MSN Puppy Costs

There was an article on what things really cost on the MSN homepage. I just thought I would share this:

A puppy
The upfront cost for a medium-size dog can run from zero ("Mom, he followed me home . . .") to hundreds or even thousands of dollars for a purebred. For most people, though, the costs really begin after little Beauregard is part of the family.

You should figure on "capital" expenditures of about $270, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, a sum that includes collars, leashes, carriers and the price of neutering or spaying your pet. Annual costs run an average of $620, which covers $310 for a year's supply of premium-brand kibble, $175 for medical care, $15 for a license and $120 or so for miscellaneous costs, toys and treats.
Given that a medium-size dog lives an average of 15 years, that would add up to a total cost of $9,570, or about $1.75 a day for unconditional love and all the poop you can scoop.

Of course, I know folks who have spent more than that just on vet bills. Improvements in animal medicine mean more conditions are treatable, but that also means one serious accident or illness can cost you thousands of dollars.

A tip: If you're a treat-at-any-cost sort of pet owner, strongly consider setting up a special savings account for vet bills or purchasing pet insurance.
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That's a good general estimate for folks considering getting a dog. And Beaureguard is pleased that they mentioned him by name. :wink:
Those numbers are too low, IMHO, especially in an urban area where vet costs are much higher, quality food is more for a big dog that eats a lot like an OES, and they didn't include grooming costs.

Here is an estimate I did about 2 years ago:

A puppy can cost $1500, plus:
vet trips twice a year ($200)
food $40/month ($480)
grooming $75 every 2 months ($450)
toys ($50)

$1180 x 15 years = $17,700 + $1,500 = $19,200

I'd up the vet bills to $500 a year (Heartguard alone is $100, and an occasional bout of the runs)
and the price of dogs may be a little bit higher than $1500 now, too.
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
That's a good general estimate for folks considering getting a dog. And Beaureguard is pleased that they mentioned him by name. :wink:

Ha ha ha. I saw that too!
Well - if those numbers were the case for us I'd have got a couple of litter mates as well! :wink:
Maybe for one small dog, like a twenty pounder or so. Heck, by himself Bear can eat $40 worth of food in 2 weeks. They don't even mention grooming...
I say ha! to the vet visits anual exam runs about $100.00..but if your pet gets and point...pandas little ph/poop off balance thing this month....blood work, vet visit, stool sample evaluation and meds...$186.00.

If the puppers gets something like this a few times a year then your easily around $300-400......

and Jills right, they dont even say anthing about grooming.....

but they ARE worth EVERY penny!!
I think they also forgot to include the thousands of dollars you'll spend keeping your yard and house free of fleas and ticks. :roll:
Ha! Forget driving around in a Porche and wearing designer clothes...I just walk around the neighborhood and folks will think I must be rich with my 3! :wink: On second thought they may think I'm poor having 3. Food for thought. :roll:

Marianne and the boys

I thought the prices mentioned in the article were a bit on the low side too.
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