, too. Sounds like you're getting the same treatment and instructions as we had. The warm compresses really seemed to help soothe the pain.

Get well soon, Max!
WOW-Does your vet plan on moving to Pennsylvania? How nice that they still come to your home!

Gentle belly rubs to you Max-enjoy those nice warm compresses!
Happy to hear Max is doing better and it sounds like your vet is a KEEPER for sure :lol:
What a day! Max is still very swollen and sore. We have been using the compresses- and that seems to be helping- as long as we sit with him. If we even try to get up- he looks at us with those eyes that cut right through you- and paws at us-- his cue to stay put. He is peeing non - stop because of the steroids- and his diaper pads are soaked about every 20 minutes. We are taking him out as much as we can- while still trying to keep him quiet. Mom and Skyler had a real challenge today babysitting. I think I am working from home tomorrow. It is pouring down rain and over all miserable. Max is a bit scared of storms- and with his misery now - I want to be close. Can I take family leave to care for Max :roll:
Poor Max! I was hoping he'd feel better by now. I am sure it must be so hard to see him in pain again/still. Did your most excellent vet give you any idea how long it would take for the swelling and discomfort to go away?
Valerie wrote:
Poor Max! I was hoping he'd feel better by now. I am sure it must be so hard to see him in pain again/still. Did your most excellent vet give you any idea how long it would take for the swelling and discomfort to go away?

He will be out tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. for a re-check. He said it could take up to 2 full weeks for the swelling to go down completely. He wants to re-check every few days to make sure we are on the right path for treatment. I am hopeful that by tomorrow- we will see improvement. He deserves a VET of the year award!
Oh, this is not the news we want to hear! It's amazing what love and care you are giving Max.

We are thinking of you and sending you lots of thoughts and prayers to get Max well! I know how hard this is on you too. He is a really special boy that is really lucky to have you! I think he needs some more cheese!
We are glad to hear that Max is doing better. Poor thing! I don't see any reason at all that you shouldn't be able to take family leave for Max. He IS part of the family, right? :wink:

Laurie and Oscar
Las Vegas Sheepie Lover wrote:
I think he needs some more cheese!

I agree! More cheese for Maxieboy!!
Well- it seems we may be on the right track with the treatment for Max. He has less swelling in the "area" today, and he walked all the way up the driveway and back tonight.

The Vet says he is looking better- so we will continue the steriod/ antibiotic treatment for the next week. And-- try to keep him as quiet as possible while the edema goes away. Still need to take care when his gets up- and help as much as we can because of the pressure he puts on the genitals.

All in all- pretty good news. Warm compresses- meds- lots of love and YES - CHEESE. He had his favorite cheddar tonight and licked his lips :)

Still have the excessive peeing going on. We are going through men's Depends like CRAZY! Until he finishes the steroids, we will keep him as dry as possible with his diapers when he can't make it out. Pulled the rubber mats back out to put under his blankets. (sigh) Poor fellow is on the mend once again!
Well, that sounds like good news. :D
I hope your boy is feeling lots better soon.
Glad to hear the swelling is going down! :D
Get better soon Max!!
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