Catching up


Work has finally settled down a bit and Boo & I are in between classes and I have time to stop in now.

Aside from the above mentioned and the usual ups & downs of life, not much is happening here. I've spent the last 3 weekends putting out mulch, and no, I did not have too much delivered this year! I took a page from Chris' book and made many trips to HD and just worked with the bags.

Bentley & I went to an obedience class taught by his behaviorist and let me tell you, the difference a good instructor makes is phenomonal. He was a bit antagonistic the first class, but after that, not so much. By the 7th week, he was in a straddle stay while the other dogs walked around him and he couldn't have cared less. LOL, he still wanted to be first during the exercises - showoff - but that was no big deal. He can now do a downstay for 21 minutes and -wait, you'd better sit down - he's walking without pulling on a regular collar! Yes, that's right, a regular collar! He's even improved as far as patience while grooming is concerned. Well, he still thinks even the tiniest knot is akin to some form of medieval torture, but he calms down quickly. He and Kayli are even getting along better these days!

Speaking of Kayli, she's doing great at age 13, aside from peeing in the kitchen every morning unless I let her out at 3am. :roll: I'm sure she's doing it to torture me, since she gets through an 11 hour work day just fine.

Otis is doing great since his radioactive iodine treatment in September and rather enjoys messing with Bentley's head.

Enough with the rambling . . . on with the show!

Oh - there are so many new faces out there, I don't recognize most of the usernames now. Wow! Welcome everyone and I hope you're not too addicted yet. I had to go cold turkey just to get the house cleaned, ha ha ha!

Enough with the rambling . . . on with the show!

Okay, first up, remember back in September Val & Tammy & I went camping in North Carolina? On the way down, Bentley & I met up with his original owner Deb. I was afraid he'd want to go home with her, but no such luck (ha ha ha!) When I went to the car to call the vet about Otis, he didn't let his eyes off of me. Whew!

Bentley & Deb

The week after the camping trip, Stacy & I facilitiated the rescue of Chloe from a shelter in Michigan? I sprung her and then drove her to Chicago, where Stacy & I met up.

Stacy, Jil & Chloe

and this is Stacy, Steve, Annie & Fozzie

Sometime after that, Bentley & Kayli & I went somewhere and I tried out a new divider in the car. Let's just say that it didn't work quite as well as the metal one did:

Look at his tongue! :roll:

In November, I found this gem at the Ann Arbor Antiques Market and I thought it fit this household perfectly. I just hung it after I painted the dining alcove a lovely Weathered Glass color. I love the color, but not for that room, it's too bright and happy, LOL. And it makes me want Daquiri Ice ice cream from Baskin Robbins.


For New Year's Eve, Bentley, Kayli & I went down to visit Tammy! We had a great time. All of the dogs got along, which surprised me since Kayli can be a crotchety old lady. Here's a great shot that Tammy took of us. Just look at the smile on Kayli's face!!

Bentley, Jil & Kayli

I have a GREAT pic of Boo & Tammy that I forgot to upload.

Shoot, Mom's here. We're going to Ann Arbor again. Darcy, don't kill me, I'll have to finish when we get back.
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floofdog wrote:
wait, you'd better sit down - he's walking without pulling on a regular collar! Yes, that's right, a regular collar!

YAY BOO!!!!!!! I knew you had it in you :)

floofdog wrote:
Look at his tongue! :roll: 8O

Welcome back Jil, we missed you :)
It's good to see you Jil! Love the photo of Bently in the car, very funny.
Great pictures!

Congrats on all of your accomplishments - especially the 21 minute down-stay!!!! :D
Hey, pal - welcome back!! Missed you, even on the personal PM and email side.

What great news about Boo's new behavior!! :cheer: I knew if anyone could make a difference in his life, it would be you!!

Kayli is such an inspiration, too! That happy, smiling face just says it all - you're the best Mommy! :ghug:

So glad to hear Otis's treatment worked!! :excited:

We're filling in with bagged mulch AGAIN this year, too. Not quite as many bags as we used last year, but still a bunch. I still swear by the bags instead of the bulk. These old bones can't bend and twist like they used to. :roll:
Okay, I'm back. Neither of us found anything we wanted to buy. Well, I saw a couple of outdoor glider chairs that were cool, but I always seem to find outdoor furniture. :roll:

Holly, once I started using the "easy" technique on Boo, it was like night and day with the not pulling. It's two-part, first, warn him he's getting to the end of the leash by saying "easy" and then when he's pulling, give hiim a tug FROM BELOW SHOULDER LEVEL. The theory is that he's expecting ME to pull from above, but not from below. Holy cow, it worked in two tugs. :!: Now I just tell him "easy" and he actually slows down!! Apparently he has a very short attention span, 'cause I'm always saying "easy", but it's much better than the alternative.

Deb - he's something else, isn't he. He HAS to be involved with everything, don't you know!

Emily - he's actually pretty darned good at the downstay, even with Kayli and Otis wandering by all the time. I was surprised, but he takes it all with a grain of salt. I think that this guy's way of teaching really did the trick.

Chris, I'm on the 4th load of mulch bags and I hope this is it. You're right, it's much easier to work with the bags than to have to shovel it from a pile into the wheelbarrow. Sadly, I didn't pay any attention to the back last year and the grass has taken over in too many spots, so I'm spending a lot of time digging that up. :roll: I just keep telling myself how great it looks now, LOL.

Back to the pictorial. :wink: In March, Tammy came up for a trade show and stayed with me. Here she is with Mr. Bentley:

Tammy & Bentley

Now, on to Las Vegas! I'm going to try to post these in order . . . I'll need help filling in the details, since it was so long ago and I was just a tad bit intoxicated. :roll:

Darcy - for the life of me I can't remember why she had two drinks, but I remember it was very funny at the time!

Sue taking a picture of Darcy's decollatage. Again, I can't remember exactly why, but it was hilarious! Even the waiter got involved!

This was just after we got to Polly Esther's. Darcy wanted her picture taken with James.

Darcy & James getting their picture taken by Jill

Here's a couple from just before the nose breaking

Darcy & Chelsea

Darcy & Chelsea moments before The Incident

And Darcy afterwards

All is well - Darcy & Chelsea

Then the dancing really began . . .


Darcy & Sue

Chelsea & Darcy

and finally, at the very end of the night we have Chelsea & Darcy, surrounded by men. :roll:

I had several pictures of me & Sue - apparently we were very photogenic that night. Since they look the same as something that was already posted, I've spared you all. :twisted:

Okay, you're probably sick of me now, so I'm going out to finish up the mulching so I can go to Sheepiepalooza and not feel guilty!

Oh one last thing - Chris, you are NOT old!!!! :sidestep:
Thanks for talking about all of that mulch - it just reminded me that I didn't plant those damn Philly Flower Show Bulbs AGAIN. :evil:
Hey, Jil! It's so good to hear from you! Your pics are great! It's about time you posted Chloe :D

It's great to hear how well Bentley is doing. I can now be a more positive that here's hope for Fozzie. We are starting with a new trainer and class in a few weeks.

Wow Jil... awesome update! :)

Welcome back, don't stay away so long this time! :)

The pics are great, looks like you've found some time for fun through all the hectic day to day life stuff which is great.

Re: being addicted to the forum and having to go cold turkey to get the house clean, I definitely empathize with you there. :roll: (as I look around at my own house and all the stuff that needs to be done)

Not being a gardener type person I don't understand all the mulch referals, or maybe that's a geographical thing? I have about 50 bubls that I've had for 2 years in my basement that I keep forgetting to plant. We have so many stupid squirrels I think they'd all get dug up anyway and after so long I'm not even sure if they're any good now.
I hope we get lots of garden pics this year! :)
After two years the bulbs are probably gonners. Since they are just sleeping, they are respiring all the time, so have probably used up all their reserved food energy and dead.

Mulch is a term for material applied over the soil to suppress weeds, cover the mud , retain soil moisture and give the pups something to dig in and throw around the yard.
Um, Deb? I still haven't planted mine either!! I think I'll go do that after I have lunch!!! LOL, I don't even remember what the heck I bought? Do you? I think we bought the same thing.

Stacy, try that technique with Fozzie. Make sure Steve tugs from BELOW Fozzie's shoulder height and then when Foz turns around to say "Hey, what just happened" call him back to your side and love him up. It really worked with Bentley. Frankly, I was shocked. 8O I can't believe what a difference the new trainer made. It also helped that he knew Bentley, and everything we've gone through. He would make a point to tell me not to use some techniques based on things we were doing before.

Stacey, mulch is shredded bark that you put down to retain moisture in the soil and to stave off weeds. Plus it makes the garden look cleaner. It's a great thing unless you have too much garden to cover, LOL.

Most of the roses died back to a few inches above the ground this past winter, so they're all starting over. :( Still, most did survive and buds are starting to set, so I'll take pics when they're in bloom. I'm actually rather pleased with how things are looking at this point.

Here's the cutest picture of Boo ever. Tammy took us on a little tour of the area and since I was sick of driving, she drove my Caravan - we could fit all four dogs in the back. Well, I was in the passenger seat so there was nowhere for Boo to be up front and it was driving him crazy. He tried to climb up on her left side . . . . I was laughing so hard, I'm surprised the picture is in focus.

Boo wants to drive

Welcome back. Your posts had me laughing. Can't wait to meet you and Bentley at Sheepiepalooza.
Oh those party can just see the head butt about to happen.....OUCH!
everytime i see a picture of bentley all i can think of is HOW HUGE HE IS!!
I also love the pic of Bentley. The pic in the car where he's trying to get to the front seat or just get as close as possible to mommy is AWESOME!!!

..but really, all your pics are fabulous. How can you not crack up looking at the dance pics. Frozen dance moves looks hilarious. :lol:

Everyone looked great!

It didn't surprise me to see Darcy sitting at a table full of purses. Must have made for great conversation before "the incident" :lol: :oops:
Great pictures!
Welcome back.
I can't believe how long Bentley's tongue is! He's just too cute.
But I do think my fav pic is the one before the Incident. It explains a lot!
lol...those are hilarious!!! I love the one of bentley trying to drive...what a character!!

that one photo makes my nose hurt all over again....someone should have taken that second glass of wine away from me :?

What a HOOT your entire post is!!!!! LOVE the pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome Back! :D
Great Pics!
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