Anyone out there?

Hey all.

I am having a very stressful day. As some know, my husband, Oliver and I are hoping to move to Kansas City soon. Well, actually hubby already has a great job and has moved. I am stuck here in Manhattan (thankfully I get to keep Oliver here with me!) until I sell the house and find a new job. So, I am stressed about that situation. Add on top of that Oliver had to go to the vet today because he is sneezing non-stop. It started yesterday, so I took him in first thing this morning. Hopefully it is nothing, but better safe than sorry.

I am so stressed out today that I cannot concentrate. Anyone else having difficulty concentrating today?
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I always have difficulty in concentrating when there is a sheepie around needing to be petted.

I understand about being stressed and lonely. Other than forum posting :D :D How are you handling it?

Cleaning the place to be perfect, paralyzed with sadness, or somewhere in between?
I hope Oliver is feeling better and gets good news at the vets today.

I too am having difficulty concentrating, but for a totally different reason. I have been up for over 24 hrs! I worked last night, picked up stuff for Todd while in town and then fed dogs. I am just letting the last ones potty. Then back in kennels so I can sleep for awhile!
Awee.... I know how tough all of that will be. Hopefully you will be with your husband WITH a nice new job very soon!!! Good wishes to you!!

Glad you have your doggie by your side to hold at night!

My difficulty concentrating is regarding a drs. appt, but hopefully all will go well this week. Stress is part of life! :lol: At least I always expect to have some. :twisted:
My house is spotless. I am a clean freak anyway, but I have moved from cleaning the floors once a day to three times a day (morning, lunch, and evening). I run regularly, but am now on a marathon training schedule, and Oliver has been promoted from sleeping in the floor to the bed. Oliver is getting brushed once if not twice a day, and is enjoying lots and lots of "Mommy time".

Yesterday hubby and I were saying goodbye, and yes, I was crying, and Oliver barked at hubby and started snapping at him. Guess he thought hubby was hurting me. :roll: Good boy Oliver, good boy.

Mrs. J-how do you deal with not having Mr. J around all the time? When is your Drs. appt? Good luck, hope all is well!
I'm sorry you have so much stress right now! But at least it's temporary and will be worth it in the end.

Barney's been getting a lot more Mom time too, now that my husband works nights and I have to find ways to entertain myself. Longer walks (when it's not a million degrees out), brushing, hairstyling (my husband doesn't like it because he says Barney's a boy, but when hubby's not home :lol: )

I couldn't even imagine training for a marathon in the summer. I grew up along the coast in So Cal and it is probably one of the cooler spots in the country during summer (not much humidity) and I ran cross country so I had to run during the summers...couldn't even imagine LONG runs--good for you!

You could catch up on all your girlie movies that your husband never wants to watch with you. I just got the new Harry Potter--that should keep me occupied for a while...
jcc9797 wrote:
As some know, my husband, Oliver and I are hoping to move to Kansas City soon. Well, actually hubby already has a great job and has moved. I am stuck here in Manhattan (thankfully I get to keep Oliver here with me!) until I sell the house and find a new job.

We used to live in KC and still have family there. We visit frequently so maybe we can arrange for a play date sometime. How is your job search going? What kind of work do you do? My SIL is in fundraising/development and has so many contacts (in just about every imaginable field) it is literally frightening!! If you think you could use some help send me a PM and I'll put you into contact with her.
Hang in there Jennifer! The separation situation is driving you crazy which is why you can't concentrate. If you are looking for something to do - how about posting some more pictures of Oliver! You said he has grown quite a bit since May. (hint)

It will all be over before you know it and you will be decorating a new house and enjoying a new job.

Harry is excited that Kansas City is closer to St. Louis - he misses Oliver!
I just heard back from the vet...
poor Oliver has a fever and some kind of infection. I am so scared. They did some lab work, and are waiting to hear back, but my poor little guy. I hate this, I am so worried about him, I'd be so lost without him if anything were ever to happen... :cry:
Hope goes all well with Oliver. I guess we all have these times at one time or another. Some more than others. My prayers are with you and your baby. You will back on this in time and it will be a small memory. HUGS
I know it is hard but try not to think of the worst case scenerio. Hopefully it is nothing a round of antibiotics can't fix. I'll keep both of you in my thoughts and prayers. Let us know when you hear back about the lab work.
Thanks so much for your support. I just get so scared when it comes to my baby :cry: . My coworkers think I am nuts, I've been crying all day (darn lactin build-up!).

I heard back from the vet and Oliver has a viral AND a bacterial infection. His fever is up, so they think he is just starting to fight this thing. They said he is in the early stages, so if we act fast, we can hopefully catch it before it turns into pneumonia. I read too many of the old posts, and those scare me!

This is probably nothing right? He will be on antibiotics for 10 days then all will be well-right?
Its great that you caught this early! Oliver isn't a TINY pup any more either, and so isn't as vulnerable.

What an awful day you're having :( !

Hang in there, and keep us posted. :ghug:

Im sure everything will be okay!! Panda has had butt issues now for 2 months and has been on a few antibiotics now for a while.....its a good thing that they caught it quick...try not to stress too much...

Augh, I'm sorry Darcy. I sure hope Panda is on the road to recovery. It's amazing how when they hurt, you hurt.

Yeah, Oliver is still my little guy, but little is a whopping 56 pounds now! I picked him up from the vet, and the tech goes "oh, poor Oliver, your mommy is here!", and out comes running and jumping my poor, sick, lathargic puppy. I think he'll be okay, he is acting normal, eating and drinking normal, and we caught it early. I just get so upset when it comes to him.

Thanks everyone, I tend to over-react a bit, especially when it comes to him. The sun is coming out now. It's amazing what a little support will do for a person!
oh jen, your little boy will be fine!!! kisses to the puppy monster!
Hey Jennifer - I'm so sorry that Oliver is sick! :( But I'm sure he'll be better soon. Thanks to your attention, you caught it early and he's a tough puppy... he'll be fine.
As for the rest of your situation, I can totally relate. We're about 2 weeks behind you. My husband is moving to Huntsville at the beginning of August to start a new job, and I'll be here waiting for the house to sell (unless we get lucky and someone buys it before then :sidestep: ). But I am obsessively cleaning our house too. I hate to even sit down or shower or eat here b/c I don't want to make a mess that I have to clean up!
The bad part now is that Callie and Lambda are at my mom's house in KY while the house is on the market. I just knew there was no way I could keep everything clean enough with them here - and they would bark their heads off at anyone who came to look :roll:
I miss them soo much!! It's ridiculous. :cry: The first few nights, it took me forever to go to sleep without them in the bed.

Anyway, just sympathizing with you... :ghug: good luck selling the house and finding a job! Keep us posted!
Hey Jen,

Give Oliver a get well hug from me and Harry says to get better fast. You can't keep those playing dogs down! Think positive and focus on taking care of your "little" sick boy.


It looks like Oliver is going to be bigger than Harry - he weighs a measly 63 lbs.
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