Poor Simon...BAD, BAD MOM

I feel sooooo bad. I took Simon to the groomers yesterday(a new one that doesn't cost an arm and a leg), talked to them about what I wanted done and showed them a picture of his puppy cut. They called after I got home and told me that Simon is very badly matted 8O I wasn't brushing the way I should but I had been checking for mats and I only knew of the one right under his ear which I had told them about. He was matted from under his chin all the way down his chest. I really did not know and I feel really bad because this must have been bothering him. The only way to get these out was to (gulp) shave him. His hair is now about 1/2inch long all around except for his ears and his snout, which makes his head look big compared to the rest of his body. There are two good things, it doesn't seem to bother him AT ALL and it will grow back. He's still the cutest dog around even if he has a bad mom.
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I can feel your pain. No matter how much it hurts to admit it, I've been there too (though I've never had a groomer call to tell me -- I just picked my baby up once and saw how short she was and got angry but they explained that they needed to take her that short). After the short adjustment period I decided that I really liked Jo in a very short cut. I think she likes it better too because she's a bit older and with age has gotten shaky on the grooming table. Last summer, however, I thought I'd be smart and give Ro a puppy cut and she looked like a grey and white deer when she ran across the backyard :roll: At least Simon will start feeling better now though :)
Welcome to the club! We've all done it. :roll: It will grow faster than you realize, and I actually love the look when they get to be about 2"!
Don't worry about it. Chris is right, we've all been there. It does suck but the hair grows much faster than you'd think.

In 10 months time, we went from this:

To this:
I know you like the long look, Jill....but....

Short hair Clyde is SOOOOO cute! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
ravenmoonart wrote:
I know you like the long look, Jill....but....

Short hair Clyde is SOOOOO cute! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

He loves his long hair, too. He knows it gets him the ladies. :twisted:
Simon is very cute, no matter what his coat length

I confess I am not of the school that says that if a dog is matted (and I have a very hard time believing that Simon was 'badly matted' and you didn't know it--doesn't seem to fit with your posts) that the dog must be shaved. Certainly, it can get to that point, or some dogs can be so uncooperative at grooming that it is the most expeditious thing to do, but it depends upon how much time and effort the groomer wants to invest. It sounds as though the shave down was done for the groomers convenience and not for Simon's benefit. I hope you didn't tip. And that you find a different groomer, one with more patience.

Maybe I'm completely uninformed. I do all of my dogs' grooming withone exception. I've only taken one of my dogs, one time, to be professionally groomed. I am certainly not the world's best dog groomer, but my groomer didn't see the need to shave Archie down, and respected my wishes not to fluff him up super fluffy--I wanted him clean and brushed, and mat free, but not the puff ball show coat. The puff ball might not have been possible since I use a rake that removes a lot of the undercoat. This works out well for me and for the dogs, but would not if I wanted to show.
Don't feel bad at all!! There is always at least one spot on my dogs that I've missed and need to clean up. It never seems to fail that some really bad knot will pop up when any of my mentors come to help at a show and they are the ones to find it!!! AND for some reason, whenever Deb comes to a show my dogs have knots on their chests. Maybe Deb came to your house and made chest matts. It seems to be her thing!!!!
Thank you for sharing this with us Pam. I took SamSun to his groomer the other day thinking that he only had a few mats on his stomach. She called me 3 hours later to let me know that SamSun had more mats than I thought he did so she had to shave him. I feel like such a terrible mom with I let this happen. First of all because he looks nothing like a sheepdog when he is shaved and another it changes his whole attitude. For some reason he has started sleeping in the bed with us and refuses to move. He used to jump up there when I would get in the bed and then get down maybe 5 minutes later. Now he sleeps on the bed the entire night! Pam I know exactly how you feel!

SamSun's Summer/Winter Cut:

Simon's Mom check out the line brushing photo essays through OES.org and they will totally help you brush down to the skin properly.

I LOVE no-haired Clyde. It's so fun to see how prominent the eye patches are.

Maxmm wrote:
AND for some reason, whenever Deb comes to a show my dogs have knots on their chests. Maybe Deb came to your house and made chest matts. It seems to be her thing!!!!

AND on their face! Dumb Debbie actually let Frank go swimming Sunday in the neighbor's pool and then in the river last night so he's starting to look like a Komondor today with plenty of chest mats! :evil:
I think we've all been there. I know I thought I was doing great with Pepsi when I first got him. The first time I brought him to the groomers he had a lot of matting around his neck area. Luckily he was supposed to be shaved down anyway for the summer.
We learn from our mistakes...don't feel bad!
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