over friendly sheepie

my sheepie is 17 mos old,there isn't a mean bone in her body,but she loves to lick me.it'sot just an occasional one and it's over,it lasts as long as i let it.every morning she will lick you to death while you're lying in bed.if you get your face close to her at any other time,the same thing will happen,constant licking.i'm glad she's not mean but it can unbearable at times.any help would be appreciated.
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one of my dogs are like that I flick her nose each time, now she will not bother me but she still does to other people, sometimes she will flick her tongue at me but not touch me. Spray you self with bitter apple, just kidding :wink:
i just let panda lick away...its the best foot massage youll ever have! 8)
Chewie is by far the lickiest OES we've had. He will lick and lick if I would let him. 8O
When I can't stand it any more, I tell Him "leave it" (a command he already knows) and he stops. Gotta love the ever-versatile leave it command! :D
Darcy wrote:
i just let panda lick away...its the best foot massage youll ever have! 8)
Oscar can't hold his "licker" either. :lol: (Saw that on a doormat once.) With him, I think it is a compulsive behavior, as he almost goes into a trance while doing it.

Laurie and The Licker
Brie is a licker especially when my husband comes back from a jog, she goes at the sweaty legs EWWWWW Glad it him getting a leg wash not me :P :lol:

I hate it when you cop that fast wet lick in the eye or across the mouth :? There fast with those tongues :lol:

Maybe sheepies should come with a warning sign attached ? "Have wet sloppy tongue be warned" :twisted:
Oliver goes for my sweaty legs after a run too. At that point I am usually too tired to do anything about it!

I love it when I get a "french kiss". It is just gross. I love Oliver, but not in that way... 8O
Licking is their way of giving affection...My Bowie ( 8 months old) LOVES feet and the smellier the better 8O :lol: :lol:
Miley wakes us every morning with licks - when I can take it anymore I get up. She is more presistent than the snooze alarm. :twisted: . I have not suceeded in getting her to stop but there are worse things.

Thanks for the suggestion on the "leave it" command. I am find that is one of the most versitile commands.

Becky & Miley
Mine are big lickers, too, although Archie and Sophie are less so than Sherman is or Merlin was.

Nothing wrong with it if you and/or your guests like it, but you sound as though it's overwhelming to you (and I'm guessing, not that pleasant for your guests).

So, teach "Off!" to be used whenever your sheepie is giving any unwanted affection. I push my dogs off and say, OFF! and they quickly get the message. It's taken a while, but Sherman and Sophie at 17 months, are pretty good. They will start, but not continue, at least with me. Other family members are less consistent, so they get less consistent results.
We call Pepsi the "Cotton Licker" . When people come over he has to lick their shirts or jeans. It is rather embarrassing when he does this to strangers. But our family expects it. :lol:
Ours both do this too...especially in the morning. As loving as it obviously is, it can drive you crazy! We use "leave it" too, but depending on how determined the sheepie, it only sometimes works. :roll: I find that redirection works well...as in, "Hey Bert, look! DADDY has an exposed patch of skin here that you could lick instead!" :twisted:
I love it when I get a "french kiss". It is just gross.

Usually by accident, but it's still gross. Harry is my major licker, I can not have lotion on and be near his tongue. Mo is a lip licker, she will lick my husband's chin with great delight, but I get several short lip licks and that's it (mainly to wake me up.) Jack is a brief licker, two, sometimes three and he's done. So generally we are pretty dry around here.
Darcy wrote:
i just let panda lick away...its the best foot massage youll ever have! 8)

That is so funny!!! My husband lets Cheyenne lick his feet for a massage too!!!! Both our doggies are lickers. LOL nothing like a doggie bath. :D
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