I found a Very sick dog............

I need advice, PLEASE. I will give everyone the cliff version for now.(good man & bad man -since I don't know names)

I found a very sick and badly abused Beagle last night. I did find out that a Good man took her from a bad man that had her tied to a tree with (get ready for this) 40 other Beagles. The Bad man was kicking her because she would not produce a litter for him.
(For the people who keep buying from puppy mills here is proof that Puppy mills need to be stopped!) :evil:

She can not be more that a year old and is totally skin and bones. Her teeth are rotted and she can barley chew. I soaked her in medicated shampoo and removed at least 15 ticks .I had ear drops from my guys to put in her badly infected ears. I think she has heart worms and all 4 of her legs look dislocated.The worst part is I think she has a dead litter of pups in her!

I am waiting for my vet to open in the morning and I have e-mail ever rescue group I could find in my area on line. If the vet thinks she can be saved I am willing to foster her and nurse her back to health but right now Financially I can't afford to pay for it all.
If my vet says she is past saving I will have him help her go to sleep peacefully,but I am praying I can help her.

I just need to know anyone knows of any rescue groups that would help in this case with the expense if she can be saved ?

The good man that took her said the bad mad was getting ready to kill her when the good man took her.

So since all this happened yesterday on 7/7/07 I am calling her 7.God willing It was her lucky day and she will survive and be someone's couch potato some day. Please Keep her in you prays, she is so very sweet and is finialy seeing what love is.She deserves to live.

I am having big problems with my computer and pictures but I will try and add some later.

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OMG, my heart aches for the poor wee thing and all the others in the same situ. thank you for having a BIG heart
That is so sad. That poor dog. I really hope the dog recovers and finds a home that loves her to death after all that she's been through! :(
Have you tried beagle specific rescues? This one is in your state and should be able to better direct you as to what to do next:


If this dog really did come from the situation the guy said that she did, please, please call the authorities-- Humane Society, SPCA-- whatever you have in your area-- and report it immediately. I'm sure more than just this one dog is in horrible shape if there are 40 of them tied to a tree.

You're a good person for doing this. If you can't get a breed specific rescue to help, I'd be glad to help donate to the cause.
Thats horrible I hope she survives.She is in my prayers.
I'd also contact the authorities on the bad guy.that kind of treatment needs to stop.
Thank you for taking her in. I hope she can be saved and can find a real home and know what being loved is about.
Poor baby! Please keep us posted on her condition. Oh, and by the way--can we tie the "bad man" to a tree?!? Maybe kick him until he produces something? I know, I know that isn't very nice...but still... :evil:
Good luck Seven!
If you're willing to foster her, you can probably find a rescue to take her in, pay for her medical expenses, and help you find her a good home! The beagle rescue Jill posted would definitely be a great bet.

You are so wonderful for taking her in, please do keep us updated!
Thank you Antoinette for taking in Seven.

Positive thoughts and prayers. Come on Beagle rescue! Help out!
Jill - That is one of the rescues I am waiting to here back from, I have sent out 17 e-mails and pictures of this poor girl to every rescue I could find. It is 8 :30 am here and I have started to call them all on the phone but no one seams to be there yet.

I added a few pictures that I took last night,(once they are approved) you can see she is still scared to death but her overall look is so much better, just the swollen belly and bones sticking out.Her eye sockets are protruding.
I try so hard not to cry when I hold her so she doesn't sense sadness but it is so hard not to .

Just to put everyone's mind at ease you know I am going to find this guys location and get him stopped! I already have Metro here in Nashville trying to contact someone in that rule county to find the bad mans location. I don't give up very easy.

After I get her back from the Vets office I will give you all a up date.

P.S...Jill thanks for the donation offer and to everyone who has PM'D me and offered help. You guy's are the kindest people around. I'm still hoping the local rescue steps up and helps............

First, you are a wonderful person for doing what you are doing! We need more people like you in this world :)

I hope you do contact the authorities. We just had a news story here today where a "bad man" was housing over 19 dogs in filthy conditions in cages in a ten by ten foot room...the dogs were sleeping in their own feces and malnourished. Word from the neighbors was he had "always been an animal lover" who sold puppies....Yet, another disgusting puppy miller.

He was charged with cruelty to animals and is being held on bail and faces a possible 60 years in the can...

Good luck to Seven and hope you get this b----rd.
OMG, how horrible!! I hope when you find that bad man that they nail him to the wall! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Seven is so cute, even after all she's been through. I pray she can overcome all this to be someone's lap dog soon.
If this dog really did come from the situation the guy said that she did, please, please call the authorities-- Humane Society, SPCA-- whatever you have in your area-- and report it immediately.

For those remaining in this man's care, there is no time to waste. If your vet says she has been abused, as the "good" man stated, ask that his/her findings be put in writing. Contact the Humane Society or ASPCA or Animal Control and report what you know for a fact and provide the vet's report. Then tell them what the "good" man told you. Can you get his name?

Many on this board read what happened when there was a delay in reporting an incident of neglect that was said to involve parvo and puppies not getting any medical care. Often we are the only ones that can speak for those that are suffering and hidden from public view.

Thanks for helping 7... please let me know if you need help.
Any news?
Hi Everyone. Well '7' and I are back from the vet . I found a local rescue group who let me take her to my Vet and called them to say they would pay to have her checked and see what happing with her.

So here it is : )

' 7 ' is very young maybe just 1 year old or less.
Her teeth can be cleaned and maybe need to only have a few removed.
She is infested with worms. (A given)
She is NOT pregnant (most likely never had a first heat yet) .
She is swollen in her belly due to fluid ( Dr. says may be from trauma to the belly from being kicked) :evil:
The Vet thinks she has a liver problem but wants to work with her slowly to see if things kinda heal themselves as she gets stronger.
Does not look like her legs are broken she just has no muscle tone to walk.
The vet did not check for Heartworm yet,he said even if she has them right now she would never make it through the treatment.

So, we are giving her Panacure (spelling) to get the nasty worms gone .I will be working with her skin and wounds,her ears and infections with topical med's(nothing inside just panacure, vet does not want to shock her liver anymore than necessary )
I will be feeding her chicken and rice and lots of fresh water and taken her back to the Vet next Monday to start other test once she is stronger.

The great news is the Vet could not believe what a fighter this baby is.She wants to live ,you can see it in her eyes! :hearts:

Here are her pictures God willing the next ones I post of her will show great improvement!

Thanks for the prayers and kind thoughts this little girl really needs them.......

I will keep you all up to date.



Best wishes to 7! I pray she does not have Heartworm, gets better and is able to find a forever home. Wow, is she thin! :(
Big Hugs and Kisses to her
She's a doll--I love the look in her eyes in the first picture. Like "will you be my mom?" She's sick, but she will get better!
That is wonderful news about 7. (well mostly, you know what I mean!) She looks prety sad and pathetic - poor thing. Good luck with getting her well. :D
Bless you for helping her. Poor girl. :(

:twisted: :twisted: People like this man have to be stopped. :twisted: :twisted:
I'm so glad she's getting help. I'm still sick at the ideal of someone hurting her and looking at how weak she is in the pic.
What a sad face. Thank you for taking her in.

And get the *** who hurt her.
you are a true hero 7 is a true fighter
Thanks for the update Antoinette :D
Gentle hugs to your sweet pup.
:cry: poor puppy!!
Oh my :( I'm just now reading this thread and tearing up. I'll never understand how people can be so cruel. You are wonderful for taking care of her.
Thank you so much for helping out that little gal.

Your vet is being very smart, taking it slow and not throwing a bunch of foreign stuff into that traumatized little body. She did not get in that condition overnight, so will not get better overnight....Time, patience and good care will do what is needed.

Most likely she has no muscle tone from being crated too much and in a too small of an area....or having no room to move and excercise... :evil: :evil:

Grrrrr.....I certainly hope the others that are left can be saved...
Thanks for the update and the best of luck to both you and 7
She is such a sweetie. Thank you for rescuing her.
She is so precious. I still can't imagine someone actually has the guts to be so cruel to animals. It doesn't make any sense at all.
Oh, she's just SO beautiful! :hearts: Look at those soulful eyes - so much older than her chronological age, poor thing. The horrors she has seen already in her young life - monsters.

Get that bad man!! :twisted: :twisted:
Thank you for helping Seven. It looks like she could use a guardian angel, poor thing!

I swear to God, I would love for these horrible people to have to suffer exactly the abuse they heap on their animals. Then, I would consider this world a just place.

Give Seven a belly rub from us.

Laurie and Oscar
Seven looks so precious......I love beagles...something about their eyes...
thank you for rescuing Seven.....
she looks so sad....
she has the most beautiful eyes....
she will learn that not all people are bad from the great care you are showing her.
What a dear little angel. Thank you for all you are doing for her. We will be wishing her the best recovery!
(New pictures coming after approval)

I would like to share '7's' progress update as of Tuesday with everyone. :D
1st my Daughter has started to call her 'Delilah' and I think '7' likes it! So looks like she has a new name! I took pictures for you all to see how great she is doing.

She is now holding her head up high and running to the kitchen when she wants to eat,she runs to the door to go potty and is really enjoying a new thing she is learning called 'Cuddling' . :hearts:
It is such a amazing feeling to know that she understands that we are not going to hurt her.
She has actually fallen in love with my husband which shocked us all since it was a 'man' who beat her!

We have kept the little crate in the bathroom where we originally had her so if she does feel scared for any reason she can go in to it. She seams to feel safe in it.But she has only went in 1 time today and that is when I had to put medicine on her belly wounds (she don't like that)!
Other than that she wants up on the couch and to just be loved on.... Isn't that great!!!!

I spoke with the rescue group "Furry Friends" (that is covering the vet bills)today and they said they will have no problem finding her a forever home after she is all better and spayed.
I can tell you I am already dreading letting her go but my guys would be way to rough for her. She needs a nice old lady's lap to sleep on not two crazy oversize sheepies sleeping on her............. :roll:

I have also reported to the authorities what happened and that I was told there are at least 40 more dogs like Delilah needing help.
I did a little research and found a new pet shelter in that area that is just opening so I am going to contact them and tell them Delilah's story and try and get them to light a fire under the authorities butts. I am sure they will be horrified when they hear what is going on in their little town.
I will keep you up to date on what happens .

I was thinking maybe we can get a law put in place that lets us tie people like this 'bad man' to a tree and let the starving dogs eat off of him till he dies! :twisted:
I am just so mad,and I get madder everyday thinking about the other dogs I could not save.

Thanks for all the good thought and prays for '7'-Delilah she and I are very grateful.........

Oh that's great news and what a wonderful update.
I started to ask for an update but thought maybe it was too soon.
You've done a fabulous job with her. :D

She has actually fallen in love with my husband which shocked us all since it was a 'man' who beat her!

Will your husband be able to part with her? Those beautiful brown eyes so full of adoration :wink: Isn't it amazing how forgiving dogs can be... I would never be so quick to trust again.

I can't say that enough for taking such an active effort in making a little dog safe, getting her well again and trying to help the others.
Here are the updated pictures of '7' -Delilah :D

Tuesday morning eating standing up strong!


Tuesday afternoon (getting a little spoiled :D )Nap time.

Sleeping with the blind kitty!

little walk in the back yard .

Time to go back in the house on that nice couch. :D

Ok ready for bed,she needs lots of sleep to get big and strong!


She needs some time to get her strength up! What a trooper!

I expect you'll have her fattened up in about 2 weeks.

I hope she will be heartworm free.
Aww, she's just precious!!
It's so wondeful that she's allowing you to love her already.
I rescued an abused Toy Poodle about 13 years ago. He had never even been outside a house before. He hid under my kitchen cabinets for 3 days before he started coming out of his shell and checking out his new surroundings.
Once he did come out of his shell he was the most loving, smartest, sweetest little guy.
What a pretty girl! Thanks for all you are doing for her.
My eyes welled up reading this story...Antionette - Thank you!!!!!!! Thank you for stepping up and making a difference in this girls life. Thanks for caring enough to make a difference, thanks for involving yourself and reporting them...you are wonderful!!!

What great progress - and so quickly! It's wonderful to see her eating and sleeping on the couch. Isn't it amazing what forgiving spirits they have? Bless her heart - she is falling in love with your family. :) I don't know how you'll be able to part with her. :wink:

Thank you, ever so much, for being the angel who rescued her.
Oh what great progress you have made with Delilah7! She must feel like she is in doggy heaven living at your home!
The pic of her on the couch shows just how tiny she really is. :shock:
She is so beautiful....some one is going to be very lucky to have her.....
How are you ever going to be able to give her up?
Great job :high5:

She looks so much happier and healthier already :D
What a sweet little girl Delilah! She looks so much better now, she knows you look after her very well! :hearts:

Let us know what happend to the other 40 beagles, I'm sick just thinking of how they get treated! I dont want them to die!! :cry: :cry: Hope Authorities can do something against it and take the dogs in care! :hearts:

Fab you look after her!! :wink:
If funny how I am the one helping her , yet I think she is actually helping me more . :D

With all the bad thing that have been happening(to everyone including myself :? )
this little girl made me see that there is so much worse out there going on than my own problems.

I worried cause finances and not doing very well,there has been the Junior Bump thing ,the Harley intestine thing ,Mom going into a diabetic coma on a flight to California to see her sister, my Hysterectomy at age 39 ...BUT we are all ok !
Mom is fine now, dogs are great and their crazy self's ,I now feel better than I ever have- since my surgery and so I may have to cut down on living expenses ,big deal. We have a roof over our heads!

I do believe everything is for a reason and I think this little girl has come into my life to help me remember that...........

Oh, and Yes it is going to be sooooooo hard to let her go to another family,but the more I think of it that will leave a space open for me to help another in need............(but I wont have to think of that for a least a few months....hopefully) :hearts: :hearts:

I just wanted to give every one a quick updated on Delilah 7. :D
I took her to the Vet yesterday for her 1st follow up.
Well,we got good and bad news (kinda) . :?

She has NO MORE WORMES. :clappurple:
Next they did the heartworm test and it came back Negative! :go:

Now the not so good news, she has Mange and yes the contagious kind! 8O

Thank God I have had her downstairs away from my boys but I swear I have not stopped scratching since the Vet told me! :twitch:

The vet gave her a shot and said in 10 days to bring her back for another and we should be good.

Other than that she is 14.8 lbs her heart sounds great and the vet seams to think her liver is just fine!
She we get spay and teeth cleaned after the mange is gone and ready for her Forever home.She is a new Girl! :clappurple:

Thanks for the update.
I'm really glad to hear that none of the really serious things are wrong.

The mange is not good - you were smart to keep her isolated until she could be vet checked and treated. :D I bet she is feeling so much better already.

New pictures????
Phew, so glad she doesn't have heartworm!

Now she just needs to get rid of the mange and she'll be perfect! :D
The update is just wonderful news overall. :)
Thanks for the update on Delilah 7. She's got a good, long, happy life to look forward to thanks to your efforts. :P

You were smart to keep her away from your boys. Let's hope the mange clears up quickly. :D
I'm coming late to this but WOW! Lots of angel dust flying around your house :) .
Great to hear that things are going well :lol:
What a wonderful story and I'm so glad it has a happy ending! You're an angel and I know what you mean about how they end up helping us more. It's a humbling experience to look after a sickly animal and they are so grateful for the little things we take for granted. Monetary stuff can't compare to the feeling of awe one gets when they look up and give us a lick as a thank you.

Thanks for sharing this with us.

Hi Everyone here are the new Delilah 7 pictures I took today. :D

She asked me to thank you all for the prays and well wishes and to tell you she is feeling great (except for the itches :roll: ) .........

What? I'm sleeping........

OMG can you stop taking my Pictures already?
Ok,OK I'm up,now where's the food?????

Thanks for the update and the wonderful pictures. She sure is a cutie.....and a lucky one at that!!! She looks right at home. :)
Great update. Her face looks fuller already! :D
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