Bird Problems (Not sheepdog related)

We've had a bird feeder out for a couple of months now and we have to refill it twice a week because so many birds eat from it. My dilemma is is that I've had a couple of issues with dead birds in the yard in the last couple of weeks, only to be found by our Norfolk Terrier.

The first time involved a decaying, dead cardinal. Our terrier, Haggis (13 lbs.), grabbed it and started running around the yard with it as I chased him. Tried everything to get him to drop it, leave it command, cookie bribe, etc. Finally caught up with him and had to pry it out of his mouth. That was a lot of fun, especially since I have a little phobia about bird germs. :roll:

Well, tonight he grabbed a dead sparrow. Same repeat as last week, with me chasing him around the yard like a lunatic trying to get it from him. The exception is that this time he tried to elude me by running up onto the front porch where my husband was standing. He picked Haggis up, and in one gulp, he ate the sparrow whole. 8O

So I call 2 different vet's offices. Both tell me not to induce vomiting. One tells me to come in & do xrays, and the other just tells me to do the waiting game to see if it digests. So I opted to do the waiting game, and so far he seems fine - 6 hours later. I guess I'll know by tomorrow am if everything is moving properly.

So hopefully he will be fine, of course I won't, not only from worrying, but I'm totally skeeved that he ate the dead bird.

To make matters worse, my husband also wants to get a bat house! :cry:
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Eww! I completely understand your bird germ phobia. I feel that way, too.

I hope Haggis "moves" the bird ok. At least it was a sparrow and not something bigger. I also hope it doesn't come out in one piece. 8O
VerveUp wrote:
The exception is that this time he tried to elude me by running up onto the front porch where my husband was standing. He picked Haggis up, and in one gulp, he ate the sparrow whole. 8O
I am not sure if you mean Haggis or your husband ate the bird...
VerveUp wrote:
To make matters worse, my husband also wants to get a bat house! :cry:
Now I'm leaning towards hubby ate it...

But seriously: Haggis, you're supposed to "Keep Your Eye on the Sparrow."

But more seriously... EWWWWW! I have a bird germ thing too! Icky icky poo poo!
ButtersStotch wrote:
I also hope it doesn't come out in one piece. 8O
I'm not sure... I'm not rooting for a baked stuffed appearence either. **shiver**
That happended to me with Kelsey years ago deb, she found a dead parrot in the yard and when I got to her, she gulped the whole thing down.

I did not have any problems, the bird hit the back window and was dead and pretty fresh when Kels got to it.

I might be a bit worried if I did not know what the bird died of and how many heebie geebies are on it. I think haggis will be fine, in the wild dogs would eat animals found dead and rotting on the ground.

Oh we did have a chuck from her 2 days later, a nice little pile of rainbow feathers in the house. :roll:
Ron wrote:
ButtersStotch wrote:
I also hope it doesn't come out in one piece. 8O
I'm not sure... I'm not rooting for a baked stuffed appearence either. **shiver**

You guys aren't helping! Bleck!!!

My husband is not concerned one bit about Haggis eating the bird.

Who talked me into getting a terrier in the first place? Sheepdogs are soooooo much easier!
lisaoes wrote:
I might be a bit worried if I did not know what the bird died of and how many heebie geebies are on it. I think haggis will be fine, in the wild dogs would eat animals found dead and rotting on the ground.

Oh we did have a chuck from her 2 days later, a nice little pile of rainbow feathers in the house. :roll:

I think both of the birds died from hitting our windows. Making me rethink the bird feeder idea.

Rainbow feathers is pretty funny, but I can't believe it took 2 days.

The sparrow just seems like such a big thing for him to take down in one gulp. I still can't believe he was able to get it down so quickly.
Hey tell ya husband to forget about the bat house, birds I could handle trying to rip a bat out of haggis's mouth EEEEW worse again.

You want a dead possum sent over, I am sure haggis will LOVE it :wink: my previous sheepie girl found one and ate that years ago GROSS, been dead for awhile. 8O

It's not only a terrier obession either :twisted: :roll: Maybe I should feed mine more. :P :lol: :lol:
VerveUp wrote:
I think both of the birds died from hitting our windows. Making me rethink the bird feeder idea.
If it is one side in particular they are hitting, maybe you could put up some decoration on the window to make it visible to the birds?

How would you wean them off the feeder?
Good idea ron, put some window clingys on the window they are hitting, we did that at the farm as we have a bird feeder there and at the start we had kamakarzi birds. The window clingys worked no more birds hitting the window. :wink:
Ron wrote:
VerveUp wrote:
I think both of the birds died from hitting our windows. Making me rethink the bird feeder idea.
If it is one side in particular they are hitting, maybe you could put up some decoration on the window to make it visible to the birds?

How would you wean them off the feeder?

It's not just one side of the house they are hitting and I am just speculating that is the reason since they were both found near the window areas. Good thought on the decals. We probably won't be getting rid of the bird feeder. If we did make that decision, we would have to do it now, so they wouldn't lose their food supply in the winter. I just am amazed at how many birds are coming to the feeder though.
Any action this morning?
We had a LOVELY situation with a dead rabbit when Emma and Darby were maybe 5 months old. It was the end of winter and starting to warm up here in Michigan and the two stinkers found it under the wood fence. They gleefully ran with it between the two of them... and then in different directions as it began falling apart 8O ... ick, ick, ick. Too bad there isn't an Emoticon for "queasy".

We later had a problem that Metronidazole would not fix and cultures could not find anything other than increased bacteria levels. It took few rounds of Panacur to get rid of the diarrhea/vomiting that had round-robined my pack. Though we never got an actual diagnosis, I'm thinking it was Giardia.

My sheepie-mix was SUCH a good girl when it came to animals other than dogs. If she found an animal on the ground she'd just stand over it and carefully sniff or lick it... or she'd come to get me. I'd say "show me" and she'd take to to it. She was so very gentle (this is the same dog that gave Maggie some stiches :roll: ). I think she felt distressed the animal was dead.

The knuckleheads that make up the pack now would be like Haggis and play with it or eat it. If you find a solution, please let me know!
ButtersStotch wrote:
Any action this morning?

So far, I don't think he's passed anything but I'm not sure I had my eye on him the whole time. He's acting completely normal otherwise. I'll let you all know if there is a problem.

Jaci, I will definitely let you know if I can figure out how to stop the interest. Our OES aren't interested in eating anything, only rolling in it. I think I'm really going to work on the leave it command though.
Why do I have the image of Ron putting up a bull's eye window cling? 8O
hahahaha No, I like birds, but I don't like their droppings so I bring them to me with the Binoculars. I have Binocs on my desk and was just watching a pair a few minutes ago.
VerveUp wrote:
ButtersStotch wrote:
Any action this morning?

So far, I don't think he's passed anything but I'm not sure I had my eye on him the whole time. He's acting completely normal otherwise. I'll let you all know if there is a problem.

I'm of the feeling that he's going to be fine but now I just want to know what "it" comes out like. :twisted:
I have a serious phobia of bird germs myself. YUCK!!

Hope everything passes okay!
Many years ago my Boxer, Roxie ate an entire chicken that I had cooked and then I got totally grossed out when I spotted some feathers under the wing. So I threw the entire thing out.
Roxie managed to get it out of a garbage can. I was able to retrieve the entire skeleton of the bird, which she managed to get at later... after I thought it was totally beyond her reach. :roll: Nothing was left over, not one single bone. 8O
The Vet said to give her some fiber ( I gave her baked beans 8O :lol: )
It all passed. But boy did she have the worst Gas for days after that. :lol:
It seems as though everything is moving alright.

Sorry, no feathers yet that I can see. No diarrhea or anything. I was kind of hoping he would suffer a little and maybe he wouldn't want to eat this kind of thing again... :evil:

Frank ate a cooked chicken carcass once and the vet had us give him a bunch of bread to pad everything so the bones wouldn't puncture. He was fine too.
Oh geez no feathers yet? Give it another 24 hours, here is hoping you get a nice little pile too. :lol:

I realised with Kels most of the bird is digestable, no beak, no feet came up, but feathers are undigestable :lol:

I wonder if the feathers will pass from haggis, which end it will be is the great mystery there :lmt: :lol: :lol:
Sure hope everything is OK with haggis. EWWWWWWWWW
Haggis is completely fine.

But don't you know there was another little dead bird in our yard yesterday. It looked as though it had been in a fight as there were little bird feathers everywhere. Luckily, Rebecca found it first & didn't want to eat it, so I was able to bury it before Haggis found it.
:phew: Glad to hear he's okay! :D
Where do you think all the dead birds are coming from?
I know here in California if we find dead birds we are supposed to call Vector Control to come and retrieve the bodies. Then they test them for West Nile Virus.
I have a HUGE bird phobia, too.... :oops: :oops: I like to watch them and all, but can't get over the bird germ thing... 8O

My pooches have a regular diet of dead birds....from all the feathers I find in my yard and garage...I suspect they aren't quite dead when they get to them, though.. :evil:
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