Sheepy got hisself in quite the mess this morning..

Well today I came down from my shower to find my sister and mother out on the deck with Sheepy, as I got closer to the door I noticed puddles of blood everywhere. He had a thing on the back of his paw and apparently he layed on it just the right way today and it popped and there was blood everywhere...*sigh*...Mom was sitting with towels and pressure on it to stop the bleeding and we found an old ace bandage to keep it from getting dirty(he feels the need to lay under the decks and when he comes out you swear his natural color was brown...luckily she got it to stop and now hes walking around with an ace bandage on his leg..he seems no worse for the wear luckily....He stresses the crap out of us these days lol...take a look at my other post(Sheepy is the love of my life) to see his other antics...

~*Sheepy's older sis Heather*~
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Hey -

Is Sheepy okay? Was it a cist? Or some sort of wound? I had an OES once who got a cebacious (SP??) cist and when it popped there was blood EVERYWHERE, I rushed her to the hospital to be told it was 'no biggie' by the attending vet. - just checking in.

Yeap, I'd like to know how Sheepie is doing also? :?
Hes doing alot better..My mom was able to stop the bleeding and everything and we were treating it with an doesnt seem to bother him at all, we just think he layed on it the wrong way..His arthritis is still acting up alittle bit but again hes old so we just keep helping him up..other then that hes our usual little monster(now he wont drink his water unless its aquafina because he got soo spoiled, infact if my dad is drinking it out of the bottle he comes up and steals it and drinks it lol)..thanks for your concerns
My first sheepie dog had a sebaceous cyst on his belly and we soaked it to get it to drain and it was a huge mess of blood. He had a 104 fever and was put on strong antibiotics for a while. You need a vet to check the paw to make sure all is well. Can you take his temperature and call the vet with as much info as you can. We almost lost Dudley his belly swelled up within hours and we went first thing in the morning to the vet. Call your vet anyway. Good luck these things do leak and drain.
Yikes! I am glad that he is better! I agree with the vet advice. But i bring mine in if they cough or sneeze once... LOL Keep us posted! :P
LOL well in a sense they are our babies lol...Sheepy is fine though, it happened a few weeks ago and he wouldnt let it slow him down...Infact he pulled the ace bandage my sister put on him off a few minutes after she walked away from him..hes such a beast lol...
Get several rolls of the stretchy tape....I find it cheaper at horse supply type stores. You can put a gauze pad under it, wrap with the colored stretchy tape and then top with Vick's Vapor Rub or other icky stuff that keeps most doggies away from it........maybe not puppies tho :lol: I was surprised Simone kept her wrapping on for several days...on the foot, but then she is a more mature adult :wink:
Boss, Sheepy is far froma puppy lol..hes 13..he just thinks hes a baby and well to be honest he gets treated like one here lol...He leaves it alone now infact I dont think hes touched it since that day and again that was a couple weeks ago..but knowing him he would like the vicks vapor rub and would eat it lol...hes a beast

I am glad Sheepy is doing better. I love hearing stories about your Sheepie, Sheepy. LOL :wink:
Have you had him since he was a puppy? I bet it was fun growing up with him. My kids also call Jack and Annabelle their brother and sister. My parents call them the grandpuppies.
Sheepy sounds like a wonderful 13 year old baby. I would love to see pictures.
Stormi and co.
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