Question about bird feeders

I hope we have some bird lovers in the group. I have a quandry with my bird feeder. Last year I bought a tube feeder and hung it on a sheperds crook, outside my dining room bay windows. The little birds loved it! I had all sorts of small finches and things feeding at the feeder, with cardinals morning doves and such visiting underneath to catch the scraps. When winter came, and all the little guys migrated, I put out some suet, and brought in the tube feeder.

Well the suet never got eaten, and I threw that away a while ago, and put the tube feeder back out. I spread some seed on the ground, and waited for my feathered friends to come back. I've got BUPKIS!

I have, however, had really good luck with no squirrels bugging the feeder :clappurple:

I do have the ground feeders back, cleaning up the seed on the ground, but no action whatsoever on the tube feeder! I did use a slightly different seed mix... last year I bought the "ultimate" seed mix, and this year I bought the not quite as ultimate mix. (from the same store). The ground guys seem to like it fine, but no one seems initerested in my feeder! :cry: What am I doing wrong? Is it just the seed mix???

Also I wanted to buy another feeder for the other side of the sheperds hook. I wanted to attract some different types of birds. Could someone recommend a good feeder type? I was thinking maybe some sort of platform feeder, since I have good luck with the cardinals and mourning doves.

what do you guys think?
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I think it is funny the birds have blacklisted you :D ...sorry :twisted:

I don't have much experience with bird feeders, but it does make sense that different food would attract different birds. When did you put it out last year in relation to this year? Does it say on the package what kind of birds would like it?

It is a small, local pet and garden shop, all the seed is just put into clear bags. There was only a few seeds difference between mixes, one I can remember for sure is that this new one doesn't have peanut hearts in it. but it has all the "normal" stuff: thistle, sunflowers, millet, etc. I bought the feeder new last year in late summer.
Maybe it is just too early in the season for them to come to your feeder? Could there be a new "predator" to the area that would scare them away?
Hmm. I live in a very old, established neighborhood, about a mile from the Mississippi river. There are all sorts of predators, hawks, eagles, neighborhood cats etc. But nothing that would be new from one year to another. It could be early for them, or it could be the feed. I may buy some of the old type of feed, and just use this stuff for the ground feeders, since I know they like it! SIGH!!!
Our bird feeders are going strong - and I'm not that much south of you!
The only ones not hitting the feeders are the gold finches. Otherwise, the morning doves, cardinals, little sparrows and wrens are all here.

Our suet feeders mainly attract nuthatches, downy and hairy woodpeckers and the occasional grackle.

We did have a hawk swooping through the yard last year, but haven't seen it yet. It would get totally silent in the front yard - kind of interesting. Our cat Tipup would love to try and catch it!

I have a medium expensive mix in 2 tube feeders and a triple cylindrical feeder mounted on a tree. The 2 tube feeders hang from trees with hooks. We have a suet feeder LeAnne made yrs ago for a science project, and it has been popular. We have tons of woodpeckers. I have a mesh sunflower seed feeder and also a tube peanut feeder. In the other yard I have my thistle feeder and another tube feeder - both hang from the clothesline pole.

Good luck - they should be back soon!
How lucky that you don't have squirals getting to your food. They ate my Dad out of house and home!! They bought a "squiral proof" feeder. The kind that closes if there is too much weight on it. Well the squirals didn't get the food but the birds didn't like the feeder. My sister moved it to her house and her birds didn't come to it either.

The kind of feeder and the type of seed will make a difference.
Goldfinch love the thistle seed. It is best to put in the tube feeders and "sock" type feeders.
For cardinals and such use a sunflower mix. I use the feeders that look kind of like bird houses.
This cold snap that we have had may have delayed some birds from continuing north for a while. Hopefully they will be showing up soon.
Can the seed come easily out of the tube? So obviously no giant sunflowers in there........ :wink:

I agree with some above, tubes or bags for thistle

I also use either a tray or a bird house for most birds. Problem with the ground tray is the squirrels or least you learn who your seed thief is when you pick up dog poop. So I went with a taller tray and let the ground birds get the cast off.

Could be you have a predator in your neighborhood and the birds are keeping low. When the hawk or whatever moves on the birds will be back.
I have a birdfeeding related question too....

We only fill our feeders in the winter (bird feeders attract bears, unfortunately) and now that its spring, the slurry of spilled seed, and bird droppings from the whole winter is exposed under the feeders. My dogs love to eat it 8O Does anyone know if this is hazardous? I know rodent droppings are bad...but what about birds? :?
Sheepieboss here:

YUCK! Since there are bird droppings in there and increasing bird related diseases, I'd go out and turn the soil (assuming you have a little) to discourage the 4-legged foragers.

Fresh seed is not so much a problem, but moldy seed, yes. Some serious toxins come from moldy seed.

Time to bring out the shovel.....or shovel some dirt over the top. The bird seed germinates into interesting plants......well not that interesting, so any soil disturbance should reduce the sprouts. BTW, the sprouts are probably pretty MO would be there in a second!
Karen - I'm not sure, but it may just be too early for finches in your area. I know I still have LOTS of both yellow and red finches feeding outside my office window and on the feeders at home. So, they just haven't migrated north to you yet. :D

As for the food, the finch feeders have nyjer seed and tiny sunflower seeds in them.

I also have platform feeders for the cardinals, bluejays and doves (mostly), others feed there too. The food in those feeders is a mix particular to this region. It's got sunflower seeds (the blackones) and good mix of small seeds & nuts & berries. They love it. I've got birds here all the time. :D
Sometimes it just takes a little time for them to find it.
Another thought on the mess under the bird feeder, you can use "No Mess" or hulless feed. The outer layer has been removed so it dries quickly and will not germinate. Of course you shouldn't keep a lot on had thru the winter either...........and yes, it costs more.
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