Suggestions on potty training.....


My new 8-10 week old puppy will be here by August. I am reading conflicting blogs on how often a puppy should be taken out. I am a working girl and I read that a pup can hold it for "1 hour for every month". If a puppy is 2 months,every 2 hours. 3 months, 3 hours. Now I know this is an appoximate --- BUT there is a big time gap between every 2 hours and every 20 minutes. I was planning on coming home every 2 hours to take the pup out but that won't work every 20 minutes!

I am open to any suggestions on this ....... How has anyone else trained a puppy while working????I am sure I am not the only person who is facing this delemma. Any advice will be so greatly appreciated!!!


Val :lol: :lol:
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Hi Val,

I think every 2 hours should be fine. Just make sure that you crate him/her for safety and security. If they mess in the can be cleaned. They don't USUALLY do that though.

I am lucky enough to be home, so I can be trained to go out every 2 hours. They do sleep a lot. The key is getting them out as soon as they wake up which may be hard if you aren't there. I get Nigel in 3 weeks at the same age, so i will let you know how it goes. :pupeyes:
Thanks Wendy

I am going to see if I can bring her to work for at least the first 2 weeks. I think that would be best. I'll just keep her crate under my desk and then I can be there if she needs to go. Hopefully, my boss will let me. I manage an accounting office and the owner is almost never here. I have been with her for 23 years so she knows that I will still do my job even if I have my baby to attend to.

It has been a long time since I have had such a young puppy and then I was a stay at home mom and no crate. My two others came to me at 4 months and 6 months and I immediately crated. They were potty trained quickly, but I still crated them for chewing. I stopped crating Pearl, my OES at about 6 months old and would come home to find she had unzipped the cushions on my couch and tore up the foam.....I guess it was good because she didn't ruin the fabric...She did that a couple times and I even tried to sabotage the couch by putting a mixture of hot sauce,pepper on a paper plate so she would avoid it...she didn't...she just "moved" the plate so she could get at the zipper... :lol: :lol: so I had to crate her again for another 3 months. Then she was fine...

LOL. 6 months is not a SAFE age. You think they are ok...then they get what I like to call the adolescent crazies. Winston ate my carpet in about 3 large places in my house at that age. Thank God I was going to replace it anyway.
I put our pup out every 2 hours and we did great. At nite it was 11:00 3:00 6:00, then soon after 11:00 and 5:00 which was good my husband gets up for work then. :D . Now its 11:00 and 8:00. I work out of my house so it does work. If I was earlier then 2 hours I also put here out now I have a doogy door oes loves it, poodle still wants to go through the normal door?
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