OES on Animal Planet tonight 8-17-07 9PM, 8PM (Central)

It's Me or the Dog
Bumble and Doogle

Penny Curran and her 28 year-old daughter Jade share their home with Bumble and Doogle, two old English Sheepdogs. Individually they are manageable, but together they are out of control. Can top dog trainer Victoria Stilwell tame these dogs?
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Thanks for the heads up... I just scheduled a recording so I don't miss it :)

So you're from Omaha? Cool!! I live in Indiana now, but I moved here from Lincoln, NE, and we spent a lot of time in Omaha.
The Button wrote:
It's Me or the Dog
Bumble and Doogle

Penny Curran and her 28 year-old daughter Jade share their home with Bumble and Doogle, two old English Sheepdogs. Individually they are manageable, but together they are out of control. Can top dog trainer Victoria Stilwell tame these dogs?

I wish so much that we got this here in Canada! Victoria and her methods are current, positive and very good.

She's my kind of trainer!! Please be sure to let us know what it was like!
I will definitely have to watch this! Although, Nanny will be our first OES and I hope the show doesn't scare my husband to death!!
1st Time OES Mommy wrote:
I will definitely have to watch this! Although, Nanny will be our first OES and I hope the show doesn't scare my husband to death!!

Lol... I called home and told my "boyfriend" to schedule it for recording and he asked why, and I told him because there are going to be naughty sheepies on it, and he said, "Why on Earth would you want to watch that... you can hang out with Stella any time." :evil: He's mean, lol. Actually Stella (our 17 month old rescue that we got when she was about 10 months) has come a long way. But I'm still going to watch the show tonight... if nothing else, just to see sheepies. Consider yourself warned... they are like Pringles, you can never have just one. :lol:
So true! I only wish I had this channel so I could watch also. Will have to check out Animal Planet on the internet and see if they offer a webcast.
Yes I am from Omaha, I wish I had some "OES" friends here.

New OES Mommy----Nanny is soooooo cute! Can't wait to hear updates on her.
Thanks for the info. We have set the recorder but hope we can watch it too. Our trainer was here today for a hour to help us with Darcy. One more week and if she does not change we wil have to give her up. :cry:
Thanks for the posting! We'll watch this after Meerkat Manor. I also set the recorder just in case :D
Thanks for letting me know...we usually watch Dog Wisperer on the National Geograph channel and I have never seen a oes on his show just a bearded collie :wink:
Here's a link to the schedule - it will be on several times in case you miss it.
http://animal.discovery.com/tv-schedule ... 38.33808.5
I don't understand how people get to that point with their dogs. I guess I could understand if they were rescues but to have dogs since they were puppies and have them be so wild. How could you want to live like that?
Mom of 3 wrote:
Here's a link to the schedule - it will be on several times in case you miss it.
http://animal.discovery.com/tv-schedule ... 38.33808.5

Thank you Thank you I read this way too late to watch it at 9. Looks like i'll be watching at 1am instead :D:D:D
ButtersStotch wrote:
I don't understand how people get to that point with their dogs. I guess I could understand if they were rescues but to have dogs since they were puppies and have them be so wild. How could you want to live like that?

1) Because some people are just pushovers
2) A lot of people have never done any sort of training with their dog and it never occurs to them what to do until their friends and family refuse to come over

Frankly I recognized some of that behavior in both of my dogs and we had and have worked with them to eliminate some of that. But I must say that my husband never dealt with Mopsy and the door - his answer was to put her away rather than train her. And in regards to the car we just stopped taking her.

I have often wondered with both Cesaer and this trainer if after a few months people slip into their bad habits - sort of like dieting and then being on maintenance.
You don't have to do any training to be completely annoyed by the barking and jumping. That kind of behavior would motivate me!
ButtersStotch wrote:
You don't have to do any training to be completely annoyed by the barking and jumping. That kind of behavior would motivate me!

You would be amazed what people will put up with - especially with kids! I have seen some real brats walk all over their mealy mouthed parents. Dogs are just cuter but I know at least one woman that annoys the hell out of me with her dog. I would like to take the dog away from her she is so ridiculous. I feel sorry for the dog getting stuck with such a dumba**
We definitely recognize the greeting behavior with Fozzie. However, it doesn't help that my Mom (who is the most frequent visitor) thinks it is fun that Foz jumps and kisses her to death. She called me at the first commercial as I told her to watch. For some reason, it doesn't matter that I ask her not to encourage this behavior and she doesn't listen. When someone more "experienced" says it, it's like a new theory :roll:

If you watched the second episode of the woman, her boyfriend, 2 dogs and hot pink bedroom, you'd recognize some of my Mom's doggie mentality. Again...:roll:

I don't understand how people get to that point with their dogs. I guess I could understand if they were rescues but to have dogs since they were puppies and have them be so wild. How could you want to live like that?

Jill, I don't think people intend to live that way; however, many people obviously do otherwise there wouldn't be so many dog trainers, books and shows these days. I'm definitely not agreeing that it is a good way to live, but they may not know any other way. In addition, they may not have the time, money, personality and/or patience to persist with training or to identify the issues. It's possible that people think they just have "spirited" pets and they just need to roll with it. I've learned that persistence and repetition is key, but I do think it's beneficial to be a more naturally confident and/or dominant person to train effectively.
SheepieMommy wrote:
ButtersStotch wrote:
You don't have to do any training to be completely annoyed by the barking and jumping. That kind of behavior would motivate me!

You would be amazed what people will put up with - especially with kids! I have seen some real brats walk all over their mealy mouthed parents. Dogs are just cuter but I know at least one woman that annoys the hell out of me with her dog. I would like to take the dog away from her she is so ridiculous. I feel sorry for the dog getting stuck with such a dumba**

The only thing worse than an annoying dog is an annoying kid, lol.
Cute dogs and LOVE their names!!! Yes, totally out of control but once again owners who refuse to be pack leaders. I pointed out a few of our own faults to DH as we watched. Cesar was on just before (on a different channel) and DH was awake so hopefully we both have had refresher courses this week.

If you saw the second episode with the peeing bast*** of a dog. How can anyone put up with that?? Some question if woman not really interested in her boyfriend and used the dog to run interference. Anyway, grateful our issues here are very minor compared to the sheepies and the pee machine.
I didn't see the pee machine. Peeing sucks more jumping, for sure!
Especially since the little stinker jumps onto the kitchen counters and pees on items as well as everything else. Also opens oven doors, microwave and helps himself to any food left on the counters.
I love it's me or the dog, victoria is fantastic in her approach.

It has just started back up here 2 weeks ago, last night was a gordon setter so I can't wait for the OES episode now. :excited:

More tv viewing for Brie the square eyes. :wink: and her mom too :cheer:

No one tell me how it turns out with the sheepies, I wanna see this when the episode is televised here, so I am not going into this thread again :twisted: Or will I? :lmt: :lol:
Hi I watched last night...that little 88 year old grandma was so cute. Why is it so hard though when you work and work with your dogs and then your husband does the opposite - even when he watches the show with you :evil: he thinks its cute when the start barking and acting like crack maniacs :cry:
Her dogs were so pretty! Thought the show ended just when I started to get comfy on the sofa. Wanted more OES'!
This was the first episode of this series I've seen. I enjoyed the sheepies (naturally) and learned a bit from the program.

Three of our kids are learning a new word to add to their vocabulary: "WAIT".

But I have to figure out a new 'sign' for Molly. :?
Okay, so considering my lack of actual experience with OES, that was NOT normal behavior right?? I mean, as long as you start training at a young age and don't let your animals rule the house.

Are you really limited on how many "cuddles" you can have each day? That would be so sad!! If they're behaving, can't you give the dog more attention? And do you always have to answer the door saying, "Wait!" 300 times while you slowly back up? That would get old. Maybe they get it eventually and you don't have to do that every time.

Also, I only saw the first few minutes of the next episode, but that dog was TERRIBLE!! And not only would he pee on the counter, but he peed on their other dog! Just hiked up his leg and went all over her!! I can't believe those people let him act like that. That dog definitely needed some dicipline. Put him in a crate! Don't just let him get in your oven and on the counter and everywhere.

I guess this show is a lot like Nanny-911 or SuperNanny... the out of control children (animals) are a result of the lack of parenting. I will NOT let my dog attack my grandma!!
1st Time OES Mommy wrote:
I guess this show is a lot like Nanny-911 or SuperNanny... the out of control children (animals) are a result of the lack of parenting. I will NOT let my dog attack my grandma!!

I was thinking the same thing. :lol: I said that to my husband that it was like Nanny 911 for Dogs.
No, this is not normal behavior for dogs that have been trained.
My dogs do jump on people when they come to visit, but nothing like that. 8O Those two were really out of control. 8O
I watched both episode too. I would really enjoy it more if the host/trainer had a different voice. But otherwise, she has many good points!

I can't believe all the jumping, rowdy dogs. Big or little, ours all learn from day one that 4 feet on the floor = petting. Never any other way. They can wiggle, lick, kiss, but 4 feet always on the floor. That is the very 1st lesson I teach my students too in class.

If you enjoy them jumping on you, then give it a command and you can decide when it's OK to put the front paws up on you. It actually is handy - for short dogs to get petted if the person can't bend, putting paws up on a bed during a therapy dog visit, or just making it easier to lift them on the grooming table. I just use the word "up".

Did anyone notice the really stiff gait that those sheepdogs had when running in the park? Especially on the camera shots from the rear. They looked like they had bad hips or something.
My husband trained our dogs to jump up when we want. THey are NOT allowed to jump on anyone at anytime. We have a command that when we pat our chest and say up, they can jump up. NOW we are having a big problem with Beauie right now. He has decided it is a fun game to beat us to the sofa and jump up on it. We have yet to get him to stop, he thinks the sofa is open to his antics. SOOO back to work with him.

And thats another thing about the training. I dont know if I disagree with the trainer's methods or is that what is really needed for a dog that doesnt learn proper behavior from day one??? That woman kind of annoyed me. The whole cuddle limitation thing. It's just not the way I train my dogs and I dont have any problems with them. With the exception of beau's new habit.
Stacy wrote:
I don't understand how people get to that point with their dogs. I guess I could understand if they were rescues but to have dogs since they were puppies and have them be so wild. How could you want to live like that?

Jill, I don't think people intend to live that way; however, many people obviously do otherwise there wouldn't be so many dog trainers, books and shows these days. I'm definitely not agreeing that it is a good way to live, but they may not know any other way. In addition, they may not have the time, money, personality and/or patience to persist with training or to identify the issues.

Only a seriously disturbed person would intend to live that way! I understand what you're saying but I think it's a poor excuse. I think people get in over their heads from day one when they don't take enough time to think about what kind of a commitment as well as what kind of discipline is going to be needed to make a happy home with dogs-- before the dog ever enters their home. Once the dog is living with you, running the house and you're miserable is NOT the time to think about what you should have done. In this case, without obviously knowing what to do with one dog, they got two-- at once! Everyone makes bad decisions but acting like a victim of your own choice is ridiculous. All the people on these shows just look shellshocked, like they have no idea how this happened. Love isn't enough with a dog and it certainly isn't going to make him respect you. I find it excruciating to watch... but I continue to do so anyway. :twisted:

And thats another thing about the training. I dont know if I disagree with the trainer's methods or is that what is really needed for a dog that doesnt learn proper behavior from day one??? That woman kind of annoyed me. The whole cuddle limitation thing. It's just not the way I train my dogs and I dont have any problems with them. With the exception of beau's new habit.

I agree that I wouldn't do that with my dogs but these people needed some discipline. It seemed like ALL they did was love the dogs and never took time to address their behavior-- they solved everything with love, which as obvious by their predicament, solved nothing!

SheepieBoss, I saw the pee machine later. Wow. Ever heard of a crate?
I didn't see the pee one--he actually peed on the counter!? Gross.

Bumble and Dougal were so cute--I really liked when they were at the park together and got to run around...and I know they were training the dogs in the car, but I could not stop laughing...curtain up, curtain down!...and the whole time their heads were poking through to the front. :lol:
I know, me too! Even when they were being bad, they were still soo cute! And Bumble had her little pony-tail hairdo going on.
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