
AARRGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!! :excited:

I'm so frustrated with the world today!

About a week ago, they announced in the news that the Spam King was arrested and going to jail, and we should see a decrease in spam. WRONG! I am getting so much sh*t spam, I can't stand it. All the money scams are coming my way. Yes, I delete it as spam, but it keeps coming. No, I don't reply.

Now...I read Paris was released from jail for some med. reason. WHAT THE HECK????? How much did that cost them?

And...my yahoo mail at work still isn't working, and I don't have a clue how to fix it.

And...we have a bunch of new people at work that came in with high qualifications, but don't have a clue, and I'm trying to close my month and there are a million corrections to make, because of incompetence.

UGH! I needed to vent...thanks.
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Vent away...
As for Spam.... Over the past week I have won at least 30 international lotteries. :roll: Before last week I hadn't been getting any spam. :evil:
Deb, I've been getting a ton of those money spams too. "Become our US Payment Agent" - ugh. How many people are dumb enough to fall for that? And the spelling and grammar in all of these emails are awful. If someone were anonymously approaching me to work for them in a money laundering capacity, I would at least expect them to be able to spell.

I just can't believe the Paris Hilton release. In real time, she served 3 days, but the LA authorities are calling it 5 because she arrive just before midnight on Sunday and was "reassigned" just after midnight on Thursday. Someone obviously advised her about that before she surrendered herself, what other reason to show up at 11:55pm? And she was released for "medical" reasons? Give me a break. She was out partying at the MTV awards right before she showed up at the prison. There's nothing wrong with her. There is something wrong with the justice system in LA. If I were a non-celebrity in that prison I'd be furious.
Yep...that's the stuff I'm getting too. The international lotteries, and the guy that died in Romania and his family wants to run his gazillions through my bank account.

Lol, Deb, it cracked me up that you threw in Paris Hilton in part of your rant. Just funny :lol:

Yeah, I've actually gotten more spam this week too...hmmm, maybe he set something up to go off when he went to jail?
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070607/ap_ ... ris_hilton

Thats the link for Paris.

I think Paris' release was the straw the broke the proverbal camel's back for me today.

If I wasn't on Weight Watchers, I'd be having a martini lunch!
I bet she had a meltdown. :roll:
Would be really funny if she got her butt kicked. :twisted:
There's not many calories in a martini or three, right? :D

I'm actually not THAT upset that Paris was released early to home arrest. I was surprised that she actually spent ANY time in jail, so while obviously I agree she should do her whole sentence, I think a lot of celebs would have gotten out of it even before having to step foot in prison.
I agree - three days in a real jail is a lot more than most celebrities. When Diana Ross got arrested for extreme DUI here in Arizona they agreed to let her serve the time in the police station in some tiny town near her other estate in Conn. She only had to show up at night, she could be out and about all day. And I think she did about 3 days.

But it makes you wonder about Martha Stewart. Somebody was really out to get her. She had to do real time in a real prison. No celebrity justice for her. I guess that's the difference between local jurisdictions and a federal crime.
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:
Vent away...
As for Spam.... Over the past week I have won at least 30 international lotteries. :roll: Before last week I hadn't been getting any spam. :evil:

I have NEVER gotten spam in my reular account (it is filtered into a bulk mail folder). But in the last week I bet I have gotten 50 of the "international" emails, WHAT'S UP WITH THAT??????????????????????

As for Paris Hilton being let out of jail, CAN YOU FREAKING BELIEVE IT??????????????????????

Rant away Deb, you got ME going!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am getting the same spam e mails and am sick and tired of them. I want them to STOP!!!!!!!!!! As to Paris Hilton, I can't believe she is getting away with this!!!!!!!
This is a perfect thread....I too have all of a sudden gotten LOTS of spam....I have NEVER gotten this amount before...I went from having an average of 6 things in my mail to this morning of 30......only one was from a friend....this sucks...what do we do to get rid of this junk!!
I use my spam filter alot, and rarely get spam. I do get ads (FTD, Harry and David, Target, etc) but I like seeing them.

Now I am probably getting about 15 -20 of these money spams a day! I don't know how to stop them, because even if I mark them as spam, they keep coming from different email addresses.

I understand the Paris thing not bothering a lot of people. It just sort of was the cherry on this sundae of a day for me.
Me too! Whats with the spam. I NEVER got any before. :evil:
Not that I want everybody else to get spammed but, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I have 5-10 several times a day. A week ago I had none!!!! Have been wondering what the heck is going on.
Hope it dies down soon.
Really wish there was a NO SPAM list like the NO CALL list.
I've started getting a lot more than usual in the last few days too.... annoying....
I just got 5 more this morning. :evil:
From the time I went to lunch (no, I didn't have a martini) to the time I got back, I had received 2 more. :cry:
Screenshot of my spam. I usually don't mind spam if it's fried, but not since I got pg 8)

And I thought it was just me. I have gotten at least 50 of those in my email this week. I had been having problems with my email so I thought I messed something up. All of a sudden last Friday all of my emails disappeared. They did not go to the trash bin. I spoke with Dell, Road Runner and Microsoft. They all say they are somewhere in my computer but not one of them is able to find them. Isn't techology wonderful!!! :?
okay, just checked my email again....some how I have managed to win the lottery in the U.K. ... several times...... :?
Darcy wrote:
okay, just checked my email again....some how I have managed to win the lottery in the U.K. ... several times...... :?

No way!!! They said that I had won!!!
I'm also heir to several estates worth millions!!!

Ain't life grand.
How are we going to spend all this money?
A. Yager wrote:
Darcy wrote:
How are we going to spend all this money?

ummmm....on your sheepdogs :roll: , but you guys will have to share with me too...I have also been notified of my win :twisted:
Sorry I alreaday claimed the prizes.... I only had to send a certified money order for $5,000 (to pay attorney fees).

You don't think it's a scam do you :twisted:
:lol: Jokes on you! I sent my $5000 last week! I should get the inheritance first!

Woo hoo, baby!!!!!!!
Odd that this should come up now - I had never gotten
the money scam spams to my verizon account until about
a week or so ago. Now suddenly I get several every day.
I haven't signed up for anything or joined anything. When
I do, I use my yahoo account, so I'm wondering how I
seem to be on everone's list now.
Odd, huh?

I've also been getting a ton of spam in the last few days. All the same kind of things prior posters have described. Weird and annoying at the same time.
Must be a world wide phenonamon 8O I keep getting the spam in my junk box about 5-6 a day. :evil:

Yep we are all rich everyone that won the UK Lottery, heck a lot to share the prize with. :twisted: :lol:

Another I am getting is from Nigeria, send us money and we will release a large amount of money into your bank account. I wonder if they accept Monopoly cash. :lmt: :lol:

I thought this would get better since the Spam King was arrested but it is getting worse, especially the last 4-5 days here. :roll:
Hey! I'm also getting "Job Offer" emails. I haven't opened them, so I don't know what they are about, but, I just know they are spams.
I'd guess the prediction of a drop in spam caused the other 10,000,000 spammers to try and either a) make a point or b) fill the void trying to get theirs noticed more, or c) both.

I am seeing a large increase in spam getting through my massive filters -- I was getting thousands a day before clamping down hard... I can tighten down some more, but at the risk of filtering out real mail.. :(

Time to implement Sender Policy Framework, a standard that was supposed to be live lsat October. SPF should cut down on spam labelled as coming from say, oes.org, that is being sent by someone unauthorized. So at least yuor would know that something from "yahoo.com" actually was sent through Yahoo.com's servers (who presumably have methods for preventing spammers from using their servers, like I do.)
Darcy wrote:
okay, just checked my email again....some how I have managed to win the lottery in the U.K. ... several times...... :?

That's the same crap I am getting... weird.
I never got spam until I had a paypal account. I closed it and now just a few. :roll:
Spam is a way of life for me. I'm owner of over 200 e-lists for work and the lists are constantly being bombed. I've found by carefully setting up rules, you can get rid of a lot of the garbage. They're getting better now though and using crazy names with equally odd subjects so I can't filter the normal words anymore. Damn spammers! I'd say on any given day, I filter between 100 and 150 and another 50 to 75 squeak through. I'd be more annoyed if it were paper mail that I had to get up to throw away.
liz rodes wrote:
I never got spam until I had a paypal account. I closed it and now just a few. :roll:

Actually, I would think that if it were because of paypal closing the account would make no difference, once they have your address they have it regardless of the status of the account.

I have had the same email address for over 10 years and a paypal account for many years as well. I never got spam til a few years ago when I started "online shopping" in ernest. EVERY place you order from, even major stores like LLbean, JC Penney's, Land's End, Coldwater Creek etc ask for your email address to "confirm" the order. It is my theory that they then turn around and sell those email address' to spamers.

I don't know that paypal is innocent of this but I was amazed at the expontial increase in my spam that occurred from shopping at MAJOR stores, palces you would THINK would be above such activity.
Ditto for me as to increase in spam. I was told that one should not even open suspected spam. I use Yahoo as my email and tag as spam anything that comes from a sender I don't know. I think these people just keep changing their name. One day I labeled a message as spam, then the next day I got the same message from the same sender 3 times.

What I hate just as much is Yahoo is not cluttering my email home page with ads.

It's great to log into this forum and see only message from friends, no extraneous BS.
Ditto me too. It hasn't been overwhelming and most, not all, goes directly to junk. Still.........ARGH! But I agree, better than thru the mail and all that paper.

Too bad there's not a way to convert all this spam into biomass and make fuel from it......instead of this boondoggle ethanol scam.
I have NEVER seen it this bad. The "foreign" emails telling me I have won money have simply exploded. I got FOUR this morning!!!!!!!!!! That isn't even counting the rest of the spam!!
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