I wish dogs weren't so difficult to diagnose

Dropped Yuki off at the vet today.

She had a urinary tract infection a few days after daddy came home. Was put on antibiotics for 10 days, seemed to go away for the most part, but we decided to do a recheck since her urine was still dark orange-ish. Still had a large amount of crystals in urine and heavily concentrated, but the vet felt it had improved so much that unless she had a re-occurrence, she should be fine.

It came back a few days later, but since the vet was closed... I continued to drown her with water in hopes to hold the infection back enough to make it the vet monday morning (today). That's at least what I do when I have UTI's (which I have many due to kidney problems).

They're going to run several tests on her today, take a urine sample using a needle (forgot what this is called, but it's more accurate than catching urine in a bowl), and hopefully get an answer in a week or so. ...whenever the tests come back.

Poor girl. She's been whimpering in pain. I HATE not knowing what the deal is. Ever since the UTI came, she's been eating at her butt. I say eating and not chewing... because she really is going at it like it's a scrumptious steak or something. I tell her to quit and she's always panting heavily from it. No hot spots though. Vets seems to always ignore me when I try to ask them if they have any suggestions or solutions to what it is... :roll:

In an effort to get a better answer, I went to a new vet that is hopefully more reputable. ...or maybe I'm giving her too much credit since she went to my school. ;) This is the last clinic in my town, so hopefully I saved the best for last (code for most expensive :( )

I just hate putting in so much money to never get an answer. Wish they weren't so hard to diagnose!!!
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Oh, poor Yuki!!! :cry: :cry:

Big hugs from Drez and me, hoping she feels better real soon, and that you get some well-deserved ANSWERS!! :ghug:
Poor Yuki :( :( :(
poor yuki. I hope they find out something to fix her... :cry:
Yikes! Sounds frustrating.
Poor Yuki.....poor you....you've had your share of illness in the last month haven't you? I hope they find some answers for you, and relief for Yuki soon.
Poor Yuki, get well girl. :ghug: :hearts:
Poor Yuki... I hope this vet is able to give you some answers, and a treatment that works.
I'm sure you probably have already, but have you talked to your breeder about the irritations that are causing her to chew herself up? I wonder if she had any other dogs with similar problems that may have already found a solution that worked for them. It sucks to watch them go nuts when they're itchy and uncomfortable like that. I'm sorry she's going through it.
Poor Yuki! I hope the new vet can figure out what is causing her discomfort. Jill's idea to contact the breeder is a good one too.
Cranberry is very good for controlling UTI's and keeping the urinary tract healthy. Is cranberry detrimental to dogs? If not, maybe a daily dose of a couple cranberry caplets once the infection is clear. Lot less investment.
No cranberry is great for dogs, the dry I use has it in it. :D

L hope you can find out what is causing it, you must be so frustrated at the moment and give Yuki a huge cuddle from us and sending well wishes for her.

I hope this new vet can help solve the problem.
Poor Yuki :( , hope theu find a solution so you feel better fast.
I wish they were easier to diagnose, too. Especially when it becomes an on-going thing . . .

Here's to Yuki getting better fast!!!
I hope so too. I think the results come back in 4-5 days. Hope that is where the problem is instead of "nothing" coming back. Didn't sound like they knew where else to look or what else it could be. She's still breathing hard (chest keeps moving fast), but the vet didn't say anything when she looked at her heart.

I've told the breeder in the past about Yuki having so many food allergies (w/o posing an actual question but insinuating), but there was no mention of her dogs having anything. I'll ask her about UTI's if the vet doesn't come back with something. She came to me with a mild UTI and has always had a tiny bladder (even described by the vet).
How's she doing?
She's definitely not herself. I'll get a full blood panel next week. Lucky her, she'll be getting an appt for a teeth cleaning too. She'll think I'm punishing her for being sick. :pupeyes:

Anyway, the urine tests have not come back yet. They gave me medicine to last until Sat, so I assume I won't find out until Monday :?
Big hugs to Yuki, we hope she feels better soon.
:ghug: :ghug:
kisses to yuki from panda.....she knows how it feels to be under the weather!!
Well, her tests came back and everything in her urine is clear...

So that means something else has to be wrong.

The vet suggested we first test for stones...
and if there's nothing there, possible some sort of surgery (name???) where she sticks something up her hoo-hoo and see if it's red and maybe fix it so it doesn't stick out so much. I don't know... some medical jargon. She has a big vulva (hoo-hoo) is all I know... I tried hard to get it all, but there were too many big words for this chica.

I hope she's okay. She still freaks when I touch her belly area, so I think she's sore for some reason.

I'm not ever having another upright or furkid until this one gets her own job and can pay her own bills. 8)
Kidney stones? They are usually rated as one of the most painful things you can ever experience. Is she on any pain meds?
My daughter's roommate missed the week of finals with kidney stones - just last week. She was on a pain patch, with oral pain meds to try to control the pain. Once they passed, she was like a new person.

Poor Yuki. Feel better soon.
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